Monday, March 30, 2009

Why biology class in UBD is so much fun?


because they are the cause of my weight gain.
And joy.

Despite bengkak eyes due to just a mere 2 hour of sleep almost everyday.

They are laughters. Most of us, we stick by each other. And i hope that stays for a very long time. (hey 3 more years baaah. ;p plus temburong nanti we =pp)

This was a saturday. The day i slept at 5+ am doing my Biology lab report with UmmiMary on my ebuddy. I woke up at 8 am and was told to come to UBD and "jangan tah mandi" so yeah i just brushed teeth wash face and pakai apa yang patut =p and rush to UBD. With Billah's yummy pudding and Dr Junaidah's (bio lecturer) nyummy cupcake and peifen (bio partner too) kind enough to treat in quite fun.

Laps. hisatus. dangar saja tia lagu ah

Sunday, March 29, 2009

please, just pass by pretending like you don't see me


My essay is due soon. And i should start on it soon. And i will do that while watching princess hours (joo ji hoon) again. And i will watch that in my room which will have no internet access because the wireless's not working after last nights lighting. So my next post will be (eseh ikut ikutan tia jua).... hmm don't know when. So i leave you with this beautiful song. last time it was If by taeyeon (SNSD) and it was a really beautiful song (manyageeeh..) and now... its by myself by tiffany (also an SNSD)

By Myself - Tiffany (SNSD)Enjoy. I like it.

By Myself - Tiffany(English Translation)
please, just pass by pretending like you don't see me

please, don't even give me a glance
in the days that are like the sandy winds
don't give anything to me
folding away my one heart
hiding my one tearl
ike it's the first time we've seen each other, like we're strangers
just pass by. it has to be like myself,
i say my love, send away my love
in the folds of the lonely accumulated memories,
the tears hangeven if you're far away, i hope that you'll be happy
i bury my love deeply within my heart
in the next world, when we are born
then, we'll look at each other face to face
let's be born so that we don't lose weakly in front of fate again
so that i may be a flower in front of you
i'll sing a song for youas one's girl, as one man's lover
i want to always live by your side
by myself, i say my love, send away my love
in the folds of the lonely accumulated memories, the tears hang
even if you're far away, i hope that you'll be happy
my love, deeply within my heart...
though it hurts, though it will hurt, i will never cry
because there is no such
thing as farewell in my love
when this life ends, in the next world, us two
let's love, for sure. let's love, for two.

By Myself - Tiffany (Romanization)jeh bahl moh reun cheh jee nah gah yojeh bahl noon geel doh joo jee mah yomoh rae bah rahm gah teun nahl deul ehah moo guht doh nae geh joo jee mah yonae mah eum hah nah juh buh doo gohnae noon mool hah nah soom gyuh doo gohchuh eum bohn guht chuh ruhmnaht suhn sah rahm chuh ruhmjee nah gah yo geu rae yah mahn hae yo..nah hohn jah suh sarang eul mahl hah gohsarang eul boh nae gohhohn jah ssah eun choo uhk ehgyuhp gyuh bee noon mool ee mae yuhmuhn goh seh ee ssuh dohgeu dae haeng bohk hah geelnah yae sarang eul... gah seum geep ee moo duh yo...dah eum seh sang oo ree tae uh nah myuhngeu ddaen sarang eu roh mah joo bwah yooon myung ah peh heem uhp shee jee neun eeldoo buhn dah shee uhp geh tae uh nah yonah geu dae ah peh kkoh chee dweh gohnah geu dae wee hae noh rae hah gohhahn sah rahm yuh jah rohhahn nahm jah yuhn een eu rohgeu dae gyuh teh neul sahl goh sheep uh yo..nah hohn jah suh sarang eul mahl hah gohsarang eul boh nae gohhohn jah ssah eun choo uhk ehgyuhp gyuh bee noon mool ee mae yuhmuhn goh seh ee ssuh dohgeu dae haeng bohk hah geelnah yae sarang eul... gah seum sohk geep ee...ah pah doh ah pah jyuh dohjuhl dae nahn ool jee ah nah yobah roh nae sarang eunee byuhl ee uhp seu sahl mee kkeut nah gohdah eum seh sang eh oo reekkohk sarang hae yo... kkohk sarang hae yo.. oo ree.. (ngalih ku mengusai)

This is so going into my Nini Tpod. Until next post

language is an important agent of propaganda.


Its funny. How people are trying to be the best of leaders. But in the process, talk badly about other people to someone else. And that someone else would agree in their mind, not knowing that, if this is a propaganda, they've fallen for it.

How low can the human mind go? To just swallow everything that people say. I am different from many. because if you talk behind my back to someone. I'll talk in front of you to everyone. That is how i work. I don't care what rank you are, we are all the same. And its funny how once we sound pissed of someone, everyone tries to provoke you even more (even when they don't realise it).

On another but related note, I've seen back stabbers in my life before. Someone i considered my close friend, back stabbed me, lost my dad. Someone mum considers bestfriend, backstabbed her, lost a family. Someone in work, back stabbed her again, lost a lot of commision. I was there to see it all. I was little to know it all. I do know too, that someone backstabbed my trust, but i can't say it.

but thanks to them, i know now, how to deal with life politics. Trust everyone. But never more than how much you trust yourself. Be very nice to eveyone who is nice to you. Treat terribly to anyone who treats you or your friend badly. I know i said not to speak about people behind backs. But i hate backstabbers. Once they backstabbed my friends. I'll back talk too. Remember, i treat terribly those who treat me or my friends badly.I am human. Yes, i am that shallow too. But hey, do you want to be backstabbed and lost everything you have to these people who have no sense of honesty.

This brings me to ass kisser. Ass kisser is such an outdated word no? I'd say dick sucker. Dick sucking is so not fair to those who stayed late at night doing their work. And to those who has the ability but its just that they prefer not to interact socially. Where is the honesty? I have no rights to whine about these things because real life is always about the honest people and the people who suck dicks and get all the good things.

We all are dirty politicians aren't we. I am fine with dick sucker as long as the don't affect me. but refer to the earlier paragraphs. Its just been what a few days? Now you say things to people. Or swallow everything they say. Backstabbed my friend. and many more.

If you have a problem regarding me being one of the top players, come to me and tell me why you don't think i should be one.

THINK before you speak. Look from all aspect. Do not be a box. Big words. But no meaning.

All words is copyright of Atiqah R.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kembali ke pangkal jalan.


kepada orang di luar negeri. Si Tiqah mau POSKAD. And it should start with:

"Kepada Saudari yang di rindui,
Apa khabar saudari disana? Saya harap saudari baik baik saja. Saya sihat. Cuaca di sini......."

Like i said to two people, write it in a way that it'd make us meremang bulu dada (if ada pun bulu, mun nada bulu lain saja). It might sound a bit old fashioned and funny but hey... we all need to look back to where we start. When we are moving so fast- one step behind time, we should stop for a bit and try to recall where we started. For when you are lost, just go back to the start and start all over again. This was where we begin remember? Our malay teacher in primary schools would asked us to write a letter that starts like this and we would do funny sentences but with the upmost politeness.

Di mana silapnya kita? Apabila kita berlari pantas mengejar waktu, di manakah hilangnya rasa hormat dan kesopanan pada bahasa? Di manakah tertinggalnya jiwa yang mengenang budi?

It was right what they say: Sesat di hujung jalan, kembali kepangkal jalan. Just five minutes. Think about your past. Go back to basics once in a while. It'll be surprising to know that it'll surely bring a little bit of relief to someone.

Question/thoughts for the week: Can you really say a person is happy just with a smile? Or is happiness far than that. Perhaps for people smiling is just a manifestation of happiness. But how true is manifestations in proving what it needs to prove? It may fool you. So now, can you say a person is happy from a smile?

Now. Back to catching time. Works are falling from the sky more than rain does this month. SO salam.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Running out of breath (and patience)


Time is running faster than i could. I am running out of energy and breath catching time. At times, time passed me by while i passed out on my bed (with my baju kurung and UBD smell still on me) Things have happened during the past few days. I am seriously tired that some things get my nerves easily. I guess....i have not been updating much right? (i quote "kau jarang jua update" atau "si tiqah ya update once in a blue moon")

Before that i'd like to share a conversation we had with my kepal loves. ' Culture changes. So does human, in different culture. Human affects environment and human can be changed by environment. For us, we live in the same environment. Even when we progress, we are still the same'

'So the question is "who changes? Is it us or them?"'

Haha. I guess that question has prompted someone i know to NOT in anyway try to update himself with the people he care. I guess we all are human. And that leads to somthing he said "kau pun kan di update jarang update blog" So yeah. I didn't even have time to sleep apatah lagi update.

Btw. i just logged into facebook and i just knew i've got 41 assessments of me from my friends. And mostly says "outgoing" "energetic" "hyper"

they should've look at me now. I feel that i have been so antisocial. (don't include those slumber till late night and all sorts.) i just feel i've become so emo and bossy in school. So i guess i should shut up for a while. Later will post pictures. I am supposed to study ODE (maths) for today test. Yeah. i had test last week. Had presentation last week. had practical last week. Became another secretary on sunday. and test this week. handed in working paper on my international politics affecting MIB yesterday(which we got overboard with the number of words. i hope it'll be fine) and KCC activity again today. I'm joining pasal ada Dibah =p hehe.

I need tapai now.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Far from home.


Someone said to me once (more or less like this): You read what people don't read. I do. I am not quite the reader. I haven't even succeed in my attempt to finish twilight. I only read the things i find interesting. or when i have to understand something. My history book on something are not done with yet too.

But it takes only a bit of phrases of this one book to hook me instantly:
" The inability to find a way home, to return to the lost point of coherence and order, was ofcourse a well worked theme in the events surrounding the end of first world war, and its immediate aftermath, the time when yeats wrote the poem. 'Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold' (yeats)"- Featherstone.

Inable to find a way home? Lost. I guess. So i am not the only one who thinks when you're lost, you're weaker. And the bonds that tie human being together, are weak. I better find a way back home. I don't want to go home yet though. Because what is the point of going back home, to find that you are the only one there. but I guess, we all should find a way home, if you've strayed far from your starting point.

I like metaphors. Because people usually choose to listen to what they were told. Not what the moral of the story is. On another note. I just went to and from the airport twice just to get the cars. We lack drivers. My mom let my youngest brother and my younger brother to join my aunt and my cousins to Perth. but they'll have to return back home at a different date than my aunt. Hmm. It comes again.. -her way of teaching us to be independent. When you go on your own, you learn to take care of yourselves and others. And that was why she always allow me to go on our own to other countries- learning to bear responsibilities. For her, only when you put yourself in a situation where you have to be responsible, can you really learn how to take care of yourself and others. Only, in my time, i started way earlier when i was in lower secondary. And their's started late.

I don't like this all. Because there is no one now i could kacau and ngatil and marahi until next week. boring. mkin sunyi tia rumah berabis. On a brighter note, i shall be waiting patiently for a new adidas to add to my collection. I hope they could find something for me.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My brooch.


Its normal to feel bad when you can't find one or two of the crystals in your brooch. Or when it changes colour that its not as shiny as it used to be. As much as we want to protect it, use cutex or whatever to stick it, if you can't find it, you can't. You can't, if it doesn't want you to find it. No matter how much you try to not look at the brooch, no matter how much you try to ignore the lost pieces, you just can't really do so.

Because when you lost those tiny tiny parts parts, you lost the beauty of the whole thing.

Like life, you tend to lose yourself when you're losing the things that makes you, you. It just feels bad when you know nothing about everything- when people never told you stories you want to hear. But life goes a new brooch. Even when its not the same- or so they would say. And i would answer: even if you got a new brooch, can you totally forget the old one? Can life really go on?

Its funny how you would think that all i said is lost is related to things you assume i meant. Hmm. how shallow can the human mind go? Because i consider even the tiniest detail to be a part i treasure. Even the smallest of crystals.


Nevertheless. Life is good. Though university works, being scolded and practicals and all sucks life out of you, its actually quite fun. Life is good. Just lonely. My brothers are off to Perth with the cousins tonight.

Thursday, March 19, 2009



No one is calling me back. Just let it be. That's what we all like to do. As much as i miss us...I don't think i'll be back. disconnecting oneself to the world or to the environment. Emotions dominate the place we live in. When you depend on that, you become like a weaker nation clinging on to a stronger nation. The only way to stop it is to cut all ties with the outside world.

I told you i'm losing myself bit by bit.but it seems like i lost some people totally.

Other than that. i feel so relieved that its thursday. Some things are done with, Alhamdullilah. I'm not confident with my marks or anything but losing myself help me deal better with my worries. Excessive complaining won't slow doesn't the time or fast forward it until all the things we have to go through, have gone through. It'll still come in one way or another. It won't bring your friends either it seems, if they don't seem like they'll want to come back. And i am enjoying this one day where i can breath just for a little and go online and read mangas and download MVs. hmm. that won't last long. Its funny how some people likes to diss UBD. Its a lot to deal with here. From no calculators to subjects that are of no interest but are compulsory like computer programming and MIB. Yes. my environment is still dominated by guys. No, i have not found that person of the same gender as i am where i could let it all out. Or where i could just go everywhere together. Or one that could accompany me like what i use to have. Yes i am aware that i am getting antisocial by the day

I love jo ji hoon. He's so capable of bringing a smile no matter what his role is.

still. I miss us.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Catching time. Lets do a little bit of maths


I have OCD. slight. =p kali. I can't sleep, i can't stop until i think everything i've done....cannot be improved in any way, anymore. Even if its last minute, sorry i dragged you into my OCD =p hahha.

So i apologise lots to the people who have been tolerating me for the past few days.

AND i terima tamparan yang terhebat tadi patang. ITS WEEK 9 ALREADY! Bloody hell. all those works suddenly fall down from the sky and HITS you HARD on the face. The flu is getting better atleast.

Time is fast. tonight is the fourth night i went home late. I don't even have time to sleep. Oh god. Wish us good marks for tommorow. And wish me good marks for the day after. And good marks to for next week. And the next week. And the week after. And the week after and the week after.

Owh week nine also means, i might not blog anytime soon. because week 9 means:

9 + 5 = 14 = near exam week.
9 + 4 = 13 = 2 faking presentations + computer programming + Bio lab report (Marshall) + LC reasearch report
9 + 3 =12 = essay ( i think) + probably more tests (because we haven't had any geo or bio test)
9 + 2 = 11 = preparing presentation + bio practical report
9 + 1 = 10 = maths test + bio practical (charles)
9 = almost but not yet.... insanely academic. =p

Sigh. I work less play only. And this is bullshit.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Intention matters.


I planned to go to UBD to search for more materials for LC1512 in the after noon but instead i woke up at 3+ pm and thought "god, i wake up late again today", completely forgotten that the rest and i went to CDC again this morning to volunteer. CDC is Child Development Centre by the way. I'll post about this later again since guests would be arriving soon. And this afternoon sudah i sibuk sekajap tadi jadi bini-bini, ofcourse, i paksa sibuk jadi bini bini again tonight.

I want to post about something you should know of. Yesterday i found this on the net. Don't ask how i stumbled across the site, we are part of humanitarian group so... i like to look around lah.

here is a question someone posted:

I found out the child I am sponsoring is muslim. I Don't know what to do.?

I decided to sponsor a needy child thru Children Int'l. I wanted to since I was 18 & finally decided to hop on the internet & sponsor a child. I wanted an indian child. When you search you can see the child's first name. I skipped over the children with muslim first names (Mohammad, etc) Not only because I don't support muslims, but also because I wanted a hindu child, whose culture & religion facinates me. Anyway, I picked a child with a first name that I thought was hindu. They sent me his information & I found out he's muslim. (last name is Ahmed). Ouch.So now I feel like a heel if I disconnect from the sponsorship. I want to help a child. But I wanted him to be hindu, but def not muslim.....

The issue is not just that terrorists are muslim. It is also that muslim communities teach their children that women are worthless and in many cases not even given to opportunity to go to school. Wives are hidden are treated subservient. Many are killed through no fault of there own. It's a disgrace

Full Article can be found here.


I WAS SHOCKED. And deeply saddened by this fact. NOT because i am a muslim too but because this shows just how low people can be. This shows obvious and public discrimination. I do understand that some people have different perspective of religion and perhaps the 9/11 did quite an impact on Islam. And you and i, we all desireworld peace don't we? But how can we achieve this, when religion and race becomes a barrier to helping each other? Not all muslims are bad. Not all are good. Just like not all christians are bad. But not all are saint either no? Not all jewish are bad. But some had killed a lot of palestinians civilians. See? We all are in a balance here? Why should we see it as a religion vs another religion? Why not good vs bad?

Its funny how we all act this way when we are son and daughters of Adam and Eve.

We all have different beliefs but why should that stop you from helping the ones in need? Quite a few mentioned to me last time regarding the Palestinians donation drive. They said, jangantah dulu tolong orang lain, tolong orang Brunei dulu (the flood and landslide victims) When we have the ability to help our own people AND others, why not? Bruneians have been very generous in giving monetary aids. But can i ask, do you donate just because everyone else is doing so? Or you really want to help?

When your intention is purely to help, why does it matter who you help?

Intentions matters

Atiqah Rad.

Think about it. I shall post about CDC maybe later. Haha function's just started. And my cat is so kesian. One is gone. The other is lonely =( i feel sad. Salam

Friday, March 6, 2009

We all are good actors.


And i thought my thoughts were always in a mess. I never expect such a question from my dear BJ. What is true love? For me love is neither true nor false. Neither pure nor unpure as we like to say. Its always just love. For me to love is to give and not expect anything in return.

I mean, if you truly love someone, what can you ask for other than the person you love's happiness? For me, to love does not mean you have to be together. Life is unpredictable. Obstacles come along the way. You cannot force someone to love you nor could you change the script of your life to make it a forever-after like a fairy tale. Love is a feeling God has given each and everyone of us. We can love but its not like we can have each other. Sacrifice is necessary at times. But for me dear bj, death in the name of love is not corny. When you kill yourself for it, it is corny.

I shan't say more shall i. Nor should i touch on discrimination against homosex love because who am i to say. I am just a small creature in God's huge stage. When the audience cannot except such matter, i have no say to it. I guess we all are just good actors.

But i too shall hope for love- One that is willing to accept me for my weakness, one that will respect me as a lady and one that is willing to grow old with me for better or for worst.

I shall still wish you would remain lurus foreba.


On another note, CDC again tommorow morning. Perhaps, a little work in the afternoon since the constitution is almost done. The house was cleaned since the day before. The stuffs were bought and prepared a few days earlier.

They're all set for tommorow night. It'll be a late night one.



Thursday, March 5, 2009

Losing voice.


aaahh the effects of flu. One week of holiday nearly gone to letting immunity works (sleep) and some matters that just won't settle. CDC activities today was nyummy though i came late (i lost my way, still bad with directions) They made cookies but with less than half of the kids. I wish we could come for CDC this saturday too. Or volunteering at Meragang again before them go back to China. A lot of things i guess this weekend.

One step at a time shall we? Now, i think i need to start and finish the first darft of the constitution. Then the rest. i need to stop working this way- relaxing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Remeniscing old memories. =p more like public humiliation.


Remeniscing. Found old photos ;p yes i do remember my wonderful memories.

from left: Qilah, Me, Buzz and Bakal doctor. This was last year i think at the CDC (before amal Left). Turns our the CDC is a really fun place to be at. All those autistic childrens really remind you how lucky you are to be who you are. God has given you everything and we should use it wisely instead of using it wastefully. I did publish a post on 'two choices' right? where i said, if you're give two hands and two choices to do with it, to shoot a gun or held hands (or something like that) which would you pick.. We have the capability to do the things they can't and yet you can see the determination in them. tssk. We're such a small creature in God's huge stage. One thing about this place too is that... we have memories here don't we. =) i didn't know one of the teacher's turns out to be H____mamam mum.

Again before Amal left. Teaching last minute Choir was so much fun melayan the guys. (gauk berabis) and there is B, the still innocent B. VERY innocent B. and they were sooooo cute. (the kids i mean =p)

aaah how fast time flies. oh wait. i decide to put more.

Suuu and i vaining at the surgical unit's changing room during our attachment. Oh i miss Suhanna! While sitting at the physiotherapy room and listening to the talk on phisiotherapy, we were both thinking of doing that. BUT i khianat hahaha! I didn't expect she'd continue with physiotherapy dream.

At the dentist with my batch of attachment peeps.

This was Buzz before she goes on a diet like now. Ahh good old days where you can just eat almost anything. I like it back then. Anyway, this was in lupa ku nama kadai restoran Thailand di Gadong ah. Aaah sana tah ne. Her parents belanja. And kami sedang lihat juara lagu ka apa. haha.

The T (not for Tiqah but T for Tohoshinki but i liked that idea) surprise from the person in the picture. He brought all of us T from hongkong. Thnx.

This is Dibah before her diet. Oh wait... THERE was never any diet =p hahaha just aspirations and packs of dream. wuuu. This is Dibah before her britney-pre-baby abs. =p hahaha I'm not exactly sure di mana but i really think this is at aneka rasa before we go on survey for the temburong charity dinner =p HAHAHA.

Me. working. And dieting. Haha. admin work is beech. But thank god for Burger King that Amal bought for me from KL =p wuhuuu. I laps burger king. in less than a month i went from admin to teaching. I didn't realise that i am quite attached to what i did. AND so public announcement: I am still working every ____ night. just not there. though i don't think i'll earn more than what i earned last year. laps.

I almost forgot about this pic. This was when this person is hiding at the back of the car while Buzz is driving because he saw his relative (or dad i think) at the roundabout too. Yeah. You might forgot but i remembered. And that is his cap trying to cover his mouth. Walaupun sudah betapuk di bawah.

Dayang chairperson and i. =p I liked this congress lots eh. it opened my mind.

This was one of the days we hung out at BJ's crib. But he was so damn innocent this time. see anak dara smile =p we used to go there almost everyday and hang out or so. and then this was after Mr beijing went for his interview (because he wore baju sekolah in the other pics) dayang Dalian and Mr Beijing played badminton while we (or I) watched.

if i'm not mistaken. it was also when Buzz went rolling down on the cement floor masa badminton. That'd gotta hurt a lot.

Nice to reminisce.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Arranging stuffs at Meragang school.


Okay my day didn't exactly turn out to be as dull and i thought it would be. I slept actually pretty early yesterday. After our outing at CA mohammad yesterday, i didn't go to the book fair with them because i felt a bit unwell and i've been to the book fair twice (khianat i know) with the family. So i kinda slept and woke up only this morning and i feel like sleeping still because saya terjangkit kuman orang.

Dibah, Dayat and her guy and his brother (buzz went there while i took my shower at home and went back when i was on my way to meragang) went to volunteer helping at the new PTE Meragang school since our former tutor asked us for help. Not a lot showed up, surprisingly. What is more dissapointing is that our juniors who were now waiting for to enter university weren't there to help. I'm so damn sure that not all of them has something to do other than hang out at the mall.

We were looking forward to help arranging stuffs at the library (the fakingly awesome library that looks more like a cafe) but there were a lot more stuffs to unpack for the laboratory.

The labs

Chemistry Lab apparatus still in boxes.


Haha. as you can see there are a lot of boxes still.

We had a break and went on a self tour of the school. LAWA BERABIS.

The eco garden i think.

I seriously mean it- its beautiful.

Oh we bumped into deputy principal and he said, "lawa? begambar tah" so we had our vain moments on the teachers chair in the staffroom.

Our second session was mainly helping putting power-machine-something to the physic labs and microscopes in biology lab =D reminds me a lot of the old days during bio practicals except our lab weren't as fancy as this. haha.
Not to mention the SWEEET view of the ocean from the labs!
I wish i was born later but nyeeeh. Its okay =p

Should i or should it not.


Just something. I am a blogger addict. I have 4 blogs under me. i know 4! one is dormant =p ahaha. one is active but privatized to US only (because it contains some random shits of our ____ course class so if it gets public our lecturer Mr_______ may read it haha)

One is this emo beechy blog where i can get emo and all and i am an emo naturally.

One is my yet to be publicized travel-like blog hahaha.

Should i make it public now?

Monday, March 2, 2009



Almost nothing.

Tired of everything.

I'm afraid, i'll turn to that monster. i know i could. They think i couldn't. Some know i would. I want to do something for this hols. Take me away from all these stupidity.

I am very tired already.


Era will be going to South Pole!


I know i said i malas blogging. But this deserves a post because i've been jealous since day one of the Polar girls =p (other than the volunteer that will be going to Gaza) Awu i am soooo jealous that while the polar girls are training and enduring harsh conditions out there, and the volunteer gets to be hands on with aiding the palestinians, i'm still here in Brunei staring at my wall which is full of post it notes of what i am supposed to do in my holiday (and i have not started) I am still here, a mere student who has not put a mark to the world.

Congratulations to Era san- Dk Najibah Eradah for being chosen to represent Brunei on the upcoming Antartica Expedition. She said earlier she wants to spread awareness about the global warming effect in Antartica with this expedition and so i hope with this, Bruneians will all soon realise the importance of conservation. You might not know this but although Brunei has little contribution to the total green house gasses in the planet, Brunei ranks at 6, 4 ranks ABOVE the United States as one of the highest Carbon Dioxide emitter per capita! (and that includes me always using car and you too)

(during the recent National Day, they celebrated too)

All and all, i am a traveller at heart so i am quite jealous of the expedition but i know i won't be fit enough even to make the selections =p hahaha. Era san was actually my public course classmate in Japanese (which i forgot most of it) at UBD in 2007 i think. I think she went on till advance level. I didn't because i couldn't find the time to fit in night classes with Alevels.

Congratulations again to Both Era and Aniza for being the shortlisted candidates too. I guess if Aniza can't go to the pole, she now proves that she has what it takes to go into these adventure stuff. I don't think we have anyone yet to conquer mount everest (i know i can't with a heart and body like mine unless i train intensively and stop eating =p)

Oh yeah, i start diet by esok lah. Coz i ate lagi tadi at pizza hut =p but do you realise that the quantity of Pizza Hut meals are getting lesss? We did. Mum marah tadi arah orang sana ah. haha. And need to wake up lagi esok. Got volunteering to do at Meragang. weheee~ I sakai.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Not much time left.


1st of March.

How fast time flies. The next thing you know it'll be 20+ of march. April. May. June. July. My birthday. And 2010. I hope i can grow old enough to see the world changes with time. I hope the world grows old enough for me to end my life in what we should now call akhir zaman.

I've just been thinking lately. All these tanah susur and so on. It has been stated that only in the akhir zaman there'll be massive landslide occurence. Wars. Family members cutting ties with each other. And yet while i'm thinking, i am still that huge sinner. So who am i to say. We all are sinners. Perhaps i'm a little more above the rest.

Just wish i would grow old enough to see the wonders that god has created and wish the world grow old enough so i can see its beauty before there's not much time left. Hmm. I wish too that i can collect enough money to see the world's youngest country. or to learn how to see the beauty under water. (mahal bah) And yet there are something i need to pay for. (and i really want this particular heels)


Not so happy for me. I've tonnes of work. My MIB muzakarah on international politics is just a week after hols. Need to start on Logo and spreadsheet. Maths written test (which i flunked big time last semester) will be after hols too and i passed borderline for integration =/.I hope i will pass this time. Amin. Then there's english presentation research. and many more. Not to mention finishing the constitution. And i officially terjangkit kuman si _____. runing a fever here.

ps- To a particular someone. i know you read this. Apek will most prolly join this 20+ march. ahaha (jeles) =p So my twilight sequel jangan lupa. And i heard about your BA prog. Siuk jua kalau ada politics =) I mean Phil and Politics...its actually one of the best combination for philosophy. =p haha. Sanang cari keraja. =p
