Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Batah jua kul 3 ani eh. Malas ku tidur lagi sama jua kan sahur.

i dreamt of someone tadi.

hmm i am not perfect. In fact, i might be the most unperfect person here. I still do feel jealous of how things go outside this little world of ours. I thought i've found where i belong but i lost track of what i've found.

and I know.. i should go online now but i am missing people badly. I miss people so much that i'd just rather stare than talk. There nothing much to be said as much as to be felt anyway. and i keep thinking whether you miss me as much as i miss you. In everything i do now..i feel that there's just a lot of things missing. and when i realise it.. i have not been surfing as much. Watch tv as much. Go out as much. Drink as much or even eat as much. all i've been doing is...walk. hmm. bah out. blajar kali bisai.

i miss people badly,i don't know what to say anymore.
