Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bangkok in state of emergency.

On another note....

Bangkok is under state emergency.

Awu. T is still T and i love watching news. and i am a fan of outside politics. Its fun to watch egoistic and power hungry people put up a show. Anyways, i can't remember which morning it was but i watched the footage of the protest in Bangkok. It was really huge. And there was a video of Samak saying something like this "they have no right to cause such commotion in the public...i will not back down no matter what..." yes. I remembered it well because i find it selfish but don't mind me i am not politically oriented. I just find that it selfish because of humanitarian instinct. Massive protest never went well right.

And i was right. now the protest in Bangkok is deadly. So far i've read that only one was killed and many injured but it always starts with one to start a bigger bloodshed. Samak has now declared Bangkok under state of emergency and with this emergency the army commander has right to 'ban a gathering of more than five people' (again i am quoting this because i find it funny). kamu tau napa org opposition marah... ku baca ya membali votes las december. hahaha cali kan.

read here for BBC side of story. and here for video showing what happened in bangkok from CNN.

My whole point it... think twice before you plan to go to Bangkok now dear Bruneians. Even South Korea and Singapore have told their citizens not to go there for unnecessary purposes which i assume is holiday. Though... i would like to be there. aha.. thrill jua tu. Anyways, after the state emergency, foreigners working in bangkok said the situation is calm but tense.. still if you don't like to go dangerous place like Bali (pfft!! ) id say this...bangkok is still dangerous. Jangan di sangka air yang tenang tiada buaya ...no? ;)

its been a while... The last time i went there was years ago and i find it fun because you get to be scared of drunkards, fried cockroaches, durian and etc. For me, going to Thailand was as fun as going to Laos or vietnam (ahaha i failed convincing mum of bali..tapi... she was okay with the mention of Vietnam...so should our end of year plan goes wrong..we'll maybe go to vietnam yayy =D) ohh. Another fun place to go now... malaysia. because once you get out of the airport there be a lot of teksi sapu waiting for you and driving dangerously to the city. And every taxi driver has their own political story to tell and oil price rise issues to rant. the moral of this paragraph... its no use telling me how lucky i am with the 4 Fs. I'm a traveller at heart.. and interesting places intrigues me. sigh.

pictures are taken from BBC.