Sunday, March 22, 2009

Far from home.

Someone said to me once (more or less like this): You read what people don't read. I do. I am not quite the reader. I haven't even succeed in my attempt to finish twilight. I only read the things i find interesting. or when i have to understand something. My history book on something are not done with yet too.

But it takes only a bit of phrases of this one book to hook me instantly:
" The inability to find a way home, to return to the lost point of coherence and order, was ofcourse a well worked theme in the events surrounding the end of first world war, and its immediate aftermath, the time when yeats wrote the poem. 'Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold' (yeats)"- Featherstone.

Inable to find a way home? Lost. I guess. So i am not the only one who thinks when you're lost, you're weaker. And the bonds that tie human being together, are weak. I better find a way back home. I don't want to go home yet though. Because what is the point of going back home, to find that you are the only one there. but I guess, we all should find a way home, if you've strayed far from your starting point.

I like metaphors. Because people usually choose to listen to what they were told. Not what the moral of the story is. On another note. I just went to and from the airport twice just to get the cars. We lack drivers. My mom let my youngest brother and my younger brother to join my aunt and my cousins to Perth. but they'll have to return back home at a different date than my aunt. Hmm. It comes again.. -her way of teaching us to be independent. When you go on your own, you learn to take care of yourselves and others. And that was why she always allow me to go on our own to other countries- learning to bear responsibilities. For her, only when you put yourself in a situation where you have to be responsible, can you really learn how to take care of yourself and others. Only, in my time, i started way earlier when i was in lower secondary. And their's started late.

I don't like this all. Because there is no one now i could kacau and ngatil and marahi until next week. boring. mkin sunyi tia rumah berabis. On a brighter note, i shall be waiting patiently for a new adidas to add to my collection. I hope they could find something for me.