Saturday, September 13, 2008



The only one who can read my heart, my sastera and me, even when i never said anything, has left. So now. no one here will actually be able to read everything i keep inside. Now, who should i go to when i'm having a hard time? =(

Attended her function plus jemaah at her house. It was the night i'd never forget. It was our last night together..until next time that is. Plus, something (sad) happened that night. hmm. besides, i have not been around your family in ages. i am still worried. I hope everything will go fine.

Just so you know, you'll always be the darling out of my darlings, because... you know too much of me =p=p

Good luck. Rajin rajin belajar. Jangan kelaie saja dgn yang d Liverpool. jangan kan teingat kan kucing mu saja. Ingat kan si Tiqah saja ah. remember me always. And jangan lupa email aku slalu. Antar ku poskad eh =p btw thanks for the keychain. and and jangan pernah berubah. ;)


ps- BUAT BLOG EH. update kami baa dengan keadaan mu sana.