Tuesday, May 19, 2009

pardon, mais je suis vraiment fâché.

Macam seperti tak habis2 menyindir aku! (after kena belasah with questions last time)

Taken from BT.

Preserve top-spinning sport as part of cultural heritage

Monday, May 18, 2009

TOP-spinning (gasing) should be valued amongst Bruneians as a traditional pastime that is part of our cultural heritage to be preserved and kept alive in this modern day.

This was said at the opening ceremony of the Melabau Gasing Tournament (KGPM) 2009 yesterday by event chairman, Lieutenant Colonel (B) Hj Zulkifli Hj Nayan.

During the event, the chairman highlighted on the importance of preserving the traditional Bruneian sport, which is practised by senior citizens and is passed down to the younger generation. (oh wait this sounds like what i faking said in my presentation which i was bashed)

Top-spinning is a traditional Bruneian sport that takes skill and technique (oh yeah THIS TOO when ask if i could make the top spin. I SAID THIS AND WAS REPLIED SINISTERLY by a certain someone) and is still practised by older people despite new technologies that could drive traditional games like this to extinction, he said.

Read more here

No offence byl (i mean the judges picked you so you might have sided on them), but ______ them, ______ everything that was said. I should copyright everything is said so that it won't turn up the_______ same way in papers weeks after. ______. Get that- copyright. I mean. I have nothing against the person who wants to approve our proposal or anything (his face changed and he gave me that pity look when i got bashed by _________ questions) But yeah. That i still refuse to show myself up to MOST of them. So yeah. because what. They said as if i wasn't being relevant, humiliated me as if top spin does not require skill. they have that funny smile to each other ( that says... she's stupid. she doesn't know a thing about gasing.

and not just that. HE SAID SOMETHING about my brother's effort. That he probably did not know anything about gasing and all and that a box for gasing has been made (he implies that my brother need not do his design for his project i guess. and he told the other judges as well.. OH guess what salaud, during his PMB his theme was food rack and there are fucking thousands of food rack but that is why they call it design for SECONDARY salaud. If he just bashes me for my lack of knowledge its okay. BUT that what made me very upset. he talked about my brother. A mere 15 year old, trying to make an effort in preserving cultural heritage. He said, its not hard to find gasing. But to us YES it is. IT IS A YOUTH CONFERENCE (and we're talking about youths here. and they are NOT youths.) and yet the same ________ thing showed up in papers. Like to play gasing i need skill bah eh paka. zut!

So give me time please. I am still hurt by what that one person said. That i refuse to turn my faces to any of them right now. at this point. it will always be not the right time for proposal.

Ferme la bouche! pardon, mais je suis vraiment fâché.