Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Storm blackouts the district.

Apparently, while i was in my room doing something for my blog, i didn't expect a huge part of brunei are in havoc due to the rain. First of all, a huge part of the district is in blackout so even the residence of byl, sahlan and i guess dibah too is in black out (hence no updates. padantah batah ku nuggu update drg) My brother went back home today early because there is no electricity at all at pggmb sungai akar school. And according to mum, the traffic lights too did not work. i have no idea if there is electricity now in their residence however just an hour ago we went to batu (something-yg aku nda pandai ingat dakat gadong atu) and every workers was sitting outside and their shops have no electricity at all.

And now i just saw the pictures in rano about the beloved tunnel (because you don't need to use the big 3 lane roundabout) flooded. And hear from the news that a 19 year old passed away of drowning last night and some one also passed away due to landslides damaging the walls of their homes. Honestly i was out yesterday with the two dudes. and yeah i went back around 10 because the rain was getting heavier.

And the sky we saw just now has a shades of purple. I hope it won't be as terrible tonight. We have to send my brother to tuition around the flood prone areas of menglait.

ps- i joined a club. i hope it'll be a more relaxing club =) and fun. I was thinking of making my own club ahaha but i don't think anyone would want to join it craftwork club anyone? =pp

my mind is thinking about.....hmm