Saturday, May 10, 2008

Random morning.

Glad to know someone is better today.

Anyways, i actually wanted to post this yesterday but since i was so tired, i cancelled it. While talking with Mul about interviews, i remembered a friend told me that she was asked about Brunei slang. Haha and we found this last night- brunei dictionary. There are a lot of Brunei words/slang complete with meanings. I came across that particular word (i know someone would know what i mean) too but its too kuning and i am not a kuning person =p HAHAH. And this:

meaning:moaning in pain or pleasure
eg:kanyamanan tah ia tu kan kediaku mun udah arang-arang nyman nya....

Is it just me or does the example seems errr wrong.=p

owh owh and this.

meaning: calling someone or talking to someone
example: 1) yo, bhapa ko yo? 2) gila yo dimalam ah, score hattrick ku yo

Babu A!~

I hope their interview goes well. =)