Monday, March 16, 2009

Catching time. Lets do a little bit of maths

I have OCD. slight. =p kali. I can't sleep, i can't stop until i think everything i've done....cannot be improved in any way, anymore. Even if its last minute, sorry i dragged you into my OCD =p hahha.

So i apologise lots to the people who have been tolerating me for the past few days.

AND i terima tamparan yang terhebat tadi patang. ITS WEEK 9 ALREADY! Bloody hell. all those works suddenly fall down from the sky and HITS you HARD on the face. The flu is getting better atleast.

Time is fast. tonight is the fourth night i went home late. I don't even have time to sleep. Oh god. Wish us good marks for tommorow. And wish me good marks for the day after. And good marks to for next week. And the next week. And the week after. And the week after and the week after.

Owh week nine also means, i might not blog anytime soon. because week 9 means:

9 + 5 = 14 = near exam week.
9 + 4 = 13 = 2 faking presentations + computer programming + Bio lab report (Marshall) + LC reasearch report
9 + 3 =12 = essay ( i think) + probably more tests (because we haven't had any geo or bio test)
9 + 2 = 11 = preparing presentation + bio practical report
9 + 1 = 10 = maths test + bio practical (charles)
9 = almost but not yet.... insanely academic. =p

Sigh. I work less play only. And this is bullshit.