Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My bio prof. teaches people how to play guitar.

In my dreams.. i really do mean in my dreams.

I had this funny dream. I dreamt about having to hand in my practical on angiosperm and gymnosperm to prof mohd and i have not finished it so instead of handing it to him, we have to look for his house to hand it in. And that whle i was looking for a place to draw, i saw prof mohammed in a class teaching people how to play de la guitare. hahaha. Biasa ler. Mostly yg ada lam mimpi ku..sapa2 yg biasa ngan ku arh class ku bio yatah ada tu dalam mimpi ku.

Except for one person.

That is why i say this is funny. Napa ka ya. org jauh pun masuk jua dlm mimpi 'all bio' ku.