Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Maybe it'll all go away tommorow.

Tell me if i should get a check up. Here goes my story:

Anyone who knows me will definitely know that i love chili. I mean red or green cili PADI. Over the years my tongue has become numb to spices that some chili sauce just taste like sour tomato sauce. Yes, i am aware that its bad for my stomach and my intestines. However, spicy foods has become my daily supplement.

Actually, i have another favourite- sour plums or sambui. I have my own supply in the fridge and i indulge into it almost everyday (almost!). You see, i can eat up to three to four times a day. When my aunt, who had to take gastric medicine due to her stomach ulcer a few years ago, told me that sour plums can damage the stomach walls, i tried to cut down my intake to one or two a day =D. Well that is also because i had diarrhoea for about 5 days after too much of chili + sour plums - the experience from which i learnt that chili + sour plums is not a good combination. Pandai jara.

Lately, my gastric attacks became frequent. My buddy, dina ask me if i get gastric easily if i left my stomach empty for just a few hours and i said yes. She said,"bwoh...mikin nipis tu parut mu ah." Maybe, she's got her point. I was thinking for a few days now that maybe i have caused my stomach to become extra sensitive. Like yesterday, i ate black peppered fried rice and i had to sleep with my body curled up into a ball. Its just black pepper!.. and yet i had a stomach ache. Or like last week when i couldn't even stand up straight for the whole day. Owh and yes, the intestine part of my abdomen.. is in pain for a few days now. At some times, i feel like its going to tear apart. Even now, there are some occasional pain (macam tajam-tajam arh my intestinal part) but the foods i ate today have never caused pain to my stomach.

Maybe i am worrying too much....