Friday, February 27, 2009



Oh yeah....I thought i flunked quiz number 2.

But i didn't. Borderline pass. Alhamdulilah.

PS- NJ. You were not bossy during the cooking demo. You demonstrated how so sweet of a darling you'd be to your future hubby. Sigh~ manada ya suffer tu . Everyday makan duk gogi naah. ;)

Btw i'm taking a short break. There is just a lot of things. Lalah ku. Kan menguruskan badan ku. Walaupun i sedar i memang inda selawa and selemah lembut or pandai masak macam bini2 (i.e NJ) di luar sana. Tapi kalau ku kurus, fit.. naah sampai naik puncak gunung kalah si __________. Turun naik tia ku patoi ah. Lautan api ku renangi. salam.

Sorry for everything.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cahaya malap.


tanpa manis madah.
janji yang puitis tuk persembahan

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



Maths was terrible. I think this'll be my first flunk of the sem.


Cooking demo was fun. I mean fun as in mengenyangkan. I almost forgot how tired i am of a lot of things. Almost. The weather was hot. Then we went to the mall and i had to withdraw a few dollars because i was soo thirsty and i had absolutely no cash in hand =( (robbing me won't bring any benefit) so much for saving up for my plan with NJ this semester break. ( yes i meant the one she mentioned in her blog.) 500+ for 3 days. Lets see if i can collect enough or i'll prolly have to cut my number of stay somewhere or maybe bersama mai di polo club naik kuda saja. I saw the promo from printerku at rano today. One photobook & the second is free. Hmm maybe i'll go tommorow

f (x) = money used power of n where n is the number of days.
Use reduction formula.
go figure.

6 grills were provided and placed at the clt. how cool is that.

tukang masak kami during KCC

Songsaenim UBD

pepper and 1610

NJ- she's single and pandai masak.

Good thing i was too stressed with maths to eat lunch. We had duk gogi with lettuce. For free. Still, i don't care if i don't cook.
loves, cahaya.

Its okay. It will be. hopefully.

Recieved this in an email


Beware of the following websites: 1. 2. 3. 4. These sites have been developed by Jews and contain false information about Islam, hadith and so on.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I've had it.


Like i said my mood is deteriorating over and over and now i MENTAL TAHAP BABI.

I know the whole lot of you are turning a lot bitchy so mind your words when with me right now.

I seriously have no time to wonder more about who my real friends are. Nor do i have time to drool over people i can never meet face to face. Nor do i have the time to be silently frustrated at how so UNDETAILED and UNPROFESSIONAL we did the practicals. Nor do i worry about the damn integration which i have not studied. DO whatever you want. Yes i kejiwa to the max so what? Its only natural that i feel this way. ONLY natural that it hurts and membari mental when the person you trust... dissapoint you.

Some of these are about you. Yes you. You've changed. If you think its for the better. i see it the othr way round. Have life how you want it.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy 25th national day Brunei.


Happy 25th National Day Brunei!
Kedewasaan Bernegara.

Think of this. the country has done a lot for you but what have you done for the country?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

If i found you.... you will lose your hands you can't press the buttons anymore.


My mood has been deteriorating lately and it just got worst. Kami kena kacau. And i am pissed. Macam selalu sudah tu malam2 buta macamani like kul 1 ka 2 ka ada orang telepon den alum smpat kami jawab ya tutup. den ya telipun g den kalau pun smpat jawab ya tutup. What's worst telipun rumah lagi tu. I mean. i am pissed and i when i'm pissed you don't want to mess with me. Seriously, if i know who this person is, i swear i'll make a complain to the cops for disturbance. If the person disturbing is that bunch, i'll complain here in brunei muara cops because they can't have another complain to the cops or one will go to jail.

Oh how i love my life. Full of mental (and physical) adventures. and conspiracies. Hah. Awu i mental ne. I mean. You know sanity is the only thing that prevents me to manipulate things and turn it upside down for them. Its not that difficult to find evidence of abuse or other business related stuff. Sheet. i am so F pissed off that i am now off track. I mean its been since the end of last year. What they think i sleep in the middle of the night? THINK AGAIN.

On a lighter note,

Aku jeles. Ada volunteer arah datalish ke Gaza to work at rafah ah. I know. It sounds crazy but i am jealous. for now. i mean you can't let your fear to keep you from helping others. I can't deny it, i am so so jealous they will go to Rafah. I have been saying about this since tadi.

I want to volunteer at gaza too. sigh.

Mid semester holiday is sooner than it feels hence work is piling up. PILING REALLY HIGH. so expect less entries from me. And expect a dark circles around my eyes and late night asking you to explain to me about maths or computer or biology report or english or geography or mib (wow. that's all of my subject. sigh. reports...) and expect late night ALMOST gila nick in my msn. and malam buta hantar something by email to any of you. No i shadap in www ne.=pp hahaha. inda i berapa flooding cb org

My village's association is having a national day kinda opening ceremony- konvoi bawa bendera sempena Hari kebangsaan dari mana kah to ladang dapan rumah ku. They'll reach there at 8++ am. SHOOT! i must sleep early then. argh.. I'll try to take pictures if i can find time and can wake up to be there. aii shoot. furthermore, Amal is leaving later for NZ at 12noon. I have exco activity too later from 9 am till noon. Hope things would turn out fine. But one way or another....we would still choose Amal to exco =p i won't cry this time lah. no no no =pp

ps- To the people in the meeting just now, keep it low first ah. Wait until its stable to post besar2an.


Saturday, February 21, 2009



After watching drama Intan every single night (and dude harlino) about a guy who was thought to be dead and he wasn't instead he's got amnesia and all and everyone thought he's a differemt person. bla bla. I was just thinking.

If i were to disappear from everyone, who would be the first batch of people looking for me? Or would there be any one looking for me? If i were dying, who would be the people to visit me? If i were to leave forever, who would be the ones who would be sad for me?

I guess, family would. But other people...would you be one of them?

Just thinking.

Mata terpejam dan hati menggumam

Friday, February 20, 2009

john was in one plane with dude harlino



I went online for a bit kajap (pasal aku malas study integration) then i the nick of our very own steward friend si John that says:

jst got back frm jakarta with the two actors and actresses.

And it just hit me! SI JOHN satu kapal terbang with si DUDE HARLINO!! buleeeh. Macam ya cabin crew lagi sanang jua ya tu! JELESS KU!

ku tagih lagi tu gambar dude dari si john.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy 20th birthday (cepatnyer masa berlalu) Perth!


Did you remember the craftworks i did weeks ago.It was for an advance birthday gift. I really got lost track of time! I read rano and read about DPMM's belated birthday-happy birthday DPMM. But reasding that post also meant ...someone else's birthday is today- 18th February =p

To St Cats, Perth, WA:

You can stay immature indefinitely (kad advance bday org last minute =p)
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. How old are you now? how old are you now? happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you (plagiarised from jolibee happy bday song =p)

Now i tell you the secret: did that before school starts. took me around 4-5 days (ofcourse not 24 hrs) Jaga the teddy =p

Happy 20th Birthday. i should've bought you an anti-ageing cream =p (takut tua) hahahaa!! Nadawaaa. Haha surat cinta ku ada kan arh mu dah. SO baca saja atu lah. no more special ucapan. Just stay out of sunlight. Pakai banyak2 mosturizer. Krg ada premature wrinkle =p. pastu jalan atu control. Jangan ganas sangat. belajar tah masak (mcm tah aku belajar tapi aku balum 20 so indapapalah. kau dulu =p) pastu cari boyfren orang puteh. spaya anak buah ku nanti semua hidung mancung. and they live happily ever after. =p HAHAHAHHAA.

Secret: did each in one night =p buku atu aku antam saja taruh cross stitch initial mu. HAHAHA btw jaga the bracelet. somehow i think its quite fragile. kalau critical pun indapapa lah. aku buat kan g. request hadiah mu complete!!! wehee. the first one i give my handmade bracelet. =p haha bek jua kena request.

HAHAHA. cute kan hadiah 20 tahun mu atu.
Forever kanak2 bah. btw. aku makan apple crumble dh~ =p (in the end)

No 1, Spg ____,
Kg TJ,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Keeping quiet.


Because words can't explain.

Hmm. i am a busy gal =p. I just want to blog because i need to tell people how much i love geography now. Hahaha! i mean i find it seriously interesting now (i know i complained about it before) but it seems like the more i study about it the more i found a reason for my love for travelling. I am a biased biologist after all. Nevermind. I really wish there is a away i can study geography not only as a supporting course. (i too have been geography-less for a couple of years) Anyway, my mood is no where near good yet. Not until i sorted out everything and get my studies on track and figure if Dr C is not holding anything against me for coming late (because i thought the timetable starts at 1) and eating chocolate in his class (because really i didn't know we're he made it a point we can't) or otherwise. Until then i'll just have to bear with my worries. I still do love bio too you know.

And to our new bio sci baby, byl. Now you feel us bio sci studs right? Tuesday is really my monday. I have something a little extra lagi on tuesday. Malas i cerita dulu. Pokoknya i just went back home at 9+ pm lah. Bah nights. Saya kan keluar bilik. Melihat sinetron si dude harlino berlakon =p hahahah!

And CDC esok! hope tommorow is better.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dude Harlino at ICC.


My started off pretty badly. Waking up at 8. Class start at 8. There were no time to take a bath or pick clothes and put on lab coat. The practical didn't suck but some part of our teamwork dissapoint me a lot. A LOT! I mean i have to learn something! I am a bio sci undergrad for gad sakes. I neeed to faking learn something, not just doing it in a hurry. Yes, my mood is still deteriorating.

I said i need to move beyond this fractured line. Like someone said, it is not us who cracked this fractured line even deeper, so why bother. Little i know, wow i can move that fast ;p

I joined byl to ICC just now to see DUDE HARLINO. I mean i was practically over heels. I know i was a little girl in a hundreds of screaming mak ciks so i was very unnoticable. What is important is that that DUDE is more good looking in person. And i would like to thank Husrin because i am so short and he took all the pictures for me. And to BYL for updating his blog just for the sake of dude pictures.

DUDEEE!!!! Sigh. Senyum keangauan maseh.

Its not the others thing...its just the smile that mesmerised me. aik lanji. hahaha. Kesian Husrin melayan aku. Ada lagi ka yang cemani ani di dunia?

Husrin was on his toes ambil gambar. There were a lot of people. There was a question pasal what year was Zaskia born (owh yeah Zaskia and another handsome guywas also there- but i only want to see dude ) and a girl answered that. That girl got to be on stage begambar. Skali i realised it awal awal dh IT WAS SYLVIA!!! Husrin inda sadar bah! Capi bah sylvia ah!! Mula2 kami terjumpa ya kan ya cakap 'nada papa tu drg atu' sekali ya yang naik begambar sama si dude lagi tu!

Haha lepas tu jeles kan nya lagi aku tu! berabis jeles kan nya ah!! jeless ku berabis! Hahaha capi eh. Macam kalau aku in sylvia's place pengsan i dh tu. tak terkata. Awww. Syl, Byl and Pei fen also auditioned membaca berita. Byl and pandi had a karaoke competition deal and they did it. Amazing. Pei, pandi and i (not sure about husrin) got byls and nikki couple bracelet too. =p hahaha. Bylah is now officially ber poligami. =p We met a couple of peeps too.

Owh we also went into the ghost house and i don't like any horror things so the boys suggested me to take off my glasses and i followed that suggestion. =p Pandi tadi gila suggest macam2 wa masa masuk rumah hantu ah. One of our ideas was laughing the whole way which we did. =p ahaha

and we saw someone too. please lah dude (not dude harlino =p) stay straight please. Please. =p sigh. I need to be perempuan sejati more so that he won't divert too and be lelaki sejati. I just don't think that perempuan sejati needs to be good at cooking or bring tissues in their purse or even take care of their looks. Hmm. Maybe someday, i'll find someone who won't mind that i don't cook or do the things girls usually do =p ps- inda payah lena tidor ku, lena berabis sampai aku tertidor awal and miss the kul 8 malam session with the artis! Tidur ku inda sadar diri. when i woke up its 11pm. And i was sulking sebab inda liat ya lagi. haha (gila fangirl berabis.)

my mood are no where near good. I hope everything will turn out fine again. I am still seriously dissapointed with our performance in the practical just now. Especially mine. I just thought that at that rate, i didn't learn anything. so much for being a bio sci. But hmm thank god i found you all right. Atleast, there's something to take me off my dissapointment just now.Need to wake up early and volunteer esok. salam. ;)

Friday, February 13, 2009

And not forgetting... NEXT gen discovery year. Jealous. We are going to spend our 4 faking years studying in UBD not that its bad. I too want a discovery year where we could go for internship or study abroad =(( Its unfair for us.

On another note, true dude. definitely true. I try not to bother. But i can't

SAMA. aku sekajap ke RTB carnival and that makes all the difference! HAHAHA DUDE HARLINO!! aku mau jumpa!



My mood is deteriorating. And deteriorating. And deteriorating. Sorry for the unpleasant weather i am bringing. There are a lot of things that dissapoint me right now. three of it being the cancellation of todays practical because the tide's high, bhavg dormancy (although D and i have talked about it and we've got plan. We have to meet up soon. jgn dlu spread much) and MATHS. AND...

Its just that things are only far when you make it that far.

And it's so far to reach right now. A barrier seem to have risen. Like allopatric speciation, we are becoming further further apart. I am not sure if i can keep up with it anymore. I am not sure how i can deal with it anymore. I am not sure how we are going to keep this up anymore. I am really not sure how to pretend that the line is fractured. I am sure one of us or two of us can pretend to be so. But hmm. I just don't think i can without feeling under the blues.

So i might just. MIGHT just. hhmm be a little quiet.

Anyways. I love you my bio mates. We only have each other still right.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I too.


I am staying at Pei Fen's hostel room for the night. Wake up damn early. mandi again. Field practical starts tommorow at 6.45am.

I am in Dr Charles' group again, terpisah dari teman yang i like to tail him and also a huge part of my Bio Science peers (plus our new baby Billah who i hope will not change his mind again!). They are in dr marshall's group.Yes we are a small group that is why i always say "we only have each other". We'll be doing vertical zonation on mangrove fauna on the vegetation. And knowing how Dr C does it, it might be wise to look on to how to identify mangrove plants and i am not very good at doing so, yet.

Hostel is so far so good. I am enjoying the silence because things have been quite NOISY for a while even when its silent.

i have another practical on Saturday too. So.... will update when i feel like doing so. My mood is deteriorating. I don't know what is happening. i don't know if i can handle it anymore. Hmm. to zirah manaf. Check my previous post.

HAPPY 20TH ZIRAH MANAF. (and charles darwin)


i log in to the net and checked the time for Nottingham, UK, and I MISSED THE 12 MIDNIGHT MARK! Someone birthday is today ~

Itssss charles darwin 200th birthday! The father of evolution would be 200 if he's still alive. hahaha nadabah. it is charles darwin birthday but i couldn't care much for that as much as.... my darling's birthday today. And i love her more than her boyfriend does =pp hahaha! so makes me her girlfriend forever.

pasal aku nada sana with you kan to weep with you pasal you're getting older. (we all are) wait for my virtual present. =p

To Zirah. I lap u forever. Happy 20th birthday. Jgn sedih birthday without the family okay. Tiqah karang masuk mimpi mu bawa cake betingkat2. Cake chocolate la. (tesliur) And i texted u with my number untuk dating with orang luar negri saja. I hope you recieved it. hehe. I'm having my field practical the whole day tommorow starting from 6.45am and you know how i am always late (awwu dri stpri years bah inda pernah berubah wa habit ku aher datang ah) so i won't be staying at home tonight takut ketinggalan bus. So this means i won't be online tonight. I'll try. I have a number btw hahaha.

Loves T.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Hmm eventhough it is tiring, biology is fun:

All day field practical to Pulau Bedukang on friday. And another practical on saturday. Amazing right? None of those butt aching lecture only course. I need to prepare physically. It'll be a VERY tiring weekend.

Anyways, UBD open day will be on soon and i might have to do something for it =/ AND today is KCC activity number 2- Korean culture day. weee. (i REALLY hope i can make it. Hope someone won't keep me too long with the meeting.) Prepare mentally and physically (i.e sleep more) for the field practical's exhaustion since we have a practical the next day too.

Also, i need to spend more time or my whole free day to make up for my absence from class this 1pm. There you go. I will miss this class =( And i don't like it. Crap eh.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ILY J hudson.


Gone with the wind. Its been crazy. crazy stormy. Okay not. Just in my head. lots and lots of things. and this headache. Galviscon or gavicon or what ever its called isn't working quite well.

I should not give a damn.


Monday, February 9, 2009

I want to eat jab chae!


There is about a million things that frustrate me right now. Some should know what that is. And now i have spent the last faking internet hours searching for a new motivation for me to study...something i can look forward to while going through tough times. Now my motivation is nil and i need to search for something again even if its still under construction. And not to mention finding someone to go with too because i can't take pictures on my own. damnit. Furthermore, i am turning 20 at the end of this year and that frightens me. My previelages will end at 21 and i am running against time here.

In addition to that, the thought of turning 20 really does frightens me. i mean.. that is the borderline between the "18 and legal" and "i was 18 not a while ago and i am always 18 forever" I really do want to stay 19 forever and that is not possible.

And while some people have become more beautiful and kurus (take si dayangku for example) i have not. No i still seriously think i am not beautiful. I have long neglected beauty care and i don't really care what i wear. and i have LINES on my neck! And i have more lines on my palm! Its not smoooth and i care more about that that any other features. so i guess i'll spend the few days looking for the right cream (the skin food is expensive) to prevent these lines. because i saw a girl with pretty face but lines on the neck just spoils it =( Sighs. Yes i am paranoid okay. I don't care if my face is getting chubbier. Just not the neck. hmm i guess weight gain has to do something with it too. Note to self: stop eating apple pies and cupcakes.Yes i gained a lot. (i just weighted myself) and i do not regret eating.

I am also surfing to find out which tea i should drink daily because i sort of drink pu erh tea now. I think i should drink oolong more. It says in website pu erh can reduce cholestrol (oh yes..i am paranoid too regarding cholestrol and artery clog...) hmm yes oolong is the cheaper one but back in China, they call the oolong the 'eternal beauty' like...hmm it burns more fat than green tea too

"the polyphenols found in oolong tea slow down the ageing process "... "Prevents skin damage "


"Anaemics should avoid excessive tea-drinking " ..."Too much tea can discolour your teeth. "

hmmm. I should worry less. Out. I want to eat jabchae. Need some potential-holiday surfing to do and sleep.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

i am annoying.


Somethings are frustrating.

Need time and space. And more crossstitch charts.

Sorry for the words i said to you tonight. I really didn't think before i said. Maybe my thoughts were wrong so don't swallow it in too much.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

kebuntakan ani... dapat bejangkit kah?


Apple pie at the piano lounge centerpoint is soo delish! I finished her '2 decades' gift box. Going out for a bit with the girls and find a box maybe. And i'll be going to my cousin's place just for a little gathering until her flight at 2 am. Another glimpse of what will be in my '2 decades' gift box. Its her request (its what we cousins do.. we request birthday gifts =p) and i experimented with the the normal beads you can find in most shops. Its got a theme btw.

And...kucingku buntak lamak. It still looks like a kitten when every other cat has grown bigger. yes i am talking about the cat that likes to sleep under my blanket.

Hmm. is shortness contagious?

I want to stay 19 forever.


Just a glimpse.

I am still awake, trying to finish off *refer to picture above* for someone who will be leaving tonight. And this year i missed her birthday which will in less than 2 weeks time. Hmm. Rush rush rush. That is only because i spent most of my waking hours out- i sorta went to Tutong with her without remembering that there were landslides and floods there. (and i accidentally went into the path with landslide without realising that there was a police warning not to go there.but that is a whole other embarassing story)

And apparently Tanah Jambu is one of the places with no water supply but i am enjoying every bit of it because... it somehow feels so refreshing using the gayung. Yeah amazingly i bathed more than used to without water. ( but then again you can never guess when i bathed or when i don't right?=p) But unfortunately, i AM running out of clean clothes. The sun has not been out to dry all the clothes of.

Dear God,

I hope __________ gets that girl soon. I understand he is now in the process of growing up into an adult that _______-ness and ______-ness are part of that process. But i hope he feels that only to girls. I hope _____ who in his eyes is talented and very hot (but that guy really isn't) doesn't attract him too much. I have faith in him. I know its a she not a he that captures his eyes. I hope he will never dissapoint me.

I wish ________stays straight forever and ever.



Ps- when i said i wanted to stay 19 forever. I was serious. Sad...infact that i'll never be 19 forever.

just a little empty.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Up to something


Its raining allowance. And look what i bought.
Apparently to those who have received works before they left to study...ur not the only one okay. And although it might be last minute....i am up to something heheheheee.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009



I don't care.

Its not like i've ever cared.

I just like to flood people's CBs okay,

Implications of going to restaurants at 10 am for "minum pagi" by tiqah


Its 10 am and if you can see at any restaurants there would be MANY customers wearing working attire eating. Hmm.

And i am reading titah KDYMM in his opening speech for the majlis mesyuarat negara 1983 saying

hasrat untuk "mewujudkan pentadbiran kerajaan brunei yang efisien, jujur dan amanah, yang hanya dapat diwujudkan dan di jamin hidupnya sekiranya semua pegawai pegawai dalam kerajaan baginda dapat melaksanakan tugas dan masing masing bertanggung jawab dengan cekap, jujur dan amanah disertai dengan tulus ikhlas semata mata kerana Allah, yang bertujuan untuk kebaikan penduduk itu sendiri"

Kejujuran. I wonder where that goes. Telling us students the future leaders to study hard and be JUJUR whereas some government officers would have been gone to ca mohd or similar restaurants to have their "minum pagi" by n0w leaving mountains of UNFINISHED or unchecked proposals that in turn leaves thousands of people waiting.

and when the same thing happens to themselves they complain that the government is slow.The government is not an independent body. Now, i don't study the government or politics but then again for me a government is made up of interdependence between ministries and ministries and made up of interdependence between departments and departments are made up of interdependance between sections and so on so forth. SO one government is made up of many people who are mostly citizens of Brunei Darussalam who works in that sector. AND we go and say unpublic that the government is slow when what we should say is "haji pulan or hajah pulan" lambat mencop borang ku" And there they are a huge part of the government is out at sumbangsih or restaurant lain makan. Macam tah canteen nada. Turun skajap minum then naik buat keraja bebalik.

You don't have to drive to any restaurants, just go to the canteen sudah- wasting your petrol, wasting the country's oil, emmitting green house gasses and when the climate changes and it rains like hell- you complain again. I mean, imagine what would happen if people really work for the sake of the country not just for the sake of preveilages of being a civil servant or for the pay check.

kejujuran. I wonder where that goes in our working population.

My name is Nur Atiqah and if i have said anything wrong or sensitive i am not scared. What i say is what i think and i don't think what i think is wrong, right? might as well post this at brudirect and let the whole working population bash me.

Theories theories.


Lets be realistic shall we.I am not going to pretend if my theories were right. I'll give a slap saying that i can't be fooled twice.

So maybe, saya khianat kali karang because i feel guilty for most things if i go.

Now let me go back to my politik antarabangsa menyokong MIB. Amazing right. Our lecturer decided to give each of the groups our topic and guess what we've got (out of coincidence) POLITICOS.

Or organising my new travel bloggie. (yes i am still stuck with perth april 2008 so screw. its still invisible i hope.)

sixonetwo found you.


To -K-

Honestly, i am very good at finding out too. i refuse to do it that way because it will show that i always stalk people. And everyone has been looking for you. And there is no news from you. AND macamtah kami inda buka blog mu (this is plagiarised from sahlan) Unfortunately today i log on to the net and i (unintentionally) looked for you. and I FOUND YOUR NEW URL damnnit!

add me.

from T.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Keeping it quiet.
Somehow i feel something's not quite right.

as hard as stone.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Still wondering what happened to K's blog.


The internet's the devil. So i am going to stay away and enjoy a life without world wide web once more.

AND i don't want to khianat much, but for the long holiday, i do have a plan and a back up plan and more backup plans if my back up plan doesn't happen. Since there is already a problem to my plan which is dates (i do not know when our field ecology 1 will be. Someone said its in june so sighs. I hope its in may.) One of my back up plans involve an island of a neighbouring country or going underwater (if the tide and weather is not as violent and it is now) or visiting a very kampong like and very historical place (if there is enough money). And my backup plan doesn't necessarily mean going abroad or going too far.

So if you want to come with. Start saving up too okay. Bah i am getting carried away with the net. I mean looking at island resort is not realy educational =p Salam

Loves T

Sunday, February 1, 2009



Last night went okay. We wanted to watch bride wars but it ended late and it was raining. So... its sunday and sunday is also our usual movie day not just saturday night. Yeah watching movie is like a tradition.I passed out because practicals are always tiring and i woke up late.

And i am blogging because of the above title.

SERIOUSLY. What happened to it? We need our beijing daily news.