Sunday, June 1, 2008

I am flying off soon. not expecting it to be sooner.

I'm leaving Brunei in less than 3 hours. Surprised? Me too.

Long story cut short. I know i told people that i'm going Monday afternoon. We thought it was at 2 pm. Until just now...At around 7 pm plus mom was looking at the ticket and said, "kul 2 jalan kul 8 malam tu sampai ah. Inda sampat mama jalan2 ne. Keraja ari selasa." She went out. Then rushed back in and said, "mama cakap kul 2 tadi kan??"

You see...if our flight is in the afternoon, she would say 1400. But nooo. She said 2. AND IT TURNS OUT THAT OUR FLIGHT IS TWO IN THE MORNING.


We haven't even packed or buy a few stuffs for the trip and everything went so fast. I bathed so fast. I packed last minute (as in dump everything i could think of). Go to the shop. It was happening so fast that i am still shocked about the fact that i am going to be in the land of kangaroos tommorow morning. I mean.... can you just imagine. My mind and body (and soul) was expecting to be there tommorow night. I have a list of plans to do before take off (ie. ke fz kemana.) and take my time packing. sekali nyaa..... *shocked* Well, the good side, mum can now tour around the city first before she starts working on tuesday.

And regarding accomodation, her office paid for a room at Parmelia hotel (it just says Parmelia hotel on her paper) I googled that hotel and the only thing that came up was Parmelia hilton which is just walks away from Kings park and Swan River, the place i really want to go. So i really wished that, that is where we are going to stay. (if there is no other Parmelia hotel around town). So that time my mum keraja....aku jalan saja ke Kings Park liat bunga segarkan mata. HHAHAH *angan2*

lalalalalala. oh oh. Sadly! i'm bringing my antibiotics with me. I hate antibiotics now. It made me gain weight. Why? Because i have to eat every 2 hours so that i wouldn't have gastric. Stupid erethromycin side effects. Macam aku oun sangal makan tapi lapar setiap 2 jam.

Bah out.