Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A meessage from BILLAH (whose house is still having a blackout)

Its a bit quite tonight, no rain droplets falling on the roof. i saw many parts are still in blackout. And i asked someone if he still is in blackout.

Guess what his answer is "yesssssss! fak belipat tahap babi babian yang kena sembalih...!!!!"

Peeps. BILLAH has a message for you:

While bini bini nya datang bulan,
i datang lanji,
tecari udah i boots and baju hujan,
tinggal kamu yang lain lagi;

weh, no karan wah so no bloggingat the moment, oh! baidaway hotness wa kcc atu sampai i do the S motion. belipatt! rhyming i a! bah post kan on behalf of i. lapps.

As you can see billah naik lanji dari tadi mengapakah ya =p hahaha i feel so sorry for those yang belum ada karan. It must be hard. I know its hard. And many traffic lights are still down that there were a lot of traffic police working. And the most funny sight was.... i saw two kereta bomba at the gas station queing. Haha.