Friday, June 20, 2008

The foundation.

Someone completely anonymous to me once asked me, "Do you think honesty is important in friendship?"

I paused for a second or two and during that second-or-two, those overflowing thoughts that i usually have in mind suddenly disappeared. My mind was completely blank. How can one answer such question? Which friend has not lied to another, be it for good or otherwise? I said yes. An answer just to make her stop questioning me further. Sadly, she did ask me more and all i could do was blurt crap. (this was not how i answered her but i wished i had..if i did i would hav gotten high marks for my oral. Damn it.)

For me, the foundation of friendship is trust. Trust that that person will always be there when you need them. Trust that they will not go against you or talk bad about you. Trust that the laughter you shared means more than anything in the world. And the foundation of trust is honesty. At some occasion, lying or hiding things may seem the best option. However, more often than not, we used this 'best-option' excuse to create a facade. A facade to hide your own insecurities. Or a facade to avoid negative consequences. When that facade is created, aren't you already betraying the foundation of trust?

Truth hurts just as much as the stab wounds of reality. Hence, we lie- to the people around us and most importantly to yourself. Imagine this. You have something that you keep to yourself because you knew it would hurt someone else so you keep things in the dark from that someone else. Turn the table around. Now its your friend that keep something to herself. Won't you feel better if you knew the truth? Even if a lie is the best option...are you going to continue doing so? When you betray honesty, you betray trust. When there is no foundation to friendship, where is the friendship?

If you're lost in a long road and you found a booth that offers you one thing to bring for your journey. There are two choices, you can only pick one. Between honesty and pretences, which would you pick?