Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sorang2 di tasek (di pinggiran memilukan)



ps- me dissappearing from MSN wasn't one of my menyamal malam malam buta ajushhi. (MSN ku tiba tiba inda baik =pp hheheeehee)

tpi menyamal ku ne!! tido ku membwa diri yg maseh menyamal.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dear norah joe.


This is for Nora J yang rupanya demam. You know why you're still sick? Because you haven't the kiss of health from tiqah =p

That's not my lips btw. I have thin and not so sexy lips.

Want more??

Naaah SIHAT NE. More???

Arrrrrr. =ppppp
Get well soon love.



Now... i need to go and find a zipper. Get a hook for my lovely artworks (which i bought) get new flower for my desk. NAIK BUKIT. Spring cleaning. Panyap almari so i can find my clothes easily. Because i don't do chores. No i don't wash clothes or cook. or tidy up room constantly.

Then i need to, finish reading Dynasties of China. Song dynasty next. YEAH. i don't even read twilight or harry potter. I read history books or non fiction. But hey don't get me wrong. I've started reading about history of china way before my two best buddies went off there. Someone said, i am the know-it-all (which in my opinion means: annoying miss-know-it-all) Hmm. that's what you get from reading non fiction. I read comics though. Because of the visual aid =p Its not as boring as reading.

Then i need to eat an apple pie or a banana muffin before patoi. I eat alot too. And i know somewhere you're mocking me because i gained weight (naah i don't know. I just heard from the people you told) I don't take it very much to the heart about eating though. Because when i go out, i am not ashamed about concentrating on my food. Many people around the world live under a dollar per day. They don't have food so i feel bad about not finishing food even when i am so full.

I know. I am different. I get that alot. Heh. But what's wrong about that. Lalala.

Hmm i think i should stay quiet again. Because there were moments when people don't listen to what i say when i talk to them (its another phrase of being ignored constantly). So yeah. if you just knew that I am sensitive. GET OVER IT.

Thanks all of you.


Its always nice to see people flocking into my blog from everywhere around the world including uppsalla (i have no idea where that is). I mean. I know who is reading my blog when they come from Auckland, Sheffield, nottingham, Bath, beijing, dalian, Perth. Its the mass that comes from i-have-no-idea where and from brunei or KB that is that interest me.

I mean. its not that i have many followers but my counter is ticking suggesting but i have many invisible followers. Thank you for reading my not so interesting blog about my not so interesting life. I know i have not been posting much about any important matter such as Lestari, PMUBD, national events or what so ever. Nor have i posted anything very educational while i realise a lot of people think i am academically oriented (for some reason i do not understand) I posted alot about Kpop or Jpop or Tv series because i watch TV alot. and lately i posted about my preperation for Patoi because i feel so enthusiasic about having to do bio practical the whole 6 days. (thats a first) i did not even post my dailies in a dramatic tone. but i guess. I am keeping this as my personal blog. Because my alter ego comes out everytime i am publishing a post- the emo.

I am as lame as some of my readers might say. I am as lame as i sound. Most of the time people just ignore me even when i say something. Its funny. No cooolness. I don't have any celebrity status. Not even in my own campus. But thank you for reading anyway.

Love T

ps- I shall have a more not so personal blog. BUT its still under construction. Remind me to get it done by next month.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Prince Charming. Editted


Now that is hot! =p (only a few would understand this) Charming likes dark colours.

On another note,i am fine. Internet is my alter ego. I was having a good laugh when you texted. I am emo online. Always am.

But i love you anyways Nora shi. =))


Lets see what have i done today. Woke up at 8- early. Swimming. UBD. Texted byl saying "erotic jua swimming atu" when in fact i was at the UBD, not stalking on them swimming at the stadium. Shopping and spent more than $100 on stuffs. Man. 6 days in patoi is like going abroad- the preperation is hell. It's fun BUT, sighs.. i spent money on things when i should be saving. I hope my fitness is sufficient by the end of this week for Patoi. And i need a bag. Haha.

I brought things when i shopped with ummimary and pandi. Still... Whilst window shopping while waiting for my mum to pay things at the bank, i found that there are A FEW things i want to get (not for patoi ofcourse). Need to suppress my shopping habits (just like what i have been doing for the past months successfully =p) SOOO i might buy those things after patoi and after i have gotten my reports done with 50 parcent. =p Ku pajal. If those things are still there, i am going to get it. Ku pajal.

I need to get my spring cleaning done soon. aigoo.

Esok is another wonderful day. Note to self: run your ass up the damn hill!! Fitness! I need it now.



Just ignore me. Oh wait. I am ignore-able. Yeah. Just ignore this mediocre person. Not so great. or fancy in any way. Emo mode. Penguin pun yang kebelakang. Online pun inda kena tagur. Ku tagur pun, "tanya ________" Or yet. nada reply langsung. OR "napa ko? ok ko?" Haha how sad is that. I mean people become prettier or raised higher, they tend to forget this antisosial girl.

Its everyman for himself, i guess.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I can be your juliet.


Dashing! definitely dashing! Everyone is extra hot here. Check out jong hyun bling bling's and tae min hair. Spicy hot. The song sounds like their other song but their styles and the dance routine really stood out. MINHO's rap is.. oh so sexy. key and onew... need i say more? ;p

Nuna like! =p you see thank god dibah has her namja. That narrows things down. Now there is me, shinee and the rest of the world only.=pp

Hey look, i have things to do.


For the first time ever! Since the holidays, I woke up at 7 am =p Hadri shi, Shaqqy and i went hiking at marakuching. Haha I am so NOT fit anymore. And yet i only have 6 more days to Patoi. (they say its steeper). crap. Seriously ngalih ku. Inda fit. I am now just a bunch of adipose tissue trying to make way up the slope.

I have something to do on saturday, but then when i went there, they said, i need the document. So i was supposed to have it this morning but then (a continuous chain of bad news) but i've printed what ever i need to print anyway. i just hope i can make it in time for the CFFC. Or i hope i wouldn't have to explain bit by bit and get what i need to settle settled. Then, there's the preparation for patoi. I need to get a stretchable pants with pockets. Sort out my clothes and etc. GET BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY.

And get fitter in time. I tell you. My june is awesome. Its full of activities (which has no certificates)

ps- we seem to have a celebrity amongst us now. Its hard to meet or communicate. Sigh.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Former South Korean president dead, suicide probed: police


Former South Korean president Roh Moo-Hyun, who was at the centre of a multi-million dollar corruption probe, plunged to his death off a mountainside on Saturday in an apparent suicide. Police said they were investigating whether Roh, who was in office from 2003-2008, killed himself. A former aide said the ex-leader jumped off a cliff after leaving a suicide note.

Roh, 62, had left home around dawn, accompanied by a bodyguard, and climbed a mountain near his retirement village of Bongha close to the southeast coast. "He jumped off a rock in the mountain at 6:40 am (2140 GMT Friday)," former chief presidential secretary Moon Jae-In told journalists.

Read more here.

The suicide problem in KOREA is way out of control. I've read about the chain suicides of celebrities and government have been trying to reduce this TREND - even if it means banning the word suicide from the internet. Even the HAHA thing that korean celebrtities are doing (SNSD or DBSK) are so that the citizens could loosen up a bit.

but when the former president himself jump off a mountain, how effective is korean government actually? Hmm. nothing good comes out of suicide.



To cowok yang ada di Bandung now: Selamat Ultah!

dear social one,

Nothing grows young.Everything grows old. That is why we need eurychoma longifolia (tongkat ali)! =p supaya yang kendur nanti jadi kencang. HAHAHAHA.But no matter how old you are, ur still my bestest bichi preng ever. And ur will always be birah. Long live.

Love,Yang terpinggi di pinggiran-

Siti antisosial.

Selamat ulangtahun sayang. HAHAHA hahahahahahahaha. The lyrics speaks though:

Yang tulus ikhlas
Ingin sekali sekala dirinya dibalas
Walau hanya dengan dakapan di angin lalu

Yang slalu memberi (true true)
Ingin sekali sekala jadi penerima
Cukup dengan salam dan manis doa


Aku ingin kau merasakan hebatnya cinta
Dan leburkan saja serpihan calar derita


Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Kini kau bersayap, pergilah terbang (terabang plang sudah =p)
Rentaslah langit cita cita mu
Harap nanti kita ‘kan bertemu

Selamat ulang tahun sayang
Janganlah engkau tak terbang pulang (=p)
Ku nanti penuh kerinduan (=ppp)
Selamat tinggal, selamat jalan

Aku hanya ingin kan engkau setia (setia kepada kami orang brunei yg inda seberapa =p)
Kerana setia yang mencipta bahagiamu

But seriously, bon anniversaire. I wish u were here. No. i wish i was there =p hahahah LAPS BERABIS. u are my overdosage bichi the birah one GO BIRAH. (tho aku yg oba nowadays. me the antisosial one)



I have not done my spring cleaning. Instead, i've been busy with games.Sahlan shi and i went to tasek lama btw. Need a little altitude (copyright from B). Jog (my version of brisk walk) only tires my calf. I need altitude to exercise the thighes and the butt. Yeah THE butt. But i think i have not really pushed my self today. Maybe next time eh sahlan? We try to walk up again. Poco2 sweat is okay. This sweat was oh so good.

I have tanning session again tommorow (or later) before heading of to UBD for Patoi talk.

AND i have a problem regarding next month teaching.huhuh. i have to settle this soon. I hope si kekanda yang aku sayang berabis atu dapat relief my class the whole next month.huhuhu (update: ya okay pplang dh. see baik hati bah ya ani) Now i have to inform mr Donkey. If he said no, I WILL argue. hahaha.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Note to self: Spring Cleaning!


In the end, i did not tidy up the room. My bebeh texted for a swim. So we went swimming. And after that, joined by farah too, we went for a jog. Boy, the are soooo enthusiastic. It was like looking at athletes training. As for me, i hate jogging. I really do. 5 pm jog is sexy just because of that guy with (really) short pants and muscular thighs. But yeah. Today was crazy. (i can't feel my leg now.) Skipping is tiring.

I'm waterbaby.

random note: I feel like something was missing today and yesterday. Oh yeah- BIRAH. Huhuhu. And aku high malam2 pasal aku baca ceta korea versi melayu (aka designated attitude =p hehehehe hepi ku berabis. ahhaha lain yg hepi)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Boring chores


i am no where near being productive (other than playing games trying to make money in facebook games). SO i hope i will wake up early (not at 1pm) tommorow morning. Walk (my version of a jog) Settle something up at the bank. Maybe get a shot (but morning queues are horrible) Go back home and tidy up the room (because i have been completely ignoring the bags on the floor, books everywhere- not just mine and the mess) Go for a 5pm walk because 5pm is way sexy (and i did not go today)

I was thinking of redecorating the room. Move things here and there. The paintings and drawings i had needs a place and frames. Play games again. Watch TV.

And i am telling this to you! you see how unproductive i am.



THIS is seriously NICE. Ori lagi. Love the original. She totally kills it man. The voice is so wow.

moreee.. ;iat here. this one lawa. its like a new norah.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do i blog like popseoul now?


This post is editted. SHINEE comes in second. My dear dibah and her namja comes in first. I stopped at the conversation (in her post) Its 0.26 am and i am high. so HIGH baby! Dibah post have that sugary effect. SO SWEEET. SWEEEEEEEEEET =p awwwww. Paham ku walau di translate nya ke korea. macam cerita korea. Awwww. people yang nada d brunei read here hahahaha =p


now the second thing is...

SHINEE SHINEE SHINEE SHINEEE! i did this facebook quiz and i got sexy voice bling bling =p i dun mind.

pardon, mais je suis vraiment fâché.


Macam seperti tak habis2 menyindir aku! (after kena belasah with questions last time)

Taken from BT.

Preserve top-spinning sport as part of cultural heritage

Monday, May 18, 2009

TOP-spinning (gasing) should be valued amongst Bruneians as a traditional pastime that is part of our cultural heritage to be preserved and kept alive in this modern day.

This was said at the opening ceremony of the Melabau Gasing Tournament (KGPM) 2009 yesterday by event chairman, Lieutenant Colonel (B) Hj Zulkifli Hj Nayan.

During the event, the chairman highlighted on the importance of preserving the traditional Bruneian sport, which is practised by senior citizens and is passed down to the younger generation. (oh wait this sounds like what i faking said in my presentation which i was bashed)

Top-spinning is a traditional Bruneian sport that takes skill and technique (oh yeah THIS TOO when ask if i could make the top spin. I SAID THIS AND WAS REPLIED SINISTERLY by a certain someone) and is still practised by older people despite new technologies that could drive traditional games like this to extinction, he said.

Read more here

No offence byl (i mean the judges picked you so you might have sided on them), but ______ them, ______ everything that was said. I should copyright everything is said so that it won't turn up the_______ same way in papers weeks after. ______. Get that- copyright. I mean. I have nothing against the person who wants to approve our proposal or anything (his face changed and he gave me that pity look when i got bashed by _________ questions) But yeah. That i still refuse to show myself up to MOST of them. So yeah. because what. They said as if i wasn't being relevant, humiliated me as if top spin does not require skill. they have that funny smile to each other ( that says... she's stupid. she doesn't know a thing about gasing.

and not just that. HE SAID SOMETHING about my brother's effort. That he probably did not know anything about gasing and all and that a box for gasing has been made (he implies that my brother need not do his design for his project i guess. and he told the other judges as well.. OH guess what salaud, during his PMB his theme was food rack and there are fucking thousands of food rack but that is why they call it design for SECONDARY salaud. If he just bashes me for my lack of knowledge its okay. BUT that what made me very upset. he talked about my brother. A mere 15 year old, trying to make an effort in preserving cultural heritage. He said, its not hard to find gasing. But to us YES it is. IT IS A YOUTH CONFERENCE (and we're talking about youths here. and they are NOT youths.) and yet the same ________ thing showed up in papers. Like to play gasing i need skill bah eh paka. zut!

So give me time please. I am still hurt by what that one person said. That i refuse to turn my faces to any of them right now. at this point. it will always be not the right time for proposal.

Ferme la bouche! pardon, mais je suis vraiment fâché.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The final frontier!


I forgot to mention that i watched STAR TREK twice! Once with fam. The other with them sans BJ. AND chris pine melts me for the second time after Princess Diaries. Oh wait. It was the third time. He should be in better movies. Space suits him well. And Spock is hot. I mean. JJ could not have choosen a better spock other than the usually scary sylar- zachary quinto. And cute cute chekov too. I laps space. Its just like watching armageddon again (no i don't watch star trek)

I wanna watch it again. The last time i watch a movie three times was... Batman. (yeah i am a batman fan, as well as Xmen and LOTR and matrix. those are the movies i went for thirds in the cinema)

On another note, since its finished, i need to get this out of the system: i don't like AF this season. There are lack of talents but most importantly a lot of pretence from the AF team. hmm. I guess AF is outdated, we cannot deny that- people have lost interest in it. Even malaysian entertainment bloggers. stop belakon la. When they said transformation, i was expecting more other than killing songs or changing the stage layout. We need a serious fresh thing. really FRESH.Even madonna always change her image to stay fresh with the fans. AND seriously, the jazz song last night which a singer totally butchered, was enough for me to change the channel and go to sleep. Can't they like give better songs to match the singers voice? Oh yeah. Incase you have not know what pretences i am talking about, search in youtube- AF kantoi.

Even Heroes, the once famous, are losing audience just after 3 seasons. Apatah lagi 7?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Taking chances.


I've learns something while sulking over things a few days ago. (and again last night while watching leverage)

That there are many ways to die. Car crash. Inhaling exhaust fumes from diesel cars. Skin cancer from over exposure to uv rays. Daily accidents like tripping. lung cancer from inhaling ciggarete smoke. liver haemorrage from drinking booze. heart failure from too much cholestrol. Nauzubillah. Indeed, malaysia has confirmed 2 cases of swine flu (on board flight from america. Both are friends) Thailand has confirmed one case. And as the minister mentioned, we cannot deny the fact that, it might enter our nation as well. Nauzubillah again. But then.

Even by living, we all are taking our chances.

So i'm taking mine. KL it is? sigh. Saving up. I won't be joining if its more than 300 =p Someone thought i was out of the country because i could not be reached. Bear in mind, i always neglect my phone. Its always out of kredit. =pp and always in the room.=pppp

Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm just one tiny cloud in the huge sky.


No. I'm still not fine. As much as i try to distract my self, I still feel as miserable as ever. Bichi is Billah and he is achieving something. WHile i'm just this one mediocre. People have atleast achieve exceptional things- learn new language. Become prettier or represent your country or even your institution or go to places. I just can't seeem to do that. i feel as ugly as ever most of the time. I feel soooo stupid. i feel so antisocial and useless because i feel that people depends more on my other friends when it comes to matters that disturbs them (it has always been like that). I cannot help them in anyway. I think that is how i must have looked in their eyes when they refuse to share stories with me.

I feel miserable because i have a passion. And at times i cannot do that due to things i cannot control.

Congratulations if you are happy of my misery. But i still feel miserable. And i am making a decision. The most important person have given me the green light(the person who might have seen how miserable i have been this few days) Its a risk. But if i'd rather sleep at night knowing that i took that risk than running away from my own passion.

So..i'm having my break. I can't entertain you as much now. i have to entertain my inferior self.

Monday, May 11, 2009

if you're stressed watch this Big bang boys over flower parody.


TOP as Tsukasa Domyoji! TOP is sexier. I mean. It made me think... they should be the one playing the roles. Hahah kalah si go jyun pyo ah (i forgot his realname) seriously, he's so much sexier as domyoji in this parody. G dragon (*kirai) and hanazawa rui. Seung ri and Tae yang as the two gatal boys. and haha dae sung as the girl. (cali berabis..hahahahh i can't stop lafing my huge ass) But my main point is.... TOP is so sexy in this vid with that hair and eyes and goddamn domyoji attitude, it made me post this blog even when i don't feel like blogging.

"f4 leader..Tsukasa. Wangsakaji" Its been a while since i heard that.

TALUR cali berabis. Youtube for Coffee prince parody. Top as main guy and si G dragon as eun chan.

Am i that mediocre?


Congrats bichi. Now you have achieved atleast something.

And i. Am still that mediocre.

I know i do not have a sweet tongue. Nor do i have extraordinary capabilities. I even have questionable leaership qualities (I heard things, a few days after being MT and its not easy for me to forget that, you see) I mean, people rather look at the friendlier people than i am. But I guess its every man for themselves.

naah. i'll figure a way to achieve atleast something even with my hate-able attitude. i don't believe in kiss assing my way to the top. i still don't.

SALAM. Disappearing. bye.

Give me a week or two.


I watch STAR TREK on saturday night at the mall and between wolverine and star trek, it has gotta be start trek... (yeah its that great, but ofcourse i watch wolverine sudah) Boys over flower kept me awake until late in the morning, that i did not want to wake up for the usual, sunday family basikal/jogging day. Mum woke me up at 9.30 am, because my aunt booked tickets for the Sniper movie showing at 10 am. Its the one starring edison chen and dear richie ren (whose age is getting on to him) My breakfast was... twister and milo, in the cinema. If you like SWAT, i think you'll enjoy this one. For mothers day... there has got to be some flowers, so we went to get one for mum. had escapade for lunch. Then, we headed for serasa beach and played ATV. Now i am craving for similar speed.

And all that were done... since morning till afternoon, without bathing. (they woke me up at 9.30 am and movie was at 10. Go figure)

Pictures of T and her lamak from last night:
This is T holding a Coke ZERO (supposedly zero calories but i don't drink fizzy drinks that much anyway)

This is T after stuffing her fat self with pizza.

This is T eating leftover cakes with Birthday girl, on behalf of all poor people who cannot afford to eat as lavishly as we do.
This is T now: made up of 40% home food, 30% outside food (villa mauri, delifrance, escapade, koryo, taman selera, nasi katok kaka) 10% fattening drinks (mr brown, coffee bean, easyway) 10% tasty cakes (apple pie, cupcake...ahh nyaman) and 10% is whatever people feed me (i mean food)

I know people have been calling me fat. I ignored that because why would anyone else care right? People see people from what the eyes can see. But hmm. At times it does bothers me and i need to regain my fitness for patoi, stop eating fatty food for health. Plus, i need to make way for the time when the friends in UK comes back- i think they crave food so much no? =p

SO give me a week or two. And I'll show you. Btw, I don't starve myself unlike some people i know.

Salam. (malas ku online)

ps- i am still sad over the exams. Telling to cheer up is easier than i could cheer up.

Saturday, May 9, 2009



I am sorry for being so quiet with you people today. Exam is over but i'm not over it. I should be merry now that it's hols. But no. I am extremely sad and upset. Because. Seriously. It wasn't satisfiying. All of them. Even geo.

So babai. happy holidays.

We made a surprise to tommorow's birthday girl. happy birthday islam.

Ps- I am dieting. Maybe that'll help forget exams. Hello anaroxic baby.

I want to eat cake.


woow. I mental lah.

HAHAHA. Im a fool. Haha. I have the time to read and i spend it doing other things. Please do not tell me how well you think your exam have been.

Or you might have to pull me over that jambatan. Or worst... buy me a villa mauri chocolate pudding. Though what i really need now is....

apple pie.

OWH. i am CFFC 6. Bai. i have exam later. (i am currently looking for my mobile phone. Yang sabuting. 3g.)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Kill me now.


I need coffee.Movie.More k drama. Other people's sunshine.

I need to forget.yeah that's it. FORGET. Fak.

huhuhu. Exam was terrible. =''((

Ku pajal


The girl with the short hair... her name's Minzy

and she's 15!

Woot. Can't get enuf of fire.

Cahaya tak bisa cheerio.


Sigh. exam was terrible. I am a fool. I need to watch tv. =(

definitely a HERO.


HAHAHA. Drama updates!! After Kami no Shizuku, i liat a few other dramas lagi =p But seriously, if you like dramas about solving mysteries or puzzles, its a must watch. AND kamenashi kazuya (gains a little weight) and looks so faking cute here. Oh Himono no onna cali. Even my brother and my mum (yang jarang turut campur meliat ceta jpu stuck dapan tv) bini2 nya innocent berabis and pemalas. But udah atu fell inlove tia and ya inda tau cemana or apa kan d buat.

I watched zettai no kareshi a while ago ( i finished the manga long time ago) and there is zettai no kareshi special!! Movie pasal 3 years after si night tenjo shut down. And i find that the guy who plays soushi was SO cuter (than he's supposed to be like in the manga) Sekali nya, i found this drama, yang YA ada belakun- mei chan no shitsuji (my handsome butler) ceta pasal butler butler and sapa suka baca shojou gerenti suka. GF banar si oguri shun pun ada dlm sana and the one yg belakon yang belakon jadi Hibari (dlm Hana kimi) or suzuki (dlm conan) alum ku tau nama nya, pun ada.

Pastu!! Aku liat semula Hana Kimi special and baru ku sadar lelaki yang kiut berabis menawan hati itu yang belakun jadi Nanba Minami dalam hana kimi. Kecarian ku dramas si nanba minami ah, rupanya 3 buting dh dramanya ku liat. Tapi seriously, his facial structure...sighh. (though oguri is still jap numero uno ku =ppp) BTW ku google dh, Kawin dh ya. Alaaa =p HAHAHA. Ada lagi cemani, aku mau jua??

MACAM. inda ku betidur mliat dramas ah pasal ya =p Hot berabis. napa kan ada lelaki hot cemani tpi kawin dh! HAHAHA (emosi) Namanya Hiro Mitsushima.

Sama, aku liat Miss no good, drama taiwan. SIUK berabis. Bali tah mun kamu teliat. Talur banar bini2 nya but still so cute. And the guy is cuter and SO sweeet. Mcm terkenang ku ceta pregnant dlm kapal atu hahaha. Wilber pan hot walau bibir nya tabal ah.

I hope guys will sta straight even after looking at this pic. =p hahaha But yeah his character in Miss no good was so sweeet. So caring. And his english is awesome (rupanya ya lahir di america)

Ofcourse, aku yang minat oba kan Xmen, tidak ketinggalan meliat xmen origins during the revision week (sorry i khianat). Luv it so much. Can't wait for CSI yang baru ah, ya betukar org dh ah. Sigh . Boring jua kehidupan ku ani. I'm running out of good dramas (to keep me away from this terrible feeling of frustration over exams)



Owh owh. I did post taeyeon song 'can you hear me?' (which i repeated over and over till my nini tpod was jammed) and i just know that MY HWAN HEEE =p sang an OST from beethoven virus juga. Sigh i should start watching that but i want to start watching boys oba bunga first. AND FTTS is splitting after 10 years kah. Sobs. As long as hwan hee don't stop singing.

I think the first time i told people about hwan hee was in form six no? Lagu tommorow sama kaseumapado yang ku taruh arh fs ku yang mati atu. HAHA. This goes to my nini pod.

HWAN HEEEEE (fan girl mode)Hmm i still think he looked better before the surgery, as in so cute. But its okay. You can't change it back anyway. As long as he sings... its okay. =p

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Really on Fire.


It was terrible. I started out being really really blur. I did terribly. I didn't manage to finish it. I fell asleep when i'm supposed to read this morning. DAMN. My essay were terrible! =( huhu. Its like there's little points sigh. My tests weren't good either. Argh. Bio was erm.. entah, i didn't manage to read enough to prepare for the essay. Maths was terrible, i hope i pass (i don't even care if its a supplementary)CO was a funny question, i mean for someone who is as KUNO as me, being asked to write commands for computer proggrame on how to draw a given shape is the last thing i'd like to do.

B would say.. what's done is done. I just can't get it over with. =( I slept again the whole day. I guess i can't lie to myself- that i wasn't satisfied with geo. Gosh. I don't even want to know my marks now.

Anyway, after their debut on the net- 2NE1 Fire MV had reached 1 million views =p haha. It like CL. It seems like she can speak 4 languages fluently. (i just don't like it when she has that accent while rapping in korean) Here's the Space version of Fire:

Its 2 am. T is on fire (to study.. NOT)


T study T study! I just woke up btw and just started to study geo for tommorow morning.Sigh. The timetable is so packed. I hope tommorow's 3 hour won't be as uncomfortable as today's bio 3 hours ( i mean since i have my dry overnight kotex penyerap) You didn't know it did you? i mean the reason why i went out early? haha thank go i wore a red baju kurung, which blends.

(kadangnya mcm lagu hindi ada jua ku dgr haha) Review from me: being said the female version of big bang, i think 2NE1 really lives up to that reputation. I've been playing it dari tadi and i find them okay. i mean their song lollipop was so catchy. its just that... But why the western accent when singing in korean? I don't think big bang does that western accent as much.

I envy billah hassan for saying that he's been happy with his exams. Its a lie if that came out from me. =( Hmmm. I think i have done quite badly but that is all i can do. aigoo. GEO krg. Study tiqah!! I need something to pull up my grades.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

i can't get it over with


Dear God,

Even a passing mark for math would do. I don't even mind if its a supplementary.


ps- seriously. I can't seem to cry it out. But i know i messed maths up. I don't know if those who said they messed up really meant it. But i know when i messed things. dear takuyung, math was even harder than mib.

Friday, May 1, 2009

TaeYeon- Can you hear me?


I decided this one should have a post of its own. Because i was so down yesterday and today because of few reasons and this song accompanied me through the day. Tae yeon can really song. And i wonder why SNSD have to sing songs like gee gee gee. (so does not bring out their talent)

Can you hear me (beethoven virus ost)- tae yeon

조금만 아파도 눈물나요
jogeumman apado nunmullayo
가슴이 소리쳐요
gaseumi sorichyeoyo
그대 앞을 그대 곁을 지나면
geudae apeul geudae gyeoteul jinamyeon
온통 세상이 그대인데
ontong sesangi geudaeinde
그대만 그리는데
geudaeman geurineunde
그대 앞에선 숨을 죽여요
geudae apeseon sumeul jugyeoyo

내게 그대가 인연이 아닌 것처럼
naege geudaega inyeoni anin geotcheoreom
그저 스치는 순간인 것처럼
geujeo seuchineun sunganin geotcheoreom
쉽게 날 지나치는 그대 곁에
swipge nal jinachineun geudae gyeote
또 다가가 한 걸음조차
tto dagaga han georeumjocha
채 뗄 수 없을지라도
chae ttel su eobseuljirado

서성이게 해 눈물짓게 해..
seoseongige hae nunmuljitge hae..
바보처럼 아이처럼
babocheoreom aicheoreom
차라리 그냥 웃어버려
charari geunyang useobeoryeo

점점 다가 설수록
jeomjeom daga seolsurok
자꾸 겁이 나지만
jakku geobi najiman
이 사랑은 멈출 수가 없나봐
i sarangeun meomchul suga eomnabwa

왜 내 사랑만 더딘거죠
wae nae sarangman deodingeojyo
내 사랑만 힘들죠
nae sarangman himdeuljyo
그대 앞에 그대 곁에 있어도
geudae ape geudae gyeote isseodo
온통 세상이 그대인데
ontong sesangi geudaeinde
그대만 보이는데
geudaeman boineunde
그대 앞에선 난 먼 곳만 봐요
geudae apeseon nan meon gotman bwayo

내게 그대가 꼭 마지막 인 것처럼
naege geudaega kkok majimak in geotcheoreom
내게 마지막 순간인 것처럼
naege majimak sunganin geotcheoreom
쉽게 날 지나치는 그대 곁에
swipge nal jinachineun geudae gyeote
또 다가가 한걸음 조차
tto dagaga hangeoreum jocha
채 뗄 수 없을지라도
chae ttel su eobseuljirado

서성이게 해 눈물짓게 해
seoseongige hae nunmuljitge hae
바보처럼 아이처럼 차라리 그냥 웃어버려
babocheoreom aicheoreom charari geunyang useobeoryeo
점점 다가 설수록 자꾸 겁이 나지만
jeomjeom daga seolsurok jakku geobi najiman
이 사랑은 멈출 수가 없나봐
i sarangeun meomchul suga eomnabwa

먼 발치서 나 잠시라도
meon balchiseo na jamsirado
그대 바라볼 수 있어도
geudae barabol su isseodo
그게 사랑이죠
geuge sarangijyo

혹시 이 기다림이 이 그리움이
hoksi i gidarimi i geuriumi
닿을 때면 들릴 때면
daheul ttaemyeon deullil ttaemyeon
차라리 모른 척 해줘요
charari moreun cheok haejwoyo
그대에게 갈수록 자꾸 겁이 나지만
geudaeege galsurok jakku geobi najiman
이 사랑은 멈출 수가 없네요
i sarangeun meomchul suga eomneyo

(antah apa ertinya alum saya check. Tpi msm menyentuh hati lagunya walau inda tau ertinya. HHAAHA)

BAH BANAR2 KU NE.I messed up last thursday. So yeah. I'll start doing maths today. i hope i pass.Amin. Wish me marks berabis. This is stressing =( Luvs.