Monday, October 27, 2008

Menghilang sekejap.


saya menghilang sekejap ah.


Monday tia. Hmm and just last monday i told my mum, monday tia. and the week before i told my mum, monday tia udah...pastu monday tia lagi. It is monday now. And next thing i knew it will be another monday.

After this monday, i have tests and presentation again.

After next monday, i have TONS of semester assignments to hand in.

After three mondays from now, it will be our BIG week. (and aku lum study)

After four mondays from now, we will be in my birthday week =p Aku mau leonardo. (poster basar leo d cinema atu jadi tah hehe).

After five mondays from now, i will be ber joli (if there is no volunteering for the BioCop.) and i might go to.... aha ada tah tu. Kalau jadi ku kena suruh2...ada tah gmbar tu. (bnrnya lupaku ada ngah merista sal ni)

After six mondays from now, i might be on a holiday i am looking forward to. insyaallah. i do hope this will happen. atleast kerasahan jua cutinya.

After seven mondays from now, i might be in... hmm i am not sure which part. Tho the schedule to be in the capital city of a country would be around weekends. And inda batah.

After eight mondays from now, i might be.... recollecting memories. And key chains.

After nine mondays from now, our first new year celebration without... you and you.

WOW. a lot of mondays to go through but going monday sure passes by like breeze don't they? and while i am busy counting my mondays...i realise that i have to do things for the rest of the upcoming mondays.

Yatah notis. Aku menghilang sekejap ah.

I want to get through the rest of the mondays before the days after the fifth monday from now without regrets walaupun banyak stress nya. (conpius? Aku pun!! macam dalam seminggu ku nada g tuesday or wednesday... mcm mondau ba hari hari.)

aha. bah outs. Gambatte to me. (duii ma. nada org ba kan mbagi aku semangat a =p)