Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crazy Crazy Fast Life.

I will try not to go online until i think i've got myself on track.

its okay. Its okay like this i guess.i has got to be.

and when the two person i turn to when the feelings gets a little chaotic is far far away- one rajin buat hw in Da lian and sorang tiada kabar dari Nottingham, i need to learn how to pick myself up. Spend less time with the internet. Yes today we have class even when its public holiday. We have maths test (on a topic i don't really understand) again saturday. Doakan ku pass g ah. I passed last time. Next saturday just before raya, another important biology test. After raya are the very very important test(S). Then goes the presentation(s) and examinations before long hol. And for now i think i'm far behind in language, Biology, maths, Geography and computer programming (and thats juat about everything). Not to mention the vocal practices for a possible choir event. i was thinking of quitting but then.... sayang jua a. I've embarassed myself twice when i sang (since aku inda pandai nyanyi kan). Byl and i volunteered for the convocation event and kami pajal saja tia drg yang lain. The convo will be around October i guess. Banyak jua kan d buat aa.

and i need to start reading on something i am interested in. NO. its not Mandarin. Mandarin is just too difficult for me =p i am counting on a few 'relevant' words to learn from people and Dayangku isn't exactly being a great help instead she gave words which are 'irrelevant' and tak mungkin ada gunernye haha i need to start reading some biology because i am absolutely far behind. and maybe some additional bio subjects because i find Ferns interesting.

And i did mention that i joined the BNS right? Its Brunei Nature Society and i also joined the BioCop (which i am not exactly sure what it stands for i think its.. biodiversity conservation programme and according to them its Brunei's one and only conservation body). There were a few outings on the list starting with rat trapping sat Pasar Gadong(i don't know when but i'll take some pictures for you all yang jauh di sana untuk melihat si T tangani kemihiran nya)

i list out all this is not to make you all jealous of what's happening here because i am jealous of what's happening there. And this is a reminder for me of what i have to do.

its a crazy crazy fast life. and i miss you a lot. so in this fragile times i need to stay away i guess. run like i always do,

Bah. jangan heran kalau rambutku jadi blonde. Kalau kan jadi mad biologist ane jangan alang2. Sampai jadi blonde sampai..tenaik pebaik rambut a. haha. btw cuba kamu google alfred wallace and Charles darwin. One common thing about them is the beard. Macam Prof mohd. Hahaha. Barangkali beard catu tu tanda biologist kali. Bah Byl. Husrin. apa lagi. =p