Friday, October 31, 2008

I shall remain quiet. Both on web. And in real life.
Until all the next four mondays has pass by.

Don't be surprise.

And please... jangan di tagur kenapa aku diam2 saja.

It is in less than a month. And i don't want any regrets. Even if it will costs my sleeping hours, fun time and tv.

Lap T.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

aku mimpi kan ia bah tadi.


Tau i i ckp i menghilang. I know i am on hiatus. =p but ya post ani kan. and i thought i MUST post this picture to PROMOTE her. Mana tau lelaki itu membaca, jatuh, telipat tepikat melihat si siti nur petat =p

Siti Nur Petat and me..

I mentioned once that i found someone who is not full of pretences, this is her. Nice and rajin. (seriously rajin.unlike me. ya ne org menghasut utk nda blajar mana berapa terhasut ne.). haha BTW. Pets. aritu ko mimpi aku kan. tadi aku mimpi kau bah beb. and eyebag ku lagi basar.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This post contains messages to my friends. Find. and saya menghilang benar2 ne selepas ini (untuk sementara)


And today i woke up thinking it was sunday yesterday.

lack of sleep = pissy.
me = many undone works.
pissed. fakingly pissed. For NO reason.

OWH. kepada ahli keluarga yang mengetahui blog ku ( jgn bicing arah anyone. WLPN TER inda jua buleh. okay. or i might put this blog on private mode too. kalau beckp... even in front of me. just keep it low. or better yet. Just don't at all. Keep it to your self. I don't want to talk about my blog in front of my family.) and i am thinking of privatising. But indaia siuk kan since i am a faking cyber emo. you'll miss me alot won't you? (sense the sarcasm here. naah its okay.Inda jua ku kena cari kan.... plagiarism status- straight to the point.=p)

Note that i am pissy right now. And i don't know why. I have a lot of works and they are not done yet. so.

Btw. saya benar2 menghilang ne. I really am on hiatus. =) Shout box will be dormant for a while. Shout box itu akan di abaikan.

random. aku mau biru atu. Tapi menahan ku banar. Harga minyak naik. matawang asing turun kecuali yen. harga minyak mentah naik and US masih lagi kan memerangi negara arab dan US baru baru ani menyerang syria and negri arab lain marah (negri arab ani pengeluar terbesar minyak). i might just save money so that when the value of a dollar drops so low that you could use it to wipe your ass (just like what happened in zimbabwe), there are still SOME left for the rise in commodities. Credits to sirinanda for reminding this issue.

AND SOME EGGS are found to be melamine tainted in China. (read today's newspaper). And it says, Dalian food authority. this is why i constantly remind people out there TO MAKAN JGN SUKATI. sekarang ani kami di sini, biskut julie's pun ada melamine. Susu dutch lady and MUNCHY'S yang nyaman atu pun melamine tainted. And the list is getting long. kami yang jauh pun ntah ruti apa g buleh makan apatah lagi yang jauh d perantauan. YATAH KALAU SAKIT JGN DIAM2.

and AMBIL TIA BIRU AH. inda jua ku membali mun ada org lain tedapat.

PS- I MISS U RIDHA! sorry last time u tagur me arh msn, i was having a gathering with my friends di rumah. They were using my laptop. Will update u soon aite. nanti i email u and roxine (i owe an email to roxy babeh ;p) and ridh. i'll miss your birthday this time =(. And you'll miss mine. =((

Monday, October 27, 2008



sebelum aku menghilang.

Walaupun aku jeles.
and walaupun uni ku lagi bida dari PTEM.
And aku jeles ya cantik dri uni ku haha.

Something made my night really really bright tonight. and i feel so happy with that sight.

Sixth Form Centre Meragang.

I am so happy at the sight of this sign board. DT? I hope it will be offered in PTEM. Currently, DT is only offered up to form 5. Only jis offers DT in form 6 and jis is bery mahal aha. We really do hope he can continue DT till form 6. And i hope... a in about a year and half from now, he will be walking down that aisle to DTech room.



Menghilang sekejap.



saya menghilang sekejap ah.


Monday tia. Hmm and just last monday i told my mum, monday tia. and the week before i told my mum, monday tia udah...pastu monday tia lagi. It is monday now. And next thing i knew it will be another monday.

After this monday, i have tests and presentation again.

After next monday, i have TONS of semester assignments to hand in.

After three mondays from now, it will be our BIG week. (and aku lum study)

After four mondays from now, we will be in my birthday week =p Aku mau leonardo. (poster basar leo d cinema atu jadi tah hehe).

After five mondays from now, i will be ber joli (if there is no volunteering for the BioCop.) and i might go to.... aha ada tah tu. Kalau jadi ku kena suruh2...ada tah gmbar tu. (bnrnya lupaku ada ngah merista sal ni)

After six mondays from now, i might be on a holiday i am looking forward to. insyaallah. i do hope this will happen. atleast kerasahan jua cutinya.

After seven mondays from now, i might be in... hmm i am not sure which part. Tho the schedule to be in the capital city of a country would be around weekends. And inda batah.

After eight mondays from now, i might be.... recollecting memories. And key chains.

After nine mondays from now, our first new year celebration without... you and you.

WOW. a lot of mondays to go through but going monday sure passes by like breeze don't they? and while i am busy counting my mondays...i realise that i have to do things for the rest of the upcoming mondays.

Yatah notis. Aku menghilang sekejap ah.

I want to get through the rest of the mondays before the days after the fifth monday from now without regrets walaupun banyak stress nya. (conpius? Aku pun!! macam dalam seminggu ku nada g tuesday or wednesday... mcm mondau ba hari hari.)

aha. bah outs. Gambatte to me. (duii ma. nada org ba kan mbagi aku semangat a =p)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

sushi to maki



speaking about guitar.

I miss sushi eh =p

sushi and maki, the new romeo and juliet. ;p




So many words. In so many languages. The only one you won't understand is silence. It stands for so many things.

Saya iri. dan saya benci diri sendiri.

Ps- inda ku jadi plagiarise. sory meniupkan angin malam. sleeping late. need to rebus. rendam. lipat. talan. siruk. segalanya. awu. i pajal. saya betul betul............. only one of you will know what i mean. Everyday is like monday to me. a very mendung monday. Don't you think so?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ku tak sempurna.Kau tak sempurna. Kita hanya insan biasa.//editted


Aku cuma insan tak sempurna,

Adakalanya terjauh hati dari jasad nya.

Kadangkala diam itu baik niatnya

tapi ada masanya diam itu membawa tangisan tanpa airmata.

I am gone and there is no one to catch me. Silence has eaten my sympathetic heart.Even if we look as if we care. People still dun even say a word. so I guess i should just play with it. hmm. i guess i should let people do what they want to do anyway. even though i am not noble enough to do the same thing.

walau ku tahu niatnya baik. namun hatiku sejauh2 nya.

ternyata aku insan yang buruk hatinya.



I ate cacing today. Oh well not directly.... tapi according to dr marshall, raw fish slalu ada cacing kan. and aku makan raw salmon tadi. aha aku makan makanan yg bagi ku beuri. AWU ba beuri ku berabis makan sushi a. ada ubat cacing bejual ka? tapi i feel like sushi g.

Saya suka sushi. AND MR SUSHI who looks like Mr guitar. who looks like Mr Hee chul of suju=) aha. pretty boys. Temasuk g pipinya. I mean not kurus karing smpai mcm temasuk kebuluran tapi facial features nya cematu ba. tapi i tak gatal kan. I study oriented. yata biartia walau inda seromantis leonardo dicaprio and claire danes dlm romeo and juliet.. subuk2 arh aquarium,.... aku subuk2 ark window dapur saja. Window pat train sushi kena top up atu. walau dri window dapur pun na ku berani meliat matanya wa. sbb i tak gatal =p

HAHAHAHA astaaapir. jgnta g dude.jgnta g ckp flirt ta flirt ta. jgnta ko kan mnamu2kan aku ngan orang. i inda suka bau sigup (walaupun muanya cute and pandai main guitar and pandai nyanyi). rasa sushi bleh la =pppp


The lock is the hati, but where is the kunci?


Kelmarin. 4+ pm. Blek from ubd

Hari ini. 6.20pm. blek from UBD

Amazingly, our finishing time is getting late. And walking to the parking lot gets better by the day with dim and drizzile to pitch black and heavy rain. Thank god for lab coats.

Hujan Ribut. Seperti yang melanda diri ini.

Our practical today is F-ingly....... (plagiarism grade 1. safe mseh unlike..=p) Sigh. But if anyone else melupakan yang telah sudah, ia amat susah buat ku melakukan itu. =( seriously, it was F-ingly. Sebab itulah i feel like sushi lagi.

We talked about a lot of academic things today unlike any other practical days when we even talk bullshits. We discussed about enzyme. That enzyme is specific. Only a matching enzyme fits a substrate . lock and key theory no? (this is the biologist sastera =p) anyways. Ish. the 20% tu ba. and i am not satisfied with a single practical report i did.

bah. malam. Aku kan liat Drama indon. Olivia. i mean sambil belajar =p aha.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Braking slowly.


kept on thinking of what Nina said...

inda jua bisai tu...

i noticed. but we are reckless drivers aren't we?


Mendung/ eddited.


Recieved this in an email.

KEMATIAN PELUKIS DENMARK YANG MELUKIS KARIKATUR RASULULLAH S.A.W .Tolong sebar2kan kpd semua yg beragama Islam mahupun bukan.. Theartist who drew the pictures of the Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) has died in a fire. Denmark government is hiding the news from the public and everyone has to know.

On another note.

ps- had my first geo mcq test sigh.... aha everyone seems so relax in the hall! I was one of the last three out of 90 to go out of the hall. I kept on looking and looking at my answers. And i feel frustrated. (though seperti yang dikatakan billah 'kau ganya tu andang memikirkan berabis') Oh well, kerna aku mendung banar (sama seperti hari yang mendung hujan labat ini. Its 4pm here in brunei and its very dark already. Ribut.), i messaged Byl for a quick japanese cuisine outing. Melayan jua ya ne walaupun nya ya ada motivation kan kurus a. Sekali masa ujan ribut tah ya mendangani ku melayan susah hati. Sekali lapas menambah lamak melarat ke kadai cd and i bought Crows Zero film SHUN OGURI. and LEONARDO has 2 movies coming. Expect to see me in the cinemas a lot 0f times. ahh byl ah. (kesian ne drg ani. ku bawa kesana kemari. =pp)

And aku geram ati. Aritu ada gambar si byl and Leonardo d madam taussuds. JGN KO MOLEST BAH EH!! suci dari lelaki ya mseh tu =ppp bah. reminder ah kalau org luar negri atu ESP YG D UK. Kalau ada leonardo ka apa utk premier movie(S) nya...ingati si T ah! (jgn tah autograph... adiah bday ku jadi th =p) to Husrin. Apparently ya alum kawin yaw =p bgupren saja ba. =pp aku layan.. kawin tia pebaik aku tetap peminat setia. Environmentalist lagi tuuu Tambah poin.

bah aku malas kan bloghop ne. shout box ku atu terabai sedikit tu pada masa ani. i feel like studying but the internet is a devil (i wanted to check my email regarding something i volunteered for tapi terblog tia.).

Monday, October 20, 2008

Putih, tanda kasih.


I am ranting but not everyone would know what i am talking about. Tadi bulb lampu d living room meletup and pecah dpn ku. Just like my heart. nasih serpihan kaca nya inda kana mata. tadi petang i:

"bunga apa ne ka? wa semua warna putih. tanda kasih." - nini

i feel like something bad might happen. Sejak balik dri sana inda nyaman ati ku. Udah tah membari ancur ati meliat. bnrnya a lot of things have been happening at that place. ada kisah g. And now udah tah sunyi. the walls g have ears tu (walau sunyi) ntah napa i really feel like something bad might happen anytime soon.

In any case. things can happen now.I know things can happen. so in anycase. I love her, her and you all.

I guess...what comes turns around comes around. but still...


Amazingly, no matter what distance, you are always able to shoot out words that can cut ones feelings to pieces. But wait... you don't care right? Unfortunately, orang di sini DO. care about each and every one of you. And when you look from any angle, still... apa jua bleh d buat kan... orang disini memang hanya mampu cakap saja.. its not like i am in your shoes. Its not like you will tell if i ask why. Besides, your mum saja yang dpt menagur? Kawan ani inda tah buleh menagur?

But okay. If you want me to shut up then i will shut up. congratulations. you are getting better and better at these. And yes i faced it with a smile on my face. I guess i have improved a lot.

still, since i am sensitive not an ego. I am sorry.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Broken. Really.


Terima kasih. aku sayang kau and kau and KAMU SEMUA. Never knew the communicating bit would turn out so well. I have not seen or talk to someone since airport. And and it breaks my heart so much to see.... ko ne. I guess it better stay that way for a while. Because still the shadows of you people remained here. And btw jrg ku nyanyi tu a. utk kamu ja tu.


i really wish you were around.miss someone's voice.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Something is going on tonight.
Hope it goes smooth.

And i passed. nyawa nyawa ikan. But still i passed language test.

And honestly, i had a BLAST with you DUDES. Hehehehe. i am liking US. Crack wa kamu a. Bau lelaki keta ku tarus. =pp Tapi still. In these times. I need a good laugh.

We all do. =)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

yesterday, my class ends at 6. The sky were of shades of yellow. the rain pured down. And i continued walking. on my own.

I realised, i have been walking that way all along. Hence, the parent let me go to places on my own. Left aside, i walk with all my might. All these while it has always been that way but why now it feels like something new?

in the car. the rain pours heavily. I couldn't see anything. The car goes 40km/hr. and its been this way all along. but why does it feel like this is something new. Something that would go on.

i am gone. and i might not come back
there is no one to pull me back anyway.

i am gone. And i might not come back.



naega babo gatasoparabol su baggemanomnun gol amado
Your heart may look away from me And so...
We could even become strangers- if

knew something. slept while thinking. because its was quite saddening. i wake up on my bed this morning. thinking...what happen yesterday evening?

and after a long of recalling. I rememberd i slept.. while thinking. This line that connects us is fading. I am not a witch who can see through crystal balls and see what is going on all around the world. I guess... perhaps i am at fault here. Somethings shouldn't have started.

To you all kata kata belakang. I dun give a damn anymore. go and talk but remember. this is tiqah. I know things. maybe not all but i do. so wtf. just go ahead and talk. I miss the good all days when people would keep things... when we say, jgn gto org a.

is it okay? if sooner or later... we become these strangers?

Monday, October 13, 2008

btw. aku malar offline lately kan. my first step tu untuk menjadi org rajin macam babu ku yg belajar medicine a. kalau ku online kan bnyk wa menagur terus. ytah tkut tia ku online krg chatting berabis ku. hehe.

BUT STILL i cannot stay away from bloghopping. hopeless addict dah ne.

and awu. Apparently, mr bleu the one who like guys makes me smile like micky yoo chun does. so yes i am fooling around. YOU CAN HAVE HIM BYL =pp he prefers male anyway. aha. layan saja tia post ku ne. i slept. Inda dpt tahan but only for 3 hours. and that makes me hyper. And aku frust menonggeng ne kan segala test test and presentation a. haha

Ada pesanan untuk kamu dlm post ani.


I think i did terribly today. And one more to the list of stuffs i messed/fakked up.

1) bio practicals (its not that i've not been doing any. I did. But itsss just SO MESSY i cannot get it out of my mind. lukisan ku mcm bidaaa baa. label ku atu g.. ya rabbi. mcm inda complete ba. i get this feeling that the rest have a more complete drawings than mine)

2) Bio test. okay. maybe this should be in the last of mesed up things. still it keeps bothering me that i shouldn't have be sooo adventurous enough to change my answers (and my initial one turned out to be the right one)

3) MATHEMATICS (itself. especially the written test which i think i will flunk but as LOH cuzin ku tersayang ckp "you're not alone tiq." now 10% down the drain. okay maybe not exactly all the 10%. i did do some of the question. And another 10% minus 1 minus 1 minus 1. i need to work hard for the rest of the 80% finals plus 4% from our upcoming mcqs)

4) geography presentation. (another 5% down the drain) i must try not to sleep in lectures and come late for the rest of the 90%.


5) ze language. i love. But it iz sooo difficult. okay. i did my best dah. and i am not satisfied with what i did.

I hate being me. AWUU i have not change at all. That beuri attitude will always be in me. i cannot sleep thinking of the language one. and the bio practs which are so messy. Bah i am done with my list. Kalau aku online malar do me a favor please...

BUAT ARH TAGBOARD KU "maths ui maths. or GEO uii essay geo 15% tu. and test nya another 15% lab report g siap ko udah" cematu ah.

speaking of our 15% essay which is due early next month. I NEED LINA. =)

apparently, messing things up gave me the goal i need : save as much of that 80%, that 90%, that other 80% and that erm.. 50% + 30%. I know you don't get what i mean. But thanks to me for messing things up i cannot sleep or walk without thinking of those percentages down the drain. ANd AWUU AKU BEURI berabiss. kepada those who will spent the this next 4 years with me... tahan2 saja ah uri ku tu. haha si amal paham dh tu.

this is random. DO ants MATE?? mcm kemarin kan. i think i saw two ants (red ants) yg basar in close proximity ba =p haha . skali aku kan cuci tangan kan. tesiram jua tu ya. kesian eh kalau ya mating kusiram. hhaha. mcm kalau kamu manusia 'mating' inda jua kamu mau kena siram kali. inda kesampaian napsu si semut lelaki haha.

"What is this game called again?"


F(x)= stress + food + T = lamak.

Lim f(x) = DNE

this is true for all value of x.

aha. I FEEL SO BLOATED. ya rabbi. i think i ate food worth of 3 days kali. kesian ku ba meliat makanan kena idang utk kami kalau ku inda makan.

Btw... AKU AND HUSRIN KENA HARRASED BY COUSIN DIBAHn hahahahahahahaha. watch here. watch husrin protecting his innocence towards the end of the vid. higgh kami taruss =pp haha ITS A REALLY MUST WATCH VIDEO!!!! made my day a little brighter. shekshi si abang atu ee. haha



Since its sunday, I went to belait tadi. Cerita2 about perkara yang...hmm biasa. Its never gonna end i guess.

We (all of us sans you know who) beraya bersama after brapa taun dah. Gembira ya we knew that. biasa. Its been a long time kan. Remember last time i brought the two of you to nini's. Well, apparently, her situation now is more terrible than ever. and we can't do much. =/other than that, its been a long time no cerita in ckp miri. aha. You know how they cerita about that story in cakap brunei sebab some might not understand... kick lagi kalau drg ckp miri ba. Mcm happening. Kerasahan garam ati nya tu. hahaha. Honestly, i am proud of them. Why. let me just keep. you'll only know when you meet them in their crib.

Sorry nurul adibah nada di umah. Hp ku mati ah. and aku d seria tu masa tu. And to KEROLFIRDAUS, jepang?? =) tunggu kaya elaun lu tu. mahal a. Kalau alum kaya elaun bawa mr vietnam. Ke vietnam lu. ehehh..

and i have not prepared for geography presentation krg at 9am. But i am too full to sleep. sebab aunties ku tu kalau kami k sna abis tah kami kena feed. haha . Still after... straight tests days and presentation, i felt like i'm just gonna do this. nada uri nada apa. mcm how do you put it. i felt like just doing it...if its terrible then let it be. Kalau ya mrh marah la si sirinanda. I tak kisah. its as if i've given up and just want to do this.

I guess i am waking up till morning. Salam. Sayang. Pagi.

i still feel useless though. =((

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is missing people. But don't know if they are missing me too.

Btw. T has messed lots of things up. hence making this life... soo chaotic. and very frustrating to live in.


Saturday, October 11, 2008



"In this time of fear, when prayer so often proves in vain.Hope seems like the summer birds, too swiftly flown away...." -when u believe

kamu...aku ada kawan wa. nama nya siti nur petat =p ya pandai cakap cina ne. tapi ya bukan org cina. ukan jua org pilipin. haha. TAT. napa org panggil kau dri petat to "tat..tat" bukan "pet.. pet" ? and si shaqqy a. capi.jadi tikar ia ku udah.

I fucked up things today. I'm pretty depressed with my tests, I feel like hijacking an airplane. Or french kiss a girl =p. (because jumping off a bridge is so common..boring) It made me think, wth have i been doing lately? What am i doing ici ? Je ne sais pas. Vraiment. Its as if all i've been doing lately is non. nein. nothing. nada. urgh. =(

still. terima kasih to those who made today a little less difficult. And to the three people who knew the topic of "blue" "blue oh blue.. you are fading to white... =p" si Byl, Dibs, Shake. and esp si shake who randomly did this while they were reading french: "mr gandin~*manja tone*...... mari. bole le. *french accent*" sambil main ngan rambut topi cina utk si amsyar ah. serious yaw. HE KNOWS HOW TO WORK IT (the chinese hat and the french tone i mean). you have to see or youself. It was hillarious. org kan kamih tekamih dh kali. Kami ne inda beranti wa ketawa ani wa. hahhahahaha. and it didn't stop until someone's open house tadi. He kept on saying random things today and that kinda made things a little less difficult. and now i know where nurul adibah's horny-ness comes from. and my bag kinda hit Dibah's hangtuah's _______ (hint: middle part of a male where they would usually feel pain if we kick them=p) and it was an accident. Cana jua. That place ah. sempit amat ba. aha.=pp

And while aku becerita siapa mr blue ane arh dibah, udah nya tausedikit disebur hint tu a..tau bnr ya ba mana satu. gatal bnr. ya ckp aritu kan.. kalau ada lelaki ya terpikat kan... mesti ada aku nya.. nada competition lain. Nah nah. sapa juaa. di sebut sedikit sapa si biru ani, tau tia udah. adang tah eh. jgn tah di kacau beboipren udah.... AWU that is not a typo. Ya beboypren dah ba lelaki a. haish. pasangan bahagia dh tu. why are we always involved in the same guy dibah?? mula2 si top kiut. =p si jang hyuk. Si KEY kunci hati ku. (nuna like..) Si Shia lebouf <3 Si taebin duda ku. Si hangtuah mata sekshy. (yg sama class ngan aku) ahaha. ko ne ah. ani si biru lagi =p haha. well. maybe not all guys la kali kan =p aha. LEOnardo dicaprio aku tu ah!!

Aku sayang kamu semua btw. =)

and the people who can read me in and out may know how i am right now and how my life is now... fucking things up. got my self an eye candy guy who turns out having a boyfriend.c yes a boyfriend (well we kinda suspected that earlier ahaha. hence he is more interested in billah in terms of gender than in me kan kan. that explains why byl got the 'kena tagur' experience. =p)njoying some laughs while i should be studying. Looking for things to eat when i should be researching for presentation materials. I don't want to be anaeroxic. 3 round g ku makan. I have been binging on food to get rid of these pressures. f(x)= food+ stress+ T. Lim of f(x)= DNE, i've even been wasting too much time i don't deserve to be where i am supposed to be.

And i'm kinda lost now. I've been fucking things up can i get up after this? what am i gonna do in the future. i mean i am not pretty enough to be a blonde, and yet i don't think i am extremely clever to excel either. I've been doing nothing. I am heading to no where. I really don't know.

I feel like i am trapped in a cage. stuck like your little parrot.

I want to fly and see things.

ps- for those who still don't know me, i am a fucking cyber emo. Get used to it. i've tried not to be but it comes naturally. and i hate trashing people. I don't want to become someone else's kata kata belakang' and aku menyindir ne. n i have something in mind coming up. hmm. bah salam, malam. kiss kiss.

what am i doing here?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Aku sedih. Honestly, my language course is the only course i am confident in passing everytime there is work. But i fell in ranking. There is a second examination coming this saturday (yes along with maths test). And i am totally not ready. I haven't even finished understanding chapter 3 and the test is up to chapter 4. Honestly, i didn't take this language out of interest. The first time i entered the lecture theatre i get this feeling that perhaps i am the only one sitting who is just taking the language for the sake of units.

Our study pace is very fast here. So fast i myself cannot catch up. Our beginner's week we jumped into forming basic sentence. and now in the third month of sem 1, we are moving on t0 writing compositions. I am not even done with mastering sentence forming.

And i have been thinking lately, should i or should i not continue next semester? Its getting harder.... I have no initial interest in this language because i find it difficult to understand. Kono go wa hounto muzukashi! or hen nan! (i have no idea if my interpretation of 'nan' is correct. but i think it is since i saw this word from msn nicks.)

and yet. the harder it this language gets, the more interested i become.... hmm. we'll just see lah. Doakan ku pass ah tests sabtu ah amin. and this language test jua hmm.

Thursday, October 9, 2008



So you won't get totally lost in this little world of mine.

Things are a little chaotic. I feel like hitting my head on the wall. Or better yet, on someone's arm just as in....that movie. aha. But not with that actor nooo. definitely not. I don't want a man who is prettier than me =p I am fat. Because i have been eating my worries. And my heart. And dangani someone who is frust for reasons he ofcourse would not tell. Tests and presentations and more bio drawing coming.

And all those pictures while bloghopping of... places and the thought of what it'd feel like, made me extremely envious.

Nevertheless, doakan kami pass my 2 upcoming test and presentation ah. I hope i do well. Amin.

and blue never look so romantic...until these pass few days ;p and still i am just fooling around. Naah. All blue did is put a smile on my face and that has been a great help in this chaotic hours.

hmmm. lalalalajhbrbvjkhbsikfugruhgrwnjceqjkcnifeqonqcenoj~!eqo8428rwoiwvkldmn

=) its okay.
it really is. hmm =

Sunday, October 5, 2008

No words but you can already tell.


Kebanyakan masa ku ingin berdiam diri. Tapi sekeliling pasti kan membuka, diri tak sedar berbicara tanpa kata. Adakalanya ku ingin menjadi lutsinar. Tapi sekeliling pastikan tercari dimana tempat ku bersembunyi. Ku sedari. Diri sendiri menjadi punca timbul kata kata belakang.

Bila tiada kata kata di bahasakan, namun kamu mengerti apa yang tak pernah disampaikan, dimanakah letaknya kebebasan?

Memang diri sendiri menjadi punca. Mungkin masanya telah tiba untuk ku berdiam diri sekejap.

I'm gonna be away for a while. Lots of stuff coming up and i get carried away with internet. Don't worry. I know, It's okay even without any news of me right? I'm always fine jua. Haha i am a cyber emo. When you meet me face to face, don't you notice that i'm always either smiling or laughing. =) so Salam.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kamu berdua.


Adang bah eh. I am living life happily so far. So. I'm am over it just like you. Hehe. Beraya berabis lagi ku. and begambar sama poster leo arh cineplex. so adang.I am not being dramatic. You people are the ones making me dramatic. =p hehe. Kamu ani mengundang kata kata dari belakang. Although, if you notice aku ani mudah perasan walaupun aku inda tau semua... tau jua ku ada sudah suara belakang atu. And i know some. =pp

Thanks to you know who you are for the treat.

I am living life and getting fat(ter). But wth. I hate being fat but i'll deal with it eventually.

Ps- Ada concert jazz plus dinner organised by BMS di sheraton on the 18th. its $50. Aku mau ikut...tpi kalau nada dangan... and and banarnya aku ada wa gambar kan di upload. gambar ku besayang sama poster leo. ( jadi tah poster saja =p) Tapi lambat wa upload. So aku malas tia. hehe

Nevertheless... aku still sayang kamu semua.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Love is all around.... i really am out of place.


='( cuma tuhan yang tahu betapa sebak ku melihat...

The people around me. Family. friends. so caring. So kind. Sometimes i feel, like i don't deserve to be around. There is less i can do for them. Sometimes i feel, that the aggresive personality i've built over the years have no use at all. I still cannot be as strong as nini. as them.

And i never felt so happy during the past first day of raya. Things never go right. but this time i met.. family. Those i have not met in a very long time. Those who couldn't come to nini on the first day because of someone.

someone said, "makcik tak kisah ko benci sama makcik ka. tak suka kah. satu ja makcik pinta sama kao. yang penting ko selalu ingat sama _____" Cali jua eh. I am not you kali ah. How can i forget my last name? Hmm. Asking me to respect when she doesn't respect her mak mentua at all.

Wishing all a happy raya. Enjoy life while you're still at it. And no matter who we become, always remember those who cared for you when you cannot care for yourself. salam.

Love all around. and yet... i am out of place.


Selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin.
Tulus ikhlas dari hati.

Kalau ada terkasar bahasa tersilap kata atau perbuatan kurang elok dari ku, maafkan ah. Halal kan semua selama perkenalan kitani.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

GOING CRAZY BUAT THIS HOMEWORK. damn sooo payah!!!!!!!!


My bio prof. teaches people how to play guitar.


In my dreams.. i really do mean in my dreams.

I had this funny dream. I dreamt about having to hand in my practical on angiosperm and gymnosperm to prof mohd and i have not finished it so instead of handing it to him, we have to look for his house to hand it in. And that whle i was looking for a place to draw, i saw prof mohammed in a class teaching people how to play de la guitare. hahaha. Biasa ler. Mostly yg ada lam mimpi ku..sapa2 yg biasa ngan ku arh class ku bio yatah ada tu dalam mimpi ku.

Except for one person.

That is why i say this is funny. Napa ka ya. org jauh pun masuk jua dlm mimpi 'all bio' ku.