Monday, March 30, 2009

Why biology class in UBD is so much fun?

because they are the cause of my weight gain.
And joy.

Despite bengkak eyes due to just a mere 2 hour of sleep almost everyday.

They are laughters. Most of us, we stick by each other. And i hope that stays for a very long time. (hey 3 more years baaah. ;p plus temburong nanti we =pp)

This was a saturday. The day i slept at 5+ am doing my Biology lab report with UmmiMary on my ebuddy. I woke up at 8 am and was told to come to UBD and "jangan tah mandi" so yeah i just brushed teeth wash face and pakai apa yang patut =p and rush to UBD. With Billah's yummy pudding and Dr Junaidah's (bio lecturer) nyummy cupcake and peifen (bio partner too) kind enough to treat in quite fun.

Laps. hisatus. dangar saja tia lagu ah