Thursday, September 25, 2008


To Nurul Adibah : =pp ya mesti jua jolibee airport tu dang. yang lain mana i suka tu. haha.

To Ak B, I'm up for kankoku no ryori to nihon no ryori (comprende??);p ahaha le langue entrangeres is fascinating no? =p. Kesian jua si telinga carik inda pernah merasa. Haha. I want the pictures jua. Or maybe just a few yg inda sempat. I think i need the names of all the angiosperms and gymnosperms yang ada tadi. yg agathia ka namanya aku nda sempat yg male and female cones nya. Just send online kah dude. haha. email ka ku.

To VS: Sony yang mana?

And the rest... aku mau camera tahan lasak. I want a tough camera. And if possible a waterproof one. Or perhaps a camcorder kah. So i can bring it to the jungle, to the sea... haha anything's possible with biology. Gunung dan lautan kan kami redah ne. besides i love travelling, who know's where i'll go next so i want to capture moments too with a high mp camera not just my 2.0 mp hp. =) and i need something that doesn't break in my hands =p any recommendations?

And I (WE) are still hyper.

our laughters.. it really shows that most of us are still trying to memujuk diri sendiri.