Sunday, May 17, 2009

The final frontier!

I forgot to mention that i watched STAR TREK twice! Once with fam. The other with them sans BJ. AND chris pine melts me for the second time after Princess Diaries. Oh wait. It was the third time. He should be in better movies. Space suits him well. And Spock is hot. I mean. JJ could not have choosen a better spock other than the usually scary sylar- zachary quinto. And cute cute chekov too. I laps space. Its just like watching armageddon again (no i don't watch star trek)

I wanna watch it again. The last time i watch a movie three times was... Batman. (yeah i am a batman fan, as well as Xmen and LOTR and matrix. those are the movies i went for thirds in the cinema)

On another note, since its finished, i need to get this out of the system: i don't like AF this season. There are lack of talents but most importantly a lot of pretence from the AF team. hmm. I guess AF is outdated, we cannot deny that- people have lost interest in it. Even malaysian entertainment bloggers. stop belakon la. When they said transformation, i was expecting more other than killing songs or changing the stage layout. We need a serious fresh thing. really FRESH.Even madonna always change her image to stay fresh with the fans. AND seriously, the jazz song last night which a singer totally butchered, was enough for me to change the channel and go to sleep. Can't they like give better songs to match the singers voice? Oh yeah. Incase you have not know what pretences i am talking about, search in youtube- AF kantoi.

Even Heroes, the once famous, are losing audience just after 3 seasons. Apatah lagi 7?