Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back to Perth June 2008.

Now. Back to Perth June 2008 pictures. Like i said, my trip was not much. I spent most of my time buying lunch and dinner while my mum was working. Watch simpsons and the family guy. Do nothing and just walk around the city.

Arrived during foundation day which is a holiday, so all shops were closed except some fastfood place. Stayed at the Parmelia. Just 5 minutes walk to mum's workplace.

That red building is her workplace. London's place it is called i think at St George's Terrace

My favourite place: woolworth! Go green babeh. Haha. Anyways the queue was always so damn long that it took almost half an hour to get to the counter.

This was taken during lunch time. And yeah this is the CBD.

My usual route for 4 days. kul 9 Bangun. Liat TV (procrastinating kan mandi) Mandi. kul 10. Jalan melalui jalan ini. Lepak kat city. DAN bali makanan. Balik hotel by 12. Tunggu lunch with mum.

This was one of our favourites. SERIOUSLY. Its a vegetarian restaurant so no worried bout piggies or non halal meat. There's not meat anyway. BUT really. The falafel balls has got to be the best food in the form of a ball i've ever had. Not to mention the falafel bread and and the humus. The falafel pockets cost around 8 AUD. Yes mahal but if you dine in you can indulge the salad bar as many times as possible.

Okay KFC is very generous on the fries. NYAMAN yo. I missed that too. The fries are not only was FAT with potato. I had fries for my dinner twice i think. Its around 4 AUD.

And tadaaa. Smoked salmon maki from Shimizu the halal japanese food place. This is around 9 AUD. Tapi i ate it a couple of times last April so i was just introducing it to my mum. hahaha.

Mum went back on thursday so i had to lodge at my cuz Ka Sha's residential hall, St Catherine college.

This is in the suburbs. Walks away from the UWA. I think its called the broadway. I'm not sure. Kaka Sha was in the post office downstairs to post some of her honors research project questionaires so apalagi...alen alen la.
I forgot this restaurant's name. Its kind of mix between japanese food and Korean though the waitress was a korean. I was there for the korean. I'm a bigger fan of korean cuisine than Japanese cuisine.

My food- something squid. hahah. Okaylah.

The next day we went to Insan's cafe- malaysian restaurant (because Lin told me that the would go there once in a week.). I had chicken tandoori. Mahal lah pokoknya. Macam air bandung nya 4 AUD. Gila. Baik tah ku membawa sirap sendiri. hahah.

Selepas makan kami pergi ke King's Park. But since darkness falls at 5 (its winter) when we reached there it was dark already. It was fine though since i always wanted to see the lights of cities at night. (just like when we were in Franfurt, Germany...i really wanted to see the lights at night but it only turned dark after 10 pm coz it was summer time and mum had to work the next day so we went back hotel early. i didn't get my chance to see the city lights. ='( huhu I have this obsession with city lights. haha) soo i really love that night. It was the most beautiful night during the trip / or any travel trips i've been in.

Went to guardian to buy women's pads. Bout found something interesting...pampes utk lelaki!! i wonder why they need it for?? Macam its not like they bleed every month. Or its it. the /eyebro ahahah.

While waiting for movie, we went for some window shopping. terlihat sesuatu yang memikat hati. It was unbelievable but i didn't buy anything at all =D

The city was more alive during Friday night.

Piccadally cinema where we watched Prince Caspian (it was the third time for me)

My last day...saturday, we went to King's Park again. For the daytime view of the park and its surroundings. That is the Swan river taken from King's Park.

Banarnya, i was really happy that i got the chance to walk around the place. It was peaceful and beautiful.

Ada jambatan haha (i love taking pictures with bridges too.)

A place so green, so peaceful that you feel like you can lean and depend on almost anything.

And there were fields were you could just lie down and sleep. Or walked with bare feet. (i did as fn said haha) Nyamannn rumputnya. macam basah2 rasanya. I saw two just married couples taking their wedding pictures. bah lakastah future husband ku who ever you are. Lets get married there. ahaha nadadeh. Lets just take wedding pictures there. =p

And thenn its time to leave ='( sniff. Atleast, i threw myself in the beauty of Swan river. Came back and left a something (its physical like i said. you can see it.) behind but its was all worth it.

My last night in Perth. Watched movie again. This time the Sex and City (gotta love the movie..(no censor man =p)

leaving on a jet plane. I ran to the boarding gate just a few seconds before they made the last call for the last four passengers (ahahaha one was me as usual =p)

I took pictures with my mobile phone. Aparently i have that 'flight mode' when i switch on my hp. so no worries.

Lunch time. Taken just right after i stole vomit bags out of people's seats and the loo and used them as wrappers for my souvenirs (love packets). Save money save the earth bahhh.

And wilst writing poems (which are as usual questioning things and stuffs about life and ect...u don't need to know.) for them, i saw something. I remembered prolly in a love letter of one of them i wrote.. jangan kata roundabout yang ku cari, lautan dan gunung sudah kurentasi... mcm cematulah but it was a joke because that poem was written before i saw this. I had been staring out the window looking at the beautiful creation of god for mankind. And i saw from above the beautiful thing that god created just mankind- and its LOVE. Corny? Think again.

"None of you will truly believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself".
(narrated by Bukhari)

I don't know if you can see it. But in that picture you can see a long river right. And on the right the river forms a perfect heart shape. Its kind of far so you can't really see it (apparently i was so amused by the sight that when i grabbed my hp the heart shaped river was already far from the plane)

Until next time Perth (if there is free accomodation and cheap fare again..) i had a great time there. Maybe next time it would be Sydney or Brisbane kah hahaha sangal jua Perth saja. Bye. Loves.