Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rat Trapping.


A proper post for my friends serantau dunia to see what i've been up to these days. The rat trapping at Gadong market was my first BioCop volunteering activity. We sent Suhanna off at the airport in the evening, bought food and rushed to UBD. Like i said, we did not have a proper sungkai. FOS is scary at night. Haha.

Learning how to set up traps.

Went to market after that. Put bananas as bait and leave it. While waiting we walked to the mall and make some dedications. (but we were rushing to go back so those dedications were kind of a rush.)

We ran back to market to find out that only a few of us were there so we decided to eat (outside of the market) The smell was awful but like i said, we don't think, we just eat (lapar dh). ANd btw makanan itu lah yg membuat aku ke spital esuknya.

A rat went into my trap. ehee. Somehow i don't really find them berigali. Just berijap saja sebab ganas. haha

The dudes. Faisal, Barak and Ak B.

Si byl relocating trapnya.

I had fun. I stink. My car still stinks. Haha. laju saya mandi tarus ba malam itu. But seriously, i really do find it fun =)