Saturday, January 31, 2009

TC stands for Tiqah's Cullen ;)


Thank you billah for this honour of giving the nick. TC.

Its 31st and its mum's birthday. mui foon's too.

We had another practical again this morning on decomposition and its only part one of the practical. We had to weigh some leaves and leave it in the forest for like 10 weeks (and by then i might have had my mib presentation, english presentation, geo presentation, math written test and so on.

It was okay though.

And i am loving someone's new layout but i'll stay with this i think since its white and pure just like me =p suci-er than birah. That reminds me i need to debut my new blog right? but heh its not that maju yet. soo. and my life is not that maju too. There is a lot of things i have not done. And integration sucks. And i just knew that for our field ecology we'll be going to temburong's bukit patoi not ulu ulu. (dr marshall thinks this is too much for firstyears but we shall see). furthermore, we might be staying at THAT place. Sighs.

I didn't expect to be back there after a year (it is a year already) after that spooky incidents. But i shall keep quiet about it.

Bah. muffins and cupcakes and delish!

Friday, January 30, 2009

it has been raining heavily and non stop since just now.

and i dare not look outside the window. its like endless shower. and thunderstorms.

i heard some parts of brunei were flooded again yesterday. hope it'd be okay. lets just hope no power station gets flooded again this time.

salam malam

Thursday, January 29, 2009

TC is not a pure abjad. Its a complex abjad.


Hmm. First of all, the ubd staff had meetings and decided to cancel the decision of taking out 700+ of the first years for national day. That a yay because we won't miss out on studies (wow i said that like a nerd. But yeah if you're in university, you'll know why every hour of a course counts.

My mood is still not well. I had my first slap of dissapointment today despite telling my self over and over again that it's fine. The maths test result were out and i'd hoped for a miracle so i would do really well but i didn't. And i am traumatic of my maths coursework result last semester (i did mention that i failed my maths coursework last semester though the final results turn out okay) and i intend to try so hard and atleast get pass my coursework this time. That'll ease the pressure of passing maths in the exam if i get higher for my course work.

I guess i'll have to try again.

And this is the third time we have no human geography class at all! so that makes this week geography-less. I am missing those human-environment interactions. I mean.. if i took french i'd have 4 classes per week already! Sorry but it upsets me. I mean, i think we're falling behind schedule here. I want our classes. Gila i do sound like a nerd but lectures are fun. LC is not.

Until then. I have to do what i am supposed to do. Do all those work i procrastinate. (like reading twilight yang balum maju. i know~ balum begarak the page. and its not even 1/3 of the book and learning LOGO)

UBD Korean culture club first activity


We had our first activity of KCC (korean culture club) yesterday and we celebrated the lunar new year. We learnt how to bow and the yut nori game (a korean traditional game. somewhat like a strategy game using 4 sticks as replacementsto dices)


And we stayed for the competition and Norah, Birah, sahlan and i were in a team and we won the first yut nori game and then had a final match against ...guess who.. fadzil, husrin, hadri and azim! Mua abis durang jua and of course meriah kalau kami against each other kan. Meriah berabis. mana inda ada si gigolo. Si bejabir. si birah. si the-H hahah. The other team won in the end but its okay, we got prizes too and pictures =p And the prizes were 2 huge packets of ra myun. Jadi tah. di restaurant koryo prasan ku mahal =p

Did i mention that since its lunar new year celebration we had korean food- jabchae, MY FAVOURITE SIK HAE! and apa tu lupa i namanya. Rice balls lah pokok nya. ofcourse jabchae nya so nyaman too (everything taste nice when you don't have to pay for it =p but seriously SIKHAE NYA NYAMAN)

OVERALL we reallly had so much fun! Haha i wanted to join something which is not that tiring and yeah who knows it turns out so siuk.

kami inda jadi hari kebangsaan weeeee~

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mind your language.


In minutes everything i expected to happen today and every other day after today took turns. Its like secondary years all over again. Struggling over one subject. Not struggling in the other. Human geography and Math. And whatsmore national day (which is soon to be confirmed).

Hmm. My mood isn't well. I know why. I am just human after all. I guess i have to shut up for a while just as i used to.I know me well. And i am lost in something.

I need to find my magic back.

i'm watching youtube. Guess what i am watching. and to those who are trying to match make me with basically almost everyone you call "calon" just stop lah. I am not in the mood to look for dates or what ever similar. I don't see where love brings. Its always either hurting one person or another no. you know better dudes. I don't see the point of grooming up and flirt at this point. I need someone to see in me what many people can't see because like i said, while they clain they can see, they don't see. matchmaking me or telling everybodeh the person you want to matchmake me with is not helping. Jangan you yg terpikat sudah lah. Hati i karas batu plang ne =p ur hati yg macam spongecake. Stay straight babeh. =p

And i need a new abjads. shat. That particular abjad is bringing me in circles. =p pening rangit i.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

To my dear dibah and billah on mangas.


to Dibah.

Awu i read vampire knight. Its by far more interesting than reading twilight to me =p Baca online dang. SEDIHHHHHH!!!! I like sudah the Yuki-Zero pairing ah ani mikin tragic aah!!

To both dibah and billah. Aku baca arah

to byl, just click on shoujo (i know you want romantic stuff kan) and i recommend you to read parfait tic, VK, ouran high school, my fair lady, SPY, kaichou wa maid sama, errr ada lagi lah. And ofcourse at times ya slow.. but kesabaran dang mun kan baca free =p

DIBAH. this year ada g kah ah the kongress belia =p hahaha just wondering.

Bukit Batu Bujang Pahang.


I am now watching Yi san (baru pinjam). I know i shouldn't since i have a morning class esok. But hmmm i really want to watch bah ever since a few weeks ago but its already in its fourth volume and one volume set cost so much.

Just a short one. There's a lot to talk about but i'm really exhausted. After a day of our BI1115 class's fieldtrip to Batu marang mangroves, i went to another jungle trekking trip organised by PITA (my village's persatuan) with the family. Its been a while since such trip, and i have not been joining them in recent times even if there were any. In short, we gathered at the gerai near my house at 7+ am, went to Pintu Malim tambing and got on a boat which took us to Kg Menunggol on the other side. The tide was low so we could see all the a lot of little crustaceans. At kg menunggol, two very old bus were waiting for us (yes there's a lot of us. i mean the usual people who always follow trip)

So we hiked the bukit bujang pahang and it was quite high and tiring. There were alot of things to see like the batu bujang pahang and the lubang arang (a tunnel dugged by rebels during the rebellion times), a cave and batu betingkat. I only saw the batu bujang pahang because it was slippery so i didn't dare to go and see the cave. And the rest (batu betingkat and lubang arang), only a few went because the guide said its too dangerous.

And the people in my village are originally kedayan and for them being kedayan means the forest is close to their hearts. Its like a home so for those who couldn't hike as fast (like me) they'd joked "inda pure kedayan ne" or "anak kedayan apa ne" haha. But yeah i almost slip a lot of times as usual. I know my size 6 feet cannot support my huge thighs and heavy upper body so i think i really need to lose weight. Maybe not so much just as long as my small feet can support my heavy body. =/

It was fun joining them because most people who joined were the veterans so they kind of walked into the forest and watch the trees and blurt out the names of the trees around (and i am still trying to figure out HOW to identify things like how they and the bio lecturers identify species). They were noisy so that makes it even more fun. After that we did a little tour around the place and headed home. It only rained when we reached the parking lot at pintu malim.

I heard the persatuan's next trip would be to Gua Niah ( i think). I want to join, i've never been to niah. but hmmm its during the holidays though in may. But i have no idea when the Field ecology is. If its during the field ecology trip than i can't join tu =(

bah malam. Salam. ITS TUESDAY! and my day is full. to someone, ask buzz about it. I didn't talk much i only listened msa 'date' kami ah =p.

Saturday, January 24, 2009



Tragic. But we all do love tragic don't we? And Zero. And yuki.

The lastest chapter if Vampire Knights is out. (its a comic) I love reading something with visual aid. And no my twilight is still not moving =p balum maju yaw.

i will cover. the part of my heart that wants to cry and screams. - VK



To be honest, if there is no aim, there is no fun in life right? Last semester my aim was i wanted to enjoy holidays so i study a bit just for the holidays. Ofcourse this time its the same. I wanted to make full use of my long holidays. SO now no hypocrisy there ei. I have mentioned that i will try to plan some activity for my long holidays.

Last time i dreamt of someone. I texted that person but the she didn't recieve it. And i recieved a text minutes after saying she missed me and asking to go online.

now i dreamt of you. i hope everything's fine.

and who is you? its up for you yourself to find out.

it rains. and it rains and rains and it still rains.

to mr in Beijing. I sell pantun... buy one free one. 20 yuan.=p


Hmm i always get cuts and bruises over the funniest thing. And mum called it 'ya jua ganya' effect meaning...i am the only one who got all those. Its actually another term for 'clumsy'. But i am still not convinced i am clumsy. Haha in tv, they always show all the clumsy people fell down for funny reasons even when in stable grounds. So yeah i am still not convinced i am clumsy. (i scraped my skins again and that made me think,... sasak ku wah. i have a lot of scars already on my body just because of this)

Anyways i slept late yesterday and had to wake up early for our field trip. And as usual i almost fell. (ya jua ganya) We went to batu marang at 8+. We saw a lot of things in the mangrove grounds. I got into Dr C's group and i got distracted a lot of times by Dr DJM's voice and yeah i do find his voice sexy bah. that's why i only studied his lecture notes banar2. Haha i guess i should stop it. =p its very unprofessional kan hahaha. and we went back ubd at around 12. Changed clothes and ate in a rush and had math tutorial. Ngaleh ku banar time tutorial ah thank god sahlan regained a little energy and answered the questions. Before going home, I went to hokko to buy DMC threads for crossstitching. I have a new project. I'll upload it all when i am not busy okay. =) Went home... BALUM sempat mandi, aku TERTIDUR sampai 9 pm. I am so not fit. =( I hope i regained a little energy before our next trekking. Apparently, the almost the whole family signed up for trekking at Bujang Pahang, Kg Menunggol organised by my village association.

I was stunned by Mr from beijing's pantun. It was damn funny but you can't read it right? he's privatised his blog so here it is.

amazing banar kah urg beijing?
trima kasih ku dang memuji hamba,
knpa babi and nda anjing?
akan ku tunggu jwpn anda.

virus gigiran masih merebak,
Dr.A ada knpa nda kraja?
u know ati ani udah kabak2,
bukan apa..u all miss me ba, iaja?

cbuzz dtg di bulan satu,
mbuat surprise sampai tercry2,
ajar ku deh creativity kamu atu,
mna tau mnjd yatah kn ku try.

itu cantik ini cantik,
knpa gmbr mu plg jd penawar,
renung leehyori lg romantik,
dui ma mun kau gula pun jd tawar...

snap snap wake up call,
i prasan u lanji,
ada ku tbca urg main "ball",
is it clanji or ckinky?

This is his pantun from that side of the world. The colder part. =p

Now here's the side from the rainy part of this world. The region with no season.=p Sikit ja pantun ku kali ini.

bangun pagi ke batu marang,
bas bejalan melintas umah ku,
otw atu meliat kuyuk so sanang,
kalau kaki pendek payah jua meliat tu.

kreativiti kami semula jadi,
kan di imitate oso inda mengasi,
jangan tah kan besastera lagi,
you rindu we more..we mengerti.

Wow i am amazed lagi sekali,
tuala wanita you tau cana memakai?
sapa yang maju ne kau ka kami?
malas ku beskype eh lain kejadian krg eee.

Naah. ko renung ko rebus inda jua sihat,
lee hyo ri ka boa ka indatah mengasi tu,
nya ngangah ku kalau manis itu bukan ubat,
yang pahit atu tah menawar tu.

Bah malam. We ada date esok with your mum. ( gila rhyming wa=p)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I miss.


Eventhough the talk was just for a while..

It was enough for me.

I misses you you seriously.

i don't care if i makin lawa di mata mu. Pasal lawa lawa pun alum ada orang beguna kan aku...kamu ja tergoda selalu =p

And i realised now, that only within a month, i've listened to all the voices and the smiles i miss. All.

and that is all it takes. i miss.

From one side to another.


very amazing org beijing,
kesucian mu mengagumkan ku,
tapi bukan semua we menguning,
ada orang diam2 belajar seperti aku.

gigiran si bichi ada ______ babi a,
setiap kali gigiran ada yg menyahut,
"dimana?! berapa panjangnya?
"beleher pun inda apa tah lagi be____" kena sabut.

bulan nya datang inda menentu,
sekajap ada sekajap nada,
cari pasangan naik saham nyamu,
astee now now who is kinky haaa?


aku ada ubat terbaik untuk mu,
kalah herba atau urutan cina ni.
ko renung ko tenung gambarku selalu,
dude baik terus kau i gerenti. =Italicp

on another note, sebenarnya aku recieve message yang suruh aku vid call if aku online. Kelurusan aku barusan saja msg ya walaupun msg atu inda smpai. So i terharu and gembira selajur mengetahui yg kami ani connected berabis. walaupun msg ku inda smpai, ya msg brapa minit lapas atu. sekali online tia ku (and aku kejarangan online now because i need to learn how to concentrate and not carried away by the internet). Sekali orang yang ku tunggu nada kena tagur tia ku oleh orang yang appear offline. Yatah sambil2 ku menunggu orang yang ku tunggu, TER blurt tia ku pasal cerita kawan kami seorang ani yang semakin OPEN inda betapis g mulut nya. Awuuu wa i mengumpatin u bichi. But yeah gembira saya bah that you atleast are rebounding back from last sem fall. and you've learnt how to deal with your self better now. yatah terblurt tia ku macam2. hence the pantun =pp

I am still loving the rain.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A message from SAHLAN who is also in the dark.


"Sometimes i think its a good thing blackout ani pasal i can stare at the stars.on the other hand report CO i alum bbuat, belipatt. n i kepanasandalam kegelapan memikirkan report i yg alum g bebuat aa..haha..n 4 da tyme beinginda dapat update blog sal telefon i struck by lighting."

See the pattern? Their language are evolving into something more bichi. The black out has made everyone bichi.

but not me. =p


A meessage from BILLAH (whose house is still having a blackout)


Its a bit quite tonight, no rain droplets falling on the roof. i saw many parts are still in blackout. And i asked someone if he still is in blackout.

Guess what his answer is "yesssssss! fak belipat tahap babi babian yang kena sembalih...!!!!"

Peeps. BILLAH has a message for you:

While bini bini nya datang bulan,
i datang lanji,
tecari udah i boots and baju hujan,
tinggal kamu yang lain lagi;

weh, no karan wah so no bloggingat the moment, oh! baidaway hotness wa kcc atu sampai i do the S motion. belipatt! rhyming i a! bah post kan on behalf of i. lapps.

As you can see billah naik lanji dari tadi mengapakah ya =p hahaha i feel so sorry for those yang belum ada karan. It must be hard. I know its hard. And many traffic lights are still down that there were a lot of traffic police working. And the most funny sight was.... i saw two kereta bomba at the gas station queing. Haha.

Storm blackouts the district.


Apparently, while i was in my room doing something for my blog, i didn't expect a huge part of brunei are in havoc due to the rain. First of all, a huge part of the district is in blackout so even the residence of byl, sahlan and i guess dibah too is in black out (hence no updates. padantah batah ku nuggu update drg) My brother went back home today early because there is no electricity at all at pggmb sungai akar school. And according to mum, the traffic lights too did not work. i have no idea if there is electricity now in their residence however just an hour ago we went to batu (something-yg aku nda pandai ingat dakat gadong atu) and every workers was sitting outside and their shops have no electricity at all.

And now i just saw the pictures in rano about the beloved tunnel (because you don't need to use the big 3 lane roundabout) flooded. And hear from the news that a 19 year old passed away of drowning last night and some one also passed away due to landslides damaging the walls of their homes. Honestly i was out yesterday with the two dudes. and yeah i went back around 10 because the rain was getting heavier.

And the sky we saw just now has a shades of purple. I hope it won't be as terrible tonight. We have to send my brother to tuition around the flood prone areas of menglait.

ps- i joined a club. i hope it'll be a more relaxing club =) and fun. I was thinking of making my own club ahaha but i don't think anyone would want to join it craftwork club anyone? =pp

my mind is thinking about.....hmm

Hmm. its 4.30 am and i was just finishing something for my blog. I'm kinda saving the kachings right now. I don't want my supposedly 3 months long hols to be spent doing nothing much. But its nice to know that i don't really have a may holiday. ( i looked at the calendar and it shows two weeks of may is exam day and us biology first year will have our first field ecology course for a week which will hopefully be in may so technically my holiday starts june until july saja (and someone is planning to volunteer during that time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Its always about birds. Now. Humans?


Bird flu fears mount as teenager dies (01-20 13:01)

A teenager infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus has died in central China, the country's third fatality from the disease this month. Xinhua News Agency said the student, surnamed Wu, died in Hunan. It did not give any other details.In a report on Monday, Xinhua said Wu, 16, fell ill on January 8 in his hometown in southwestern Guizhou and was transferred to a hospital in Hunan on January 16, when his condition worsened.He had had contact with poultry, the report said without giving other details.Two other people sickened with the virus have died this month. One was a 27-year-old woman in Shandong province and the other was a 19-year-old woman who died in Beijing on January 5.

article from (yeah apparently i do read online newspapers from other countries =p as my tutor once told us, media can be used for many things- one of them is propaganda. And one news agency might not show or tell the same scenario as others. so i prefer watching news from all news agency. haha. )

Monday, January 19, 2009

and And AND...


One more hour left to preparing to go to class. now watching: hana kimi special.

AND Its been a while since i watched hana kimi and i realised.... despite that squinty sexy eyes hayato has.. shun oguri is still the best =pp. and i just realised there are a lot more goodlooking guys in hana kimi than in rookies or (all three) gokusen.

AND i want to watch hana kimi again.

AND shirota yuu is funny in a idiotic way here. (compared to rookies) hahaha. and the guy who played nakatsu (i forgot his name) is really good at acting idiotic.

shun... =) ahaha.

We can't see but we don't see.


My cousin Lina posted this in her blog:

her random thought: "Why should the clothes one wears matter more than the person wearing them?"

My random answer: because while we claim can see, we don't see. Each and every one of us are blind men, blinded by faux beauty.

It has been that way long before we know it. And most people in our society are trying their best to wear the best that they forgot about trying to be a force of change in this perspective.

my answers can reach up to a thousand page (you know how i am best at talking and thinking random bullshits and unnecessary things when i am supposed to revise my math) but its early in the morning and i have Rookies special and hana kimi (i.e shun oguri) special to watch this morning before three classes straight. While doing that i am also japanese =p Its been a while since i touched it i need to brush it up before i lose all those hiragana in my mind to le francais. Noticed i used a word which has a common synonym but instead i chose that...again, i have my reasons.. and try to think about that. =)

good day.salam.

ps- YES AMAL i have rookies special. Aniya is mine =p ahhahaha

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hisashiburi desu ne.


Yesterday, in the car, i was just thinking of how i got used to sitting far away from people in some lecture classes, no one to accompany me to the ladies room, how i'd rather listen than talk and how quiet i've become. I was just thinking of how i've just gotten used to not going on msn anymore or read blogs because of some reasons. I am avoiding talking with the people i know and i intend to continue that way. For a very long time. I intend to stay quiet too because people won't know or understand what i feel anyway.

And then you came at a very unexpected time.

It was a sentimental thing for me. Some people won't understand what the tears are for.

welcome back. And sorry if some of the things and people you left...aren't here anymore. Like a little brother you used to know. And perhaps, some of the things in me you used to know too. But we still are the same. Laps.

ps- no BEN. Your actions didn't affect mine. Its just that....there are a few reasons why i should take french instead of geo. And a few reasons too why i should take geo instead of french. They balanced each other out. =/ so i am still thinking and wondering what will be the best for me.



I can't see your sadness.
And you won't understand mine.
I am selfish.
I can only see what i want to see,
So why bother.
This couch is so comfortable.
I want to stay a little bit more.

On another note, PS- thanks ridha!! haha italian? i need 'motivation' dicaprio is only half italian and doesn't speak italian at all =pp your exams coming soon kan sis? GOOD MARKS.good marks to zirah too ah. I haven't been logging in to the net much. Loves. Yeah do tell her. hehe.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Funds for gaza.


Brunei Sets Up Fund For Palestinians
By Azlan Othman

Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei Darussalam has set up a humanitarian fund for Palestine beginning yesterday (Jan 14) amid Israel's atrocities in Gaza being unleashed since Dec 27, which has claimed over 1,000 lives, mostly women and children, with over 4,500 wounded and thousands left homeless.

This was revealed yesterday at the national committee meeting of the Palestinian Humanitarian Fund.

The cash donation drive will last for three months until April 13, and the public can donate through various channels such as short message service (SMS), donation boxes at mosques and suraus, banks, shopping complexes and public buildings including government buildings throughout the country. The long duration is to enable organisers to carry out charity and welfare activities.

The public can also go directly to the secretariat of the Palestine Humanitarian Fund located on the 2nd floor, Administration and Finance, Community Service Department of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.

The donations will be handed over to international organisations. It is hoped the initiative could lessen the burden of the palestinians.

Present at the meeting yesterday were the joint advisors of the fund, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Pehin Orang Kaya Setia Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Dr Awg Hj Ahmad, and Minister of Religious Affairs, Pehin Jawatan Luar Pekerma Raja Dato Seri Utama Dr Ustaz Hj Awg Mohd Zain.

The committee for the fund was jointly chaired by Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs and comprise members from government and non-government agencies.

During the meeting, it was highlighted that as a form-of information dissemination, circulars will be distributed to various government ministries and departments through the Prime Minister's Office and through promotion in the electronic and print media. The committee will only receive cash donations, as it is easy to channel it faster to the victims.

The Israel bombardment of Gaza, which is populated by 1.5 million people, has entered the 19" day killing hundreds of innocent civilians, damaging buildings and cutting water and power supply. The Palestinians are in dire need of food, clean water, medicines and temporary shelters. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

This gives me an idea of something. Last year when i had my job it was easier to set aside a few sum for donations. Hmm its a worthwhile cause. So i guess it just may be KK or closer places for me this long break. And volunteering. But before that i need to tidy up my room (something i have been procrastinating about since last year) and THEN finish off my craftwork as a birthday gift =p HEHE. (iski sebenarnya =p) then worry less of human geography (or try not to think of it at all )

I ate some of my worries away though. Satay, bihun sup, peanut butter horlicks. i am worried if i can cope human geography or not okay.




I bumped into Gandin for a while and all that made me think of my drive to study french last semester (when i don't have an interest in it). That made me think of how clueless i was during those human geography lectures.

I might just do what hadri and ben are doing....drop human geography and concentrate on something else. Now which subject will i have a better chance to score higher this semester? Elementary french 2 (with mr gandin who likes to push us and i hate to see his face when he's stressed) or Human geography and all those economic linguistik political bla bla? (which i don't understand at all) But geography has husrin (my biological science soulmate..our classes are all the same and its fun that way) and french 2...i don't think he'll want to take it.

Remove Formatting from selection
I bingung ne.

But yeah. I'm still thinking. and going crazy while at that. And i am not kidding. I drove around UBD twice while thinking.

ps- sigh. boreng i eh ada dua org atu khianat saja wah kan jalan inda bawa orang. LIKE amazeng! nada membawa bawa. Nanti. Aku pun jalan seorang2 lah. apa jua.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I like rain. Tell me love stories too.


and i thought there is no japanese that could melt me like shun oguri. I guess i am wrong.

one word.


that eyes mann. melts me. =p jatuh cinta i. hahaha.

on another note, i've got a very interesting message today on the fuss that people is creating about my results and a certain french supplementary that says

"sapa jua inda make a fuss about it. aku yang BJ kau yang dapat A"

And BJ stands for billah's job. Hahahaha that really made me smile out of these few days you know. you know how to deal with me best dude. And peeps. Honestly, i am not really into these fuss about my results. my study habits are terrible and i am not lying and there is no special way to absorb knowledge (if boiling revision notes work, i'd be the first to do it). I know no one really expect me to get what i got I i know that from those questions you asked to other people) but i've done what i could do at that point of time and just that. Its a new semester now i am sure every one wants to do their best too.

and aku termimpi si ZIRAH last time. (anyone who reads this. Tell her.)

and I bought TWILIGHT last night because they said, reading is better than watching. So expect less updates until my book is done with (and that might take a while because i don't really read story books) I will try not to skip xp and i'm still trying to finish my artwork projects since i've been sleeping so much under this cold weather. I love the rain though. Its such a nice weather to laze myself.

I am sasak that people is telling Billah about their love stories. BILLAH SAJA!! aku mau jua dangar. I something to entertain my university life. I get the feeling i am getting dull every day.

only myself.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

i finally get the way this might work for me....

its fine this way. it really is.

and aku species pungguk baru. =p evolusi sudah. merindukkan bintang tia. Tiada bulan. titik.



Remember i woke up at 12+ am on Monday. Can't sleep after that. Watched golden globes in the morning (okay i am just looking for Leo =p). Slept for half an hour. Went to school with the same shirt at the four of them. Then went to korean restaurant after maths. Bejaur again afterwards with ma famille. Then i went home passed out (my term for TERTIDUR without brushing teeth) and woke up the next morning and its ......


Yeah. And this is my first day. Tuesday is my new monday with a stretch 5 hours lecture of human geography, MIB and ecology. Lapar ku. Seriously.

And i am actually terrified of MIB. My bahasa melayu was never excellent or very good. It was just good especially bahasa dalam. I think its good that i am not in one group with Billah though =p because i know he will ace that perbentangan with his excellent bahasa melayu. Tambahan lagi ada kakak iera dangan awang billah membuat cerpen. opcourse lah mereka bijak berbicara. AND computer. I know how hard programming is. I took the very simple once in computer lower secondary and even that, i find tedious. Not to mention that i already forgot all those. Yeah computer really terrifies me too Geography? No comment. I can't say i am terrified of it mainly because its very unfamiliar to me.wth. i can't even understand most of what they were talking about.

Something sahlan said reminds me of something spoken in a taiwanese drama (which i have not finished yet)- i have only myself to compete with. And so to achieve something with my own effort i need to compete with my self, do the things i don't like like reading books =( and do the things i always procrastinated like cleaning my room.

Bah eh. i want to rest (aka watch tv). i need to chill. The idea of going through Computer and MIB this semester (4 whole months) is killing me softly. With some books on arts an crafts and some other things i wanted to read, i think, i'll use up my money again. No saving this month i guess. Still....will it be enough for some travel fun?? hhmmm.. lalala. student life banar.

only myself.

Monday, January 12, 2009

French kiss.


warning: PG 18 post.

AND yeah amazingly (i don't know how but just let it be) i got an A for french and a lower grade for english. That makes me better in french than in english won't it =p SO now... who wants lesson on french kissing? you'll need cherries for the lessons and you're very own leonardo dicaprio/ cunxi/ dylan (don't take mine =p) orrr you can take BEN. he's available for french kissing lessons. =p and Byl can teach you the BJ (billah's job)

sorry for no updates again. i want to finish my craftwork yataaah i have not been online at all. besides we've been all around the place searching for materials for my brother's CIPTA presentation. And the car hits 10000 km mark last week and had its third servicing. Sad to see that the number will increase and its not exactly new anymore. bangas tia dah bau cina nya kerita ku a.

AND i will not be taking french anymore because i can't. My units are full. Bah. so i am upset because there is no language course. No more gandin and his gatal looks.

School starts. and i am going crazy.


First of all, i'd like to apologise neglecting the CB (i have not read my tags =p) but my resolution numero uno is to achieve something i can be proud of this year and that requires me to do the stuff i had been procrastinating like this one craft work that i have been procrastinating since middle of last year. Lets just say, i enjoy doing those things. i always have and not many people knew i had this hobby. I have finished 3 boxset of Taiwanese and Japanese Drama while doing my craftswork every night/morning and i am 3/4 done. weeee =D

I have been upset lately mostly because i have lost my motivation to study here. The results were out and i have done better than i expect. Alhamdulillah. Its always better than i expect..i guess ben was right when he said just before our exam starts last year, that i lack the confidence. and like Byl always said "ya andang selalu" i worry to much with the little details. I am a perfectionist so i will sulk and get terribly frustrated when i didn't do even the little details well. And honestly, i cramped everything to the very last minute and that is why i didn't expect it to turn out that way. i even thought of changing course if it turns out bad. (i knoww. overdose wah my worries atu) So resolution nemero dos, try to be rajin and nerdify myself and no last minute cramping. I want to achieve something with my effort not luck. NO more good luck. Its good marks okay.

Thirdly, sorrry for the late oscar-speech for sahlan. I promised a speech if i passed maths and i got a C. i know a C is still not a B or an A but when i said i am not confident with my maths i wasn't kidding. Honestly, i failed my course work. Got only 30+ % out of 100 for my maths test and from that to a C, that... i think would be my greatest achievement in ubd yet. Because i spent my one week of revision week studying maths from scratch (thanks to not listening and doodling/eating in maths lectures and never done my tutorials). And thanks to sahlan and Hanis guidance who knew how terrible i was in that one week of starting MA1101 from scratch i.e sets to vectors. i passed. BUT I WILL MAKE A PROPER SPEECH AS PROMISED TO SAHLAN later.

resolution numero tres, finish practicals! HAHA. I knowwwww. I never did finished everything since form 5. I guess its time to change that right?

and finally school starts today and tuesday is my new monday. I just looked at my timetable (see i told you i am not ready for school) I have a stretch of subjects starting with two hours human geography two hours of MIB and an hour of biology from 8 am to 1 pm. then at 2pm until 5pm there's MIB (again) and Computer programming. Shat.


ps- Laps my adik who can read me. =) i knowww. I am sooo faking emo but yeah i guess i still am. you are the greatest google dude.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wo de kuai le.


I finished watching cerita tidur seranjang tepregnant cakap hokkien atu =D
Begulek gulek i sendirian sehingga ke pagi inda betidur sambil membuat kraftangan ku yang terbaru ;) Heheh CALI berabis. Kegatalan Cun Xi ah byl. But setia. I like! I habiskan cerita atu sehingga terhafal lyric lagi cina ah. Yang kiut ah. Ending song nya ah. yang duet. Hehehehe den petang baru ku tebangun tarus mandi, makan and ke hokko membali bahan bahan untuk menyiapkan kraftangan. Its kind of messy still but kambang hidung i mendangar adik adik tersayang (udah atu) pikir aku baru bali benda atu. =p So that benda will be ready before someone leaves town. awu aku ada dah request mu. But this one is not in your colour so i might try to make a few more.
My stomach is okaaaaaaaaaay! so yeah i blog like beech now. And i am still worried looking at our timetable. Sooo worried. I am not ready for school. Reaaally not ready.
AND aku mau tulis tebalik because my mind is upside down looking at the timetables.

To a better place.


And there's chaos in the Gaza strip right now and you might wonder why haven't i update on that. Recently, an airstrike on a school by israel killed 40 people- many were kids.

To say the fight is their fight is just too selfish. So long as you still regard yourself as a muslim, the fight is ours too. This has been going on for centuries. Israel and palestin. Islam and Yahudi. Its in the Quran.

And i am not going to update you on it. Because when love is best expressed in silence. my silence is bigger than you think. My thoughts will always be to those innocent children who were killed. They are not victims. Why so? Because the Almighty has a better place for them other than the place they used to live- one that is being missiled over and over. Who is wrong and who is right? We don't have the right to decide. I hope for the palestinians, they will have the strength and patience to endure what ever it is that is happening now.


Save animals in China



Watch this. This is how they make fur. Skinned the animal alive. And you can see the animal still moving without any skin.


Save the animals. Don't buy fur. Or alligator skin. or snake skin. Leather of any animal that is eaten like sheep or cow is fine. But nevertheless, don't go nude either. =p i despise PETA's advertisements. Going nude instead of fur doesn't make a point. You can always go for nylon or cotton. stupid.

And i am still going to say this. First losing culture to skyrises. And now, civilisation too?



Wow. I am blogging a lot. But fated to love (aka go into a drunk man's room taiwan drama) is in its sad parts. I mean two hearts can't be together is such a sad thing to watch. Like emosi. I realise i have not made any resolution until just now while escapade-ing and bejaur with my friends.Hmm. I (we) want to be... Aneroxic. Save my money for useful things. Start studying for exams. Travel and adventures. More leonardo. And shun oguri. Make love. Simple but difficult =p

mr Bichi Google. Sayu hati i baca babeh your surat cinta. Thank you for being in my life too. You can take kembalilah. I'd rather get into room 1006 =p

And my Leonardo is teaming up with martin Scorcese again. (leonardo + martin = FAKING AWESOME MOVIE) "Set in 1954, Leonardo stars as U.S. Marshall Teddy Daniels who is investigating the disappearance of a murderess who has escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane and is hiding somewhere on the remote Shutter Island. The film is tentatively scheduled for release in October of 2009."

Layan saja tia post ani. I am kind of pressurized looking at my timetable =(

Like i said, i am dragging you into this hype.


Leo and Kate cover.

I just took a look at this sem timetable and i am stressed even just by looking at it, not in it. I am so not ready.

Not in screen yet but 4 golden globe nominations already.


I know he will might never know this, but far far away from his little hollywood land, in a small island of borneo, in a tiny country called brunei which even hongkong cinderella doesn't know where (there is a story behind it), there is one of his biggest fan.

And years after years after the famous "promise me that you'll never give up no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless.." quote. And romeo killed himself for Juliet. And howard hugh (or however you spell it) built the largest airplane. And Danny Archer protected a father. And roger ferris left everything he has for Aisha. I am still the little 7 year old kid that squeals when i saw him on the screen. But most of you already know that don't you?

I am really waiting for this. Sigh. Leonardo. Go get married and make lots of leonardo junior for future filming industry.

And some people might mock me for always being obsessed and enthusiastic with leonardo's movie a good reason to be so right? We haven't seen it but Revolutionary Road has got 4 nominations already including Best actor Leonardo Dicaprio. Best actress Kate winslet. And best director.

I have started my Revolutionary Road hype long time ago. Do you realise... i'm dragging you in this hype ;) Incase you are new- My name is Tiqah R btw. =p and leonardo is my childhood celebrity crush. and i seldom reads the tagboard. And i am not ready for school unfortunately.

Can two people break away from the ordinary without breaking apart?

Sebuah keluarga.


Media Permata. Isnin, 5 Januari 2009

20 dapat sijil tawan Tembok Besar China
Oleh Hasrulraizan

Rombongan keluarga yang ceria ketika lawatan di China.

"BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Ahad - Pada Disember lalu, sebuah keluarga seramai 20 orang mengikuti pakej pelancongan Darussalam Holdings Travel & Tours selama 12 hari ke Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou dan Hangzhou...... (more read here) "

Sijil? That is a bit exaggerating but we did get a card with our picture on it (that was took while at one of the stops) saying that we've reached there. And there were three who were not actually blood related to us in the trip, but still, we made family there. =) and family of 20 plus Aunty Gaek- our really great tour guide! And additional bruce lee too. So it was an amazing trip.

The picture was taken in Suzhou. Spot me if you can =p

We made family.

Monday, January 5, 2009

i get it byl!!


i am now in cd #5 o crapp. Now i get it. from post it girl she became elaine. similarities? the smile?

aduii. kasihan cerita ini eh. d shanghai lagi. tempat yang menyebabkan kami semua demam mengirup udara inda bersih. and i can see the shape of dylan's packs underneath that shirt =D buuuuut. hmm i am still touched with cun xi. (apakan becerita macam orang banar saja) god i feel so pathetic speaking about fictional characters. i should make myself a wishing box too.

I wish i would find someone who loves me and i love him back. (partial plagiarism. only translated. sue me =p)

maybe i should get myself a new name too (plagiarism overdose) bah start thinking of a new name for me.

When you're fated to love....


One of the most decent pictures of them all.

"wo you xin yi. wo bu you ji nian pin."


Going through the sad moments of fated to love marathon. Kesiaaaan. Byl. hmm similarities? i find her like si Jang nara =p kadangnya gigi nya macam stacy AF jua. and i am in love with cun xi. (and so many other fictional characters) so i cant really notice a lot of things =p you can have very segar dylan. And i am finally putting something into my nini T pod. Yeah nini pod had a name. I decided to get one. I am starting to have that balah-di-tangah again which forces me into thinking should i trim my fringe again. But this will make reading (one of those rare times when i do read). Btw, i was thinking to achieve something this year but that might mean using up my money and i might not be able to collect enough for may june july to go to my other dream countries and you know where those are. unfortunately. but. hmm. i don't know. We'll just see.

i bloghop a lot when i get online. and that might get in the way of me trying to atleast achieve something even if its just weight loss. so i will be onlining less. to avoid what i can't have. salam.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Katsuji Ryo.


My body feels very weak already. And i am hungry most of the time. But i can't take in a lot. and i don't have the appetite to do so because i had to control myself from throwing up even when its just two pieces of chicken wings. worst of all i feel thirsty most of the time and I hate drinking glucose just to regain energy. 100 plus and green tea is better which is why i finished almost 2 (big) bottles of it yesterday (without supervision =p but its good. No one stopped me =pp) In short. my stomach has become a blender but i really want to eat nan.

I have watched bedtimestories and Ip Man (really great). Awu i khianat.

Yesterday we had a really wild and sexy photoshoot with our clothes on. Hey. you don't have to bare it all to be sexy right.

And as the title says, when there is no shun oguri or leonardo to watch, Katsuji ryo is fine by me. or baron chen. or or ethan ruan.

Let me teach you a quick way to get married. Take in a medicine that makes you feel dizzy. Go in to some drunk man's room. Take it from there but please make sure that he's the only heir to some wealthy family. More info. Google you're my destiny.
