Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kembali ke pangkal jalan.

kepada orang di luar negeri. Si Tiqah mau POSKAD. And it should start with:

"Kepada Saudari yang di rindui,
Apa khabar saudari disana? Saya harap saudari baik baik saja. Saya sihat. Cuaca di sini......."

Like i said to two people, write it in a way that it'd make us meremang bulu dada (if ada pun bulu, mun nada bulu lain saja). It might sound a bit old fashioned and funny but hey... we all need to look back to where we start. When we are moving so fast- one step behind time, we should stop for a bit and try to recall where we started. For when you are lost, just go back to the start and start all over again. This was where we begin remember? Our malay teacher in primary schools would asked us to write a letter that starts like this and we would do funny sentences but with the upmost politeness.

Di mana silapnya kita? Apabila kita berlari pantas mengejar waktu, di manakah hilangnya rasa hormat dan kesopanan pada bahasa? Di manakah tertinggalnya jiwa yang mengenang budi?

It was right what they say: Sesat di hujung jalan, kembali kepangkal jalan. Just five minutes. Think about your past. Go back to basics once in a while. It'll be surprising to know that it'll surely bring a little bit of relief to someone.

Question/thoughts for the week: Can you really say a person is happy just with a smile? Or is happiness far than that. Perhaps for people smiling is just a manifestation of happiness. But how true is manifestations in proving what it needs to prove? It may fool you. So now, can you say a person is happy from a smile?

Now. Back to catching time. Works are falling from the sky more than rain does this month. SO salam.