Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Remeniscing old memories. =p more like public humiliation.

Remeniscing. Found old photos ;p yes i do remember my wonderful memories.

from left: Qilah, Me, Buzz and Bakal doctor. This was last year i think at the CDC (before amal Left). Turns our the CDC is a really fun place to be at. All those autistic childrens really remind you how lucky you are to be who you are. God has given you everything and we should use it wisely instead of using it wastefully. I did publish a post on 'two choices' right? where i said, if you're give two hands and two choices to do with it, to shoot a gun or held hands (or something like that) which would you pick.. We have the capability to do the things they can't and yet you can see the determination in them. tssk. We're such a small creature in God's huge stage. One thing about this place too is that... we have memories here don't we. =) i didn't know one of the teacher's turns out to be H____mamam mum.

Again before Amal left. Teaching last minute Choir was so much fun melayan the guys. (gauk berabis) and there is B, the still innocent B. VERY innocent B. and they were sooooo cute. (the kids i mean =p)

aaah how fast time flies. oh wait. i decide to put more.

Suuu and i vaining at the surgical unit's changing room during our attachment. Oh i miss Suhanna! While sitting at the physiotherapy room and listening to the talk on phisiotherapy, we were both thinking of doing that. BUT i khianat hahaha! I didn't expect she'd continue with physiotherapy dream.

At the dentist with my batch of attachment peeps.

This was Buzz before she goes on a diet like now. Ahh good old days where you can just eat almost anything. I like it back then. Anyway, this was in lupa ku nama kadai restoran Thailand di Gadong ah. Aaah sana tah ne. Her parents belanja. And kami sedang lihat juara lagu ka apa. haha.

The T (not for Tiqah but T for Tohoshinki but i liked that idea) surprise from the person in the picture. He brought all of us T from hongkong. Thnx.

This is Dibah before her diet. Oh wait... THERE was never any diet =p hahaha just aspirations and packs of dream. wuuu. This is Dibah before her britney-pre-baby abs. =p hahaha I'm not exactly sure di mana but i really think this is at aneka rasa before we go on survey for the temburong charity dinner =p HAHAHA.

Me. working. And dieting. Haha. admin work is beech. But thank god for Burger King that Amal bought for me from KL =p wuhuuu. I laps burger king. in less than a month i went from admin to teaching. I didn't realise that i am quite attached to what i did. AND so public announcement: I am still working every ____ night. just not there. though i don't think i'll earn more than what i earned last year. laps.

I almost forgot about this pic. This was when this person is hiding at the back of the car while Buzz is driving because he saw his relative (or dad i think) at the roundabout too. Yeah. You might forgot but i remembered. And that is his cap trying to cover his mouth. Walaupun sudah betapuk di bawah.

Dayang chairperson and i. =p I liked this congress lots eh. it opened my mind.

This was one of the days we hung out at BJ's crib. But he was so damn innocent this time. see anak dara smile =p we used to go there almost everyday and hang out or so. and then this was after Mr beijing went for his interview (because he wore baju sekolah in the other pics) dayang Dalian and Mr Beijing played badminton while we (or I) watched.

if i'm not mistaken. it was also when Buzz went rolling down on the cement floor masa badminton. That'd gotta hurt a lot.

Nice to reminisce.