Monday, June 30, 2008

SPAIN is Uefa champions 2008.



The picture says it all. ;D


nando- the hero.

Apparently, bnyk jua org suka ya ne eh (got this picture off an iker fan)

ALL HAIL (datuk) ARAGONES.hahaha

EH EH kamu. Wanna see the Spain players celebrate in locker? Hahahaha wanna see them in their spendets? I spot...iker with spendet. Ramos topless. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA.

Vid of Spain celebrating in locker. Gila inside the locker must be crazy. Larak kali dh. HEHEHEHE suka saya ehhhhhh!
viva la espana!~

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Born 4 years too early.


Since i finished and replayed all my SHUN OGURI *sigh* drama and movies i decide to turn to the jap dorama i have not seen. Thank you daleng anis.

and and i watched Tantei gakuen Q. betul kata kau mal...drg ani good looking bnr. This one kid, the main character- he looks like the mini version of JJ bah. I think his name is kamiki ryonusuke (the one on the left). And yamada ryosuke (the one on the right) is just simply....hahaha as i've said, suka nuna bah. =p

And they're 14. And gorgeous. Alaaa. i was born 4 years too early. =p Search their names on youtube. Macam addictive bamliat mua cute nya a. Anyways, the story as usual is originally a manga i think.
and while surfing!! i found a thread regarding the cast for live action Ouran High school (also a manga.). I mean that damn manga is one of my favourites. I admit if Horikita Maki, the one who played in hana kimi, plays the role of haruhi, it really suits her. But yamamoto Yusuke for Tamaki?? NO WAY. My favourite character (aside from kyoya) played by that guy...eww. And they proposed the Izaki twins to play the role of the hitachin twins. Okay lah. They look good. I think those were false rumors i think but if any producer is considering it please choose a better Tamaki.
Moving on...I found another thread regarding the live cast for Ouran and this one....i think the choice IS BETTER. =p heheheheheehehhe. bah. off. Nights. Salam.

Lepak lepak.


Since mereka have blogged about yesterday lepak at My nest cafe, i figured i'd better do so before attending my ex colleague punya wedding. Ishh akhirnya, setelah kelaie kelaie apa kawin jua ya. alhamdulilah. Bah anak kamu nama Atiqah ah. Gerenti lawa tu =p

Anyways zahar texted me that sharol wanted to lepak2 and bitch about the scholarship list. Well it is understandable for them to do so because a lot of friends i knew who didn't get the call were a part of the excellent students list in pteb besides the course they applied for in ubd is way different from what they want. So Sharol went to the moe already so he told us la about what the officer said. The ones who came were only us Sharol- the leader, Zahar- the germany supporter, Salleh- the one who got the scholarship not for the course he wants, K- the mr alam fantasia, Bz- my honeymoon partner and me- the i-wish-i-had-no-nicknames. =p It was kind of fun hanging out with them though.

As for me, hahaha funnily my mind is already settled about staying here. capat kan? Honestly, when they mentioned about rayuan my mind isn't going at that direction. Because the course i picked isn't that far off what i got in Uni of Reading. Besides, i know i can grow here more than anywhere else so my mind is settled. I just need to know now which course i got it the full 4 years here or the twinning. Awu i'm like a typical Bruneian mindset- i like cars more than overseas. HAHAHAHA (get it?? =p)

Liat sini for more pictures. K and Zahar. I know pictures attract you more. nah agatah liat tia gmbar kami ah. haha.

Still i'm quite worried for a few of my friends who were really upset with the decision.

Now.... how i wish that bloody honda civic isn't expensive. I might just settle with another vios. (get it?? =p)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

No lah mummy is 27.... erkk? //editted


Happy 19th Birthday to Babu Dr Amal!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eh bukan kau 27 tahun ka mal??? after repeated bday di canteen HAHAHAHAH

happy 27th bday! =P semoga panjang umur murah rezeki. jadi dentist yang baik dan cari tah 'babah' untuk kami. Hehehe xiah junsu okay jua? hehehe jgntah tu tukang potong bawang ah xiah junsu saja. haha. Loves you and misses you always. And and sayang amal.

anyways you were wondering what we did at your house yesterday right mal? walaupun tah kau nada di brunei tercinta ani kan mal kami dtg jua ke umah mu utk........ hehe as promised nah ku gto bahapa kami di umah mu.

and now we assure you no matter what happens we'll be there for each other. Hehehehe. Walau dimana kau berada. kita tetap sedunia.

salam sayang dri org di Brunei jua.
ps-NADA KU KAN MAKAI BAJU GAUN BECUCUL-CUCUL.ignore that part mal ahahahahahaha.

The story you have not told.


I was sad in my sleep.

Funny huh?

If only my mind isn't challenged with questions and worries. That is why recently i've been hinting on someone to tell me the stories i have not been told. Only then perhaps things will be better. Trying so hard to do make it so. But then the only solution came in my dreams. An end to everything. It ends with a stab to the heart and yet i was still pretending. Even in my sleep. And it hurts more than i think it would in reality. Perhaps this whole life belongs on stage- play with emotions and people will be entertained.

So now....tell me the story you have not told. Because, i would like it to be this way, even if it ends with a stab wound.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Because i'm not the one who will be upset.


Like i said, i won't jump into conclusions.

But the other people around me are. I realised that that one phone call i have not recieved is something that will decide my future. That one person who had been through everything with me, just now, just told me that the worst thing that could've happened might happen and she spoke like i was a fragile thing. And then i got that question from her- are you upset? I said no and she asked why. I said, because i'm not the one who will be upset. I don't know if she got that message. The despair, i know i will not feel because i know there's a long list that will be in despair so i don't think that feeling could even reached me. I personally think that i can grow more here not there or anywhere because its me we're talking about. I've checked from all angles and there's a particular ability that i have i can only sharpen here more and that is language. I can even harness things out of my workaholic attitude. And ofcourse i have a plan and even a goal if such things were to happen though they might not know that. But i have no idea what to do if i have to dissapoint them.

And now i know that the two strongest pillar in my family are trying the best they could. I know even if they try to hide it. I know that even if its hard...they are trying to think of how to dig a few tens of thousand or even hundreds of thousands out of nothing because a mere offer from one of the best research institution isn't enough without it.

I know i shouldn't be jumping into conclusions. How can i not react when i can clearly see that every moment of their waking hours now is spent on finding a solution or trying not to 'dissapoint' me.

Spain has waited for a very long time...



xavi hernandez 50, Guiza73, Silva 82

Xavi hernandez

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! *my eyes are swollen. My head are aching and i'm still awake for my Spain* How long has it bee since Spain has waited? 42 years? (if i'm not mistaken and if my tired ears aren't listening to things) Sigh.... no more underdogs. And certainly it proves that bukan kalok. hehehehehehehehe suka saya eh. Btw Islam just msg me- SPAINN TANI MANANNGG!! hahahahaha ya pun alum tido. bangkak ne mata kami suk. and ya ckp -aku sayang si Guiza hahahahahaha!! I still love watching Casillas and..... Silva. Gembira ku eeeh. Batah dh ku tunggu Spain msuk finals in anything. I'll post pictures if i'm not lazy (besides there's still no stealable pictures in the forum where i used to get the pictures from.)

Iniesta- man of the match.

victory over Russia x2
and now its the FINALS...against Germany. =) Still who wins doesn't matter, the finals sounds better already doesn't it? But i am still cheering for Spain. heheheheeeee. Until then...

viva la espana!~

Thursday, June 26, 2008

7 Things that made me


And just one to ruin my entire inner strength.

Perkara menghiburkan hati:

One, K who was in Oman just gave me my special request. I asked for a rock from Oman and he brought me a rock from the Oman/Dubai border. That's like...better! =D hehehehehe. I know it sounds crazy haha but honestly i found rocks or similar stuffs to be better souvenirs (sama aku mengaku aku ne penapau kan...suka ku bah menapau batu-batu lawa dri tempat yg ku aga =p). Terima Kasihhh K. ( i know there's still more =p) And and the tales from his trip. Siukk bunyinya banar.

Two, the surprise BBQ birthday party for Dibah was the bomb! We were tagging each other just before she said 'i have to go jalan' HAHAH. At that instant i texted Buzz asking where they were since Dibah i quote 'kan jalan' =p Man she was being wild. Her two inflatable boobs were flying around. Note that each side has different colour. Innocent temporary president image..blargh. hahahaha.

Three, some piece of bedtime story from a certain someone.

Four, BBQ-ing. haha. Memanggang ayam. Hahaha i've been waiting for a BBQ for this. Sampai jua hajat ku kan memanggang ah hahahahaha! rindu ku kan jdi bbq gal. =p.

Five, bermain di pantai at the end of the day and got myself (and a lot of people) wet with salt water. Padih yo air masin ani.

Six, kawan- watashi no sugoi no tomodachi. Kami, hounto ni arigatou!

Seven, a new blanket. Haha some of you might know that i've been wanting to get a new blanket. Awu bah...di dunia ini, ada bermacam macam orang. Ada yang gila bantal busuk. Ada yang suka selimut. Saya termasuk dalam golongan suka selimut. (confession =p) Hehehehe. suka saya kena balikan selimut. sexy g warna nya tu.

And the one that almost shattered my inner strength:

A phone call- have not recieved it.

And its making me worry like hell. I can't stop thinking. For me opportunity to succeed is everywhere so wherever is fine. But if i am to dissapoint the people who have faith in me (the people i loved), that would really shatter me to pieces. Entah. Perhaps, I should not jump into conclusions for now since i knew a few who has not recieved it as well. Hmmm. Bah have a good night people.

Before that...after a japdorama marathon last two weeks, i found myself, a few days ago, watching a shun oguri movie without any english subtitles. And its either their facial expression or the story line that was easy to read or that i have gotten so good in listening to japanese (which i should after 2 years of learning though i stopped this year)- i can understand most of what is happening. =D yay. aha. bah nites. Salam.

Adibah Hamdani is not as innocent as she looks,


And now...she's 19th. Wilder she said...wooooaa.

Kepada 'ibunda' Dibah.


Gerenti mikin kuat makan ne.=p

Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki dan jadi humanitarian yang baik sekali. hehe. Teruskan berkarya. Key milik saya. (haha asalkan rhyme) May god bless you in everything you do 'ibunda'. And moga moga ketemu dengan 'ayahanda' (sesiapa pun dia kami anakanda-anakanda mu restui =p).

Shayaaang dibah. hehe

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The story you have not told.


Have you read this post- the foundation? I've been thinking lately...that its okay to lie to others sometimes. But is it okay to lie to your own heart?

you're lying to your own heart and i can see it.
Its okay not to trust me but do you not trust yourself?

Let us share what is needed to be shared. Because i care for you a lot more than you think.

The creative juices are dry.


I tried and tried and get tired trying. I've tried to squeeze some 'creative' ideas for my 'respond' to those 'love posts' i've been getting from those two eviil dudes. I'VE RAN OUT OF IDEAS!!! aarrrghhh. People who've read the blog have been mentioning to me about P2F and 'i'll vote for you tiq'. Kamuuuu! Please lah. Jangan terpedaya oleh mereka especially tuu Mr K(ambing) ah. He and the other one mr B (abun) banarnya mau sangat tu kan masuk P2F or baiduri ah. Saya faham sangat isi hati mereka dan kehendak bakat. Kalau kami ke kbox or karaoke ahh drg bah yg mengeluarkan suara. Aku manada kuarkan suara kan tesuara pun inda. Yatah inda jua bisai tu kan menyanyi. Kan kan sbnr nya apa yg drg post atu rekaan semata2 tuu. isssh. Nada ku kan masuk p2f... vote for drg ja kamu...

Awu.. ALUM ku tepikir bah cemana lagi kan melontar peluru bepandu ku arh drg ne. Paning ku mliat and mndgr org mention sal P2F pat ku. Udah tah aku nada langsung gmbar drg pegang microfon. Apatah g video drg nyanyi... Yatah aku baca komik and bloghopping lu manatahu ada inspirasi ku kan membalas.=p Btw i took a test and i need a blog rehab because:

I am 94% addicted to blogging. Hmm. There's still hope in that right? Ermm i need to be tested for multiple addictions. Who know's i might be just 10% addicted to hunks? =p HAHAH (that will never happen)

And kepada adik babu amal ku, si dayang ANIS, yang betahan di spital for tonsil operation: semoga suara mu ada bebalik the next time tani jumpa. hahahaha cali bah ko inda dpt becakap atu macam bukan kau...hahaha Get well soon =) Sama...siuk melawat kau tadi ah. haha.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Saturday 21st Jun 08- Congress at ICC.


Before i post an explanation/respond blog to that particular (damn) blog =p, here's a post on last Saturday. The BHAVG reps were invited to attend this particular political congress. When Dibah mentioned about the congress, honestly i thought that we would actually be participating in it but it turns out that we were guests. This was our first time being in the opening ceremony of a political congress (though the sight of alat kebesaran kongres, the protocols, ayahanda-kekanda-anakanda-talk, the yelling and most importantly their thoughts freaks me out a lot) so like D said, it is an honor to be invited. I picked them up around 8 +AM then off to ICC for the opening ceremony.

The whole i dunno how many hours of listening to the speeches was interesting. Since i am no economics student, statistic doesn't bother me at all. And despite that, i wasn't at all surprise to listen to it. But what is interesting for me was their proposals which some i don't agree with especially the part where they proposed a raise in bla bla. If their mission is to help develop Brunei into a better Brunei, then why start with money? If we are to spoon people with a raise in money, Bruneians will take everything for granted even more. We have subsidise education, subsidise medical, subsidise oil and no tax...what more do we want? Macam some of their proposals in my opinion tends to lead to a road where bruneians would be more pampered.

But the pembangunan insaniah where they said in speech, 'kita tidak mahu rakyat negara menjadi seperti negara-negara maju yang lain yang mencapai status kemajuan yang begitu tinggi tetapi moral dan akhlak masyarakat nya runtuh, penghayatan dan jati diri negara semakin terhakis' that...i totally agree with .

The political part was interesting.. one don't get to see these kind of stuffs that often in Brunei but yeah since i'm an avid fan of reading Malaysian bloggers trashing their politicians, politics has become part of my daily read. Then again, if i was asked to participate or actually join, i have NO interest. I'd rather do my part in the society and do well than constantly think and debate that the government or the other side is not doing enough. Action is better than words so i'd rather be action than be words. And ideas are not the sama as words. Pedas kata-kata ku? I don't care. I stand by my words.

Anyway, there's the part where the whole speech (except for a few lines) were made in Malay when clearly foreign officials were invited. I realise their whole point for that is so that we can make use of our language more. I heard the ones at front say- 'Japanese, Chinese, Spain, France and many European countries appreciate their own language and prioritises it. Why can't we prioritise Malay too. If speaking english can make us develop fast, we'd already be developing on par with others'. Its true though. So yeah it seems like they want to make the point of prioritising malay thorugh their deep malay speech. i pity the oficials though. They should have been told to bring intepreters ka. During the break, we had a little chat with one of the AJK tertinggi. And after that went to the toilet just to avoid being seen 'excusing ourself'. =p Dibah wanted to buy some ingredients for her dim sum (kamuuu dibah pandai udahh) so we went to Giant. Macam gila giant tplang tani ani ah.

Then off to see the JIS art and design and technology exhibition. Their art student are really great. Love the arts. And love vaining even more. =p cuba liat ne 'jemputan khas' ah ni naah ulah abisdia. vain kan sorang2? =p

The arts. Meliat baju utk kami kawin nnti =p nada ba we were looking at Osveanne's piece. and the waterfall was some other student piece forgot her name but it was beautiful.

We were hungry so we went to Aminah Arif di Batu besurat.

The two pelahap ordered ambuyat set. I ordered pattaya and KERABU ayam. NYAMAN kerabunya banar.

ne naah kejadian nya lapas pelahap2 makan. =p si dibah n byl vaccum nya g tu ba kerabu a. hahaha ganas.

Typical bruneian habit-lapas bejaur makan. Lapas kanyang duduk diam balik. =p I like this pic. hehehe. Mcm nampak aku tu pemandu berhemah =p Bah outs. Salam

Ps- i realise that i have filled my blog with my deep thoughts and opinion. You are welcome to debate or say that its wrong but i will stand by my words. soo. i am copywriting everything i said in this blog. If you are to use any of it... you should atleast mention me. thank you.



COMING SOON. a respond and explanation to a particular blog yg kamu nda pyh liat (sbb ya respond to post ku yg bakat terpendam sama B's post atu yatah our battle is getting uglier =p)banciku ehh. I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING MY ASS OFF. inda ku tetaip ne mun kan membalas. Tunngu aku tidur dulu since disini pagi dh kan. Mengumpul tenaga ku dulu.. =p This dude in Oman is more evil than i thought. Memberigali g term nya tu... apa 'pengsan ucing di jalanan' ...'tanggal bulu' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHH. Udah nya bagi 'tribute' atu. astagafir.. (naah bnyk tia ku bzikir tarus bah haha kekajutan dh tu)

evviil. evviil. Gerenti ne ya ne 47 celcius di Oman macam kan tegoreng dh utak nya atu kan yatah gila post nya atu. Jgn tah kamu kan bca bnr tu post nya ah.Membual tu.

EEH. inda ku ttido ne krg. Ya yg puas ati. Tido ku lu aa mengumpul tenaga. Selamat pagi disini/Malam sana. Salam 'sayang' (grrrrrr)

Sufiah, Liza and all that jazz.

0 comments i know that it's not bloggers problem. My internet connection is bitching. The internet just stopped working and my windows were all restarted. And i lost everything i typed. Palau eh. Bah anyways... since uploading picture to blogger seems impossible right now i decide to look for other malaysian jazz and found this. Sufiah Noor- i have no idea who she is but she's probably a malaysian idol contestant. Correct me i might be wrong. Honestly, Shiela Majid's songs are actually not the kind i like to listen to. Let me show you what jazz binds this heart to the music:

Sufiah Noor Live- Fly me to the moon. Loves.

LOVES THIS ONE MUCH. Liza hanim sang Fly me to the moon. Now both singers are blessed with different but beautiful voices so don't compare.

Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars,
let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars,
in other words hold my hands,
in other words darling kiss me.

Fill my life with song. And let me sing forevermore
You are all I hope for. All I worship and adore
In other words please be true
In other words I love you

Monday, June 23, 2008

Noryn and all that jazz.


Blogger memaluii. I've been trying to upload the pics from last Saturday's Congress and escape but i can't. Maybe i'm having some network problems with this PC. (or maybe it's not a good idea to play youtube vids while uploading.=/) Anyways, i'll upload that later. You see i was watching Noryn Aziz's-the Malaysian jazz soul singer- vids and in one of them she was singing to 'Get here'. lawa la. Noryn's voice is one of a kind. I mean you don't here her kind of voice in Malay singers often.

Noryn sang Get Here on AC di sini.

Oleta singing Get Here.

You can reach me by railway, you can reach me by trailway
You can reach me on an airplane, you can reach me with your mind
You can reach me by caravan, cross the desert like an Arab man
I don't care how you get here, just- get here if you can

You can reach me by sailboat, climb a tree and swing rope to rope
Take a sled and slide down slow, into these arms of mine
You can jump on a speedy colt, cross the border in a blaze of hope
I don't care how you get here, just- get here if you can

There are hills and mountains between us
Always something to get over
If I had my way, then surely you would be closer
I need you closer

(interlude, then repeat bridge)

You can windsurf into my life, take me up on a carpet ride
You can make it in a big balloon, but you better make it soon
You can reach me by caravan, cross the desert like an Arab man
I don't care how you get here, just- get here if you can

I don't care, I dont care, I need you right here right now

I need you right here, right now, right by my side (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

I don't care how you get here, just- get here if you can.



Read my previous post first before this. Since i'm so happy, i stole these off some fan girl who put a caption 'who's the better keeper now.hahahaha' under the picture of Casillas and Buffon. Pffft. Hey, there is no who's-the-better-keeper-in-the-world verdict here...and i still adore Buffon. (yatah ku curi ne gmbar2 ani)

Hahahh three? =p

Ramos =)


Silva. (still impressed) =D

Hahahahahh the pose of victory? after they won penalty

I did mention that Casillas was as if molested right. Hahahahh note the look on Villa.


See... this looks 'wrong'!=p

And more. Berabis ya ahh tangah2 padang. grrrr.

Hehehehhh the oh so sexy.

bah i better go to sleep. haven't slept the whole night/morning. Belilihan air mata ku nahan kan tido dh. Pagi!!

Spain is through to the semis!


Its 5.30 am. And i HAVE NOT slept the whole night/morning. And and my heart almost stop everytime team Italy got the ball. Walaupun i was pretty impressed with si Torres and si Puyol and si Silva (yang pelapar gol sulnya). He was really menacing this time round. And i almost cried when it was penalty time. Awu! It was like World Cup in Korea/Japan all over again...the time when Casillas get his nickname St Iker for the superb penalty saves.(ada jua ku cakap kan that he's my favourite spanish ever since he played in Korea/Jap) Nebesss. And and because the other goalie was Buffon- Casillas's idol. Furthermore team Italy ani kuat baaah!!! stress ku meliat yo. I am not sleepy at all. I'm ecstatic. Can you tell?

SPAIN MANNANGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nil to Nil. Spain won penalty by 4-2.

Macam. Tarus kena lumpati Si Casillas (mcm kna molest sul nya di padang tadi ahh but i dun mind! =D karena saya sungguh gembira that if i was there, even i would molest him hahahah) EAT THAT ADIK2KU YANG HOPE SPAIN KALAH SEBAB DRG SASAK AKU MINAT SI CASILLAS. makan bula ah. wahahahahahahahaha. (*gila dh*) But if not for the rest of the Spanish team...they would've not won. All were damn superb. Still very impressed with si Silva.

(Si Torres berabis)

Now its the quarter finals against Russia. A rematch. Dude i hate the Russian goal keeper. So does my brother (even though he hates the fact that i go for keepers this time he agrees with me). But he hates the Russian goal keeper just because he looks like Leonardo. Seriously kamu ganap macam Leonardo muanya..hansem tapi keep on making mistakes. (anyway dapat kamu imagine Leo main bula...kann yatah adiku n aku mental tu meliat hahahahahaha lain) gilaa lapas kabak2 jantung ku manang jua aherrnya. Masuk jua semifinal tapi Spain has a habit of leaving when they are this close bah so hopefully they'll break that habit. Besides si Villa adaka patut got himself booked just now. A few others got themselves booked too.

(Ramos yang gila oh so sexy when the match ended. Topless wah berpeluk2an =p)

Ps- kepada org yg cakap 'skalinya kalah' tadi time chatting....naah smpai panya 'kasih sayang' ku atu arh drg. Kerasahan jua. =p

Publisiti semakin hangat.//editted twice


Pada hari ini, saya dan keluarga telah pergi melawat OGDC di Seria. Sokong KNK bah (kenali negara kitani) yatahh kami pun mau jua iski bejalan di negri sendiri. Aku ada kelas smpai kul 12 jadi betolak kesana aher la. Pendek cerita, kami balik brunei aher laa sudah abis melawat sana. Tapi inda terus ke yayasan lu mencari kasut sport utk adiku. Pokoknya aku smpai balik umah kan aher yatah aku ngalih lps mandi trus limpang2 kan tido SEKALI ada tia miss call org atu. Malam buta wa ya mc ah mcm kan kul 1 pagi ya misscall. Awu mun org lain kan gerenti ku pikir org mc pagi2 buta kerana rindukan aku. Tapi inda org lapas orang ani MC aku....suspicious ku tarus tarus ku belari membuka PC...

SEKALI MENGENA SEKALI BAAHH TEKAAN KU ATU!. Orang yang berkenaan membalas dendam (atau pun 'tribute utk aku' as he said it =p) Semua lagi tu gmbar ku megang microphone. Cecapii. Bukan lagi bemic.. belamak pun ada. tapi inda apa lah mun sitiqah kurus bukan tia si tiqah kan =p dalam perperangan sapa paling handal buat publisiti ini...saya mengaku kalah. Aku nada gmbar drg be mic yooo. Ya di trim nya g gambar ku ttuu. Seolah2 aku terluan kuat menyanyi ta plang. jangan kamu terpedaya tu post aa. Bnrnya aku tu megang mic sbb suka megang ja bukan nyanyi bnr. Drg baru lawa .... HAHAHAHAHAH pandai ya aah membalas atu =p Nnti Byl...

i rakam nyanyian u
post kat sini biar semua tahu
suara mu betapa merdu
jangaan tah kan menapuk adikku.

PS- menunggu ceri merah ku ne Mr K. (ani sekalian... Mr K ...Saleem kami..yg di Oman pada masa ini... kalau kamu tejumpa ya next week d airport tarus tah suruh ya audition. =p ) ceri cerii oh merah menawan hati~ Rupa mu sungguh indah sepertinya sedap dimakan. and and apa 'msuk p2f ko ne leh kami' MACAM BEPAKAT JA.... saya perlu berhati2 selepas ini.

dis goes to Mr di oman jua ,
u nyanyi golden flower i rakam aa,
biarin suma tahu note tinggi mu lawa.
manalaa tau jadi wakil kami kesana.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bakat terpendam orang kitani.//editted


KEPADA SELURUH BRUNEI DARUSSALAM. (this is my respond to this blog)

I have a friend who's voice i think can match Anuar Zain and yet he can instantly change that soulful voice into a beautiful jazzy tenor just like Sean Ghazi. This guy is modest. he said he can't sing but only the "WE" know better than anyone else how talented he is and only we know how better he is at hiding his talent.

Ps- I'm not deleting. This is a expose-bakat-kawan2ku (esp billah) campaign =p HAHAH its war dude. Agatah revenge post ku ani. hehehehhh

Jikalau awda terlihat lelaki ini sampai kan lah kata2 ini: Jangan di pendam bakat atu =p Adikku Billah... smpaikan tah hajat si T ani. Audition lah utk hadiah arijadi ku. Mau jua ku melihat kawan ku punya bakat tidak dipersiakan (eseh) =p Awuuu. Namanya Byl btw.

Ani lagi seorang. Ani yang warna warni ani suaranya seperti Si Mariah Carey. Kalau kamu mendengar ya menyanyi lagu Adibah Noor macam as if Adibah Noor sendiri menyanyi. Cair ne mun ya menyanyi. Seriously i'm not kidding she has a damn great voice. Kalau ya nyanyi lagu i have nothing atu waa gilaa...mcm feel tarus baah. Org PTEB batch ku sememangnya tahu ya lawa nyanyi tpi malu kan ke pentas. Malu menunjukkan bakat. Tapi lalak2 karaoke mau. demi adiah ku arijadi mau jua ku kaan kawan ku Dayangku B menyanyi. =p Sayang banar cubatah audition tah ya ani. Bah mun kamu teliat kah di jalan raya kah apa sila suruh ya nyanyi ya. (udah ke meses ne nyuruh drg bedua ah audition dri aritu)

Yang ani sebenarnya kan lawa ne suaranya. Tapi sayangnya suaranya atu keluar time ya jiwang hantap kan buang stress pasal lelaki gila palau atu ganya. Mun ya buang stress kan barutah ya berabis nyanyi yatah time ya berabis...sehingga kami2 ani pun sebenarnya terpukau wah oleh suaranya yg merdu. Sbb kami inda pernah keluarkan sebegitu rupa. yatah sila gtau ya kalau kamu tejumpa ya...kuarkan tah suara mu atu. Jgn d kuarkan time utk lelaki gila atu ja okay. Namanya Ms I.

Lastly, kerna walaupun dia bercuti di Oman/Dubai, takkan di lupakan. Ya ne namanya Khairul K. nama glemernya Mr K. Idolanya Datuk Siti. Lagu kegemaran nya yang jiwang2. Pokonya suma yg di minatnya atu memberigali lah sedikit. =p Tapi..don't let him decieve you....lawa ne ya nyanyi. Usulnya mcam nada skali udah ya kuarkan microfonnya, pasang lagu Bunga Emas dan nyanyi sampai kan carik bakas surgery nya tu....gila membari tejangkit nyanta. If we've got a Mariah Carey and a Anuar Zain then this guy is our Saleem =p Sekiranya kamu terlihat dia, gtau ya jangan tah kan jdi Saleem-dalam-diam. Pabila pentas di sediakan naiklah.

See! sebenarnya bnyk nyamu org Brunei bakat terpendam ani. Aku mau satu ja utk adiah arijadi ku tahun ani. Aku mau ne drg mencuba audition nyanyi public ah. P2F atu kah. Ngalih ku mendangar suara si Maria si Puteri saja. Mau jua ku suara si Byl ka, si Dayangku B ka, Ms I ka or Mr K di radio. ah ah tu adiah ku aa =p

Salam sayang T.

Friday, June 20, 2008

A start to something much more.


Recently, there were big anti-plastic campaigns done. Now, HOB council (Heart of Borneo). wow, Brunei is really stepping forward in conservation. I like. Heheh. The Supasave reusable shopping bag only cost a mere $1. For god sakes...its that cheap. David Jones in Perth cost more than that. So Bruneians shouldn't complain. As country situated in Borneo, we really should make more effort in conserving the environment. I still don't see other big stores like HuaHo or Utama grand selling reusable plastic bags i mean (or if they do i haven't been to that place in a while then). And i still don't see people carrying reusable shopping bags around here....but atleast, we've started somewhere in this plastic issue. Hopefully that is a start to much more.

HoB to benefit nation's conservation, economy.

"THROUGH implementation of the Heart of Borneo (HoB), Brunei is hoping to conserve most of its forests and clean water, while at the same time develop its biotechnology and ecotourism industries."- Brunei Times.

Click the link to read more.

The foundation.


Someone completely anonymous to me once asked me, "Do you think honesty is important in friendship?"

I paused for a second or two and during that second-or-two, those overflowing thoughts that i usually have in mind suddenly disappeared. My mind was completely blank. How can one answer such question? Which friend has not lied to another, be it for good or otherwise? I said yes. An answer just to make her stop questioning me further. Sadly, she did ask me more and all i could do was blurt crap. (this was not how i answered her but i wished i had..if i did i would hav gotten high marks for my oral. Damn it.)

For me, the foundation of friendship is trust. Trust that that person will always be there when you need them. Trust that they will not go against you or talk bad about you. Trust that the laughter you shared means more than anything in the world. And the foundation of trust is honesty. At some occasion, lying or hiding things may seem the best option. However, more often than not, we used this 'best-option' excuse to create a facade. A facade to hide your own insecurities. Or a facade to avoid negative consequences. When that facade is created, aren't you already betraying the foundation of trust?

Truth hurts just as much as the stab wounds of reality. Hence, we lie- to the people around us and most importantly to yourself. Imagine this. You have something that you keep to yourself because you knew it would hurt someone else so you keep things in the dark from that someone else. Turn the table around. Now its your friend that keep something to herself. Won't you feel better if you knew the truth? Even if a lie is the best option...are you going to continue doing so? When you betray honesty, you betray trust. When there is no foundation to friendship, where is the friendship?

If you're lost in a long road and you found a booth that offers you one thing to bring for your journey. There are two choices, you can only pick one. Between honesty and pretences, which would you pick?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back to Perth June 2008.


Now. Back to Perth June 2008 pictures. Like i said, my trip was not much. I spent most of my time buying lunch and dinner while my mum was working. Watch simpsons and the family guy. Do nothing and just walk around the city.

Arrived during foundation day which is a holiday, so all shops were closed except some fastfood place. Stayed at the Parmelia. Just 5 minutes walk to mum's workplace.

That red building is her workplace. London's place it is called i think at St George's Terrace

My favourite place: woolworth! Go green babeh. Haha. Anyways the queue was always so damn long that it took almost half an hour to get to the counter.

This was taken during lunch time. And yeah this is the CBD.

My usual route for 4 days. kul 9 Bangun. Liat TV (procrastinating kan mandi) Mandi. kul 10. Jalan melalui jalan ini. Lepak kat city. DAN bali makanan. Balik hotel by 12. Tunggu lunch with mum.

This was one of our favourites. SERIOUSLY. Its a vegetarian restaurant so no worried bout piggies or non halal meat. There's not meat anyway. BUT really. The falafel balls has got to be the best food in the form of a ball i've ever had. Not to mention the falafel bread and and the humus. The falafel pockets cost around 8 AUD. Yes mahal but if you dine in you can indulge the salad bar as many times as possible.

Okay KFC is very generous on the fries. NYAMAN yo. I missed that too. The fries are not only was FAT with potato. I had fries for my dinner twice i think. Its around 4 AUD.

And tadaaa. Smoked salmon maki from Shimizu the halal japanese food place. This is around 9 AUD. Tapi i ate it a couple of times last April so i was just introducing it to my mum. hahaha.

Mum went back on thursday so i had to lodge at my cuz Ka Sha's residential hall, St Catherine college.

This is in the suburbs. Walks away from the UWA. I think its called the broadway. I'm not sure. Kaka Sha was in the post office downstairs to post some of her honors research project questionaires so apalagi...alen alen la.
I forgot this restaurant's name. Its kind of mix between japanese food and Korean though the waitress was a korean. I was there for the korean. I'm a bigger fan of korean cuisine than Japanese cuisine.

My food- something squid. hahah. Okaylah.

The next day we went to Insan's cafe- malaysian restaurant (because Lin told me that the would go there once in a week.). I had chicken tandoori. Mahal lah pokoknya. Macam air bandung nya 4 AUD. Gila. Baik tah ku membawa sirap sendiri. hahah.

Selepas makan kami pergi ke King's Park. But since darkness falls at 5 (its winter) when we reached there it was dark already. It was fine though since i always wanted to see the lights of cities at night. (just like when we were in Franfurt, Germany...i really wanted to see the lights at night but it only turned dark after 10 pm coz it was summer time and mum had to work the next day so we went back hotel early. i didn't get my chance to see the city lights. ='( huhu I have this obsession with city lights. haha) soo i really love that night. It was the most beautiful night during the trip / or any travel trips i've been in.

Went to guardian to buy women's pads. Bout found something interesting...pampes utk lelaki!! i wonder why they need it for?? Macam its not like they bleed every month. Or its it. the /eyebro ahahah.

While waiting for movie, we went for some window shopping. terlihat sesuatu yang memikat hati. It was unbelievable but i didn't buy anything at all =D

The city was more alive during Friday night.

Piccadally cinema where we watched Prince Caspian (it was the third time for me)

My last day...saturday, we went to King's Park again. For the daytime view of the park and its surroundings. That is the Swan river taken from King's Park.

Banarnya, i was really happy that i got the chance to walk around the place. It was peaceful and beautiful.

Ada jambatan haha (i love taking pictures with bridges too.)

A place so green, so peaceful that you feel like you can lean and depend on almost anything.

And there were fields were you could just lie down and sleep. Or walked with bare feet. (i did as fn said haha) Nyamannn rumputnya. macam basah2 rasanya. I saw two just married couples taking their wedding pictures. bah lakastah future husband ku who ever you are. Lets get married there. ahaha nadadeh. Lets just take wedding pictures there. =p

And thenn its time to leave ='( sniff. Atleast, i threw myself in the beauty of Swan river. Came back and left a something (its physical like i said. you can see it.) behind but its was all worth it.

My last night in Perth. Watched movie again. This time the Sex and City (gotta love the movie..(no censor man =p)

leaving on a jet plane. I ran to the boarding gate just a few seconds before they made the last call for the last four passengers (ahahaha one was me as usual =p)

I took pictures with my mobile phone. Aparently i have that 'flight mode' when i switch on my hp. so no worries.

Lunch time. Taken just right after i stole vomit bags out of people's seats and the loo and used them as wrappers for my souvenirs (love packets). Save money save the earth bahhh.

And wilst writing poems (which are as usual questioning things and stuffs about life and ect...u don't need to know.) for them, i saw something. I remembered prolly in a love letter of one of them i wrote.. jangan kata roundabout yang ku cari, lautan dan gunung sudah kurentasi... mcm cematulah but it was a joke because that poem was written before i saw this. I had been staring out the window looking at the beautiful creation of god for mankind. And i saw from above the beautiful thing that god created just mankind- and its LOVE. Corny? Think again.

"None of you will truly believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself".
(narrated by Bukhari)

I don't know if you can see it. But in that picture you can see a long river right. And on the right the river forms a perfect heart shape. Its kind of far so you can't really see it (apparently i was so amused by the sight that when i grabbed my hp the heart shaped river was already far from the plane)

Until next time Perth (if there is free accomodation and cheap fare again..) i had a great time there. Maybe next time it would be Sydney or Brisbane kah hahaha sangal jua Perth saja. Bye. Loves.