Monday, July 7, 2008

Growing up: this is for my ladies.

Note: nostalgic. I just had one of the best chats since a very long time with them. It started with a message that started like this: hi ladies..... it occured to me.. since when have we grown from just mere girls to ladies? Dr A's right. Men may come and go. Friends may come and go. But sahabat stays forever. I am not exactly sure how to explain but it sounds cool doesnt it?


I met the three of them (including mizah not lina). We got together often. Zirah was still unattached .=p So was ridha. hahaha. And ofcourse the very single T. Chosen for explomaths along with Zir, A and FN. Zir, met her him and got attached. The girls get to know each other more and more. Bonds grew and we instantly became bestfriends. Lin and i took geography. Zir took economics and Ridha was the only one in class taking computer. That was the only class period we got seperated. Mizah remembered the first sentence i said to her when we first met- hi aku tiqah aku ne pendiam ne. And she said that while i was talking non stop. =p hahaha


We were still lab partners in bio and physics lab (just like the year before) where Zir and i would chat, lina writing her stories and Ridha pretending to concentrate at Mr leong. We would rush to the canteen and buy our favourite, the soto. Ate in class while laughing crazily over silly matters while everyone else thought we were a very quiet (tkarang) group. Ridha is still in love with computer. Zir 'loves' Mrs Rani. and i 'love' my ninth subject- accounting. Went for tuition (or rather chatting session) at Zir's uncle. Berhari raya with auntie nya apa. And zir was afraid of cats. Ridha and i bitch about sexy Spaniards and italians and even share Spanish language books. Si mizah eksen pendiam tapi gila bnrnya. Almost two years has passed and i have no idea when we all became sisters.


Ridh and Zir decided to go to Maktab Duli instead of PTEB because Zir prefer to go there and ridha wanted to take computer and only MD offers computer as a form 6 subject. Mizah had to go to MD. And ofcourse Lin and i went to PTEB. It was actually hard at first. The friends you see everyday, pull you out of the canteen crowd, sit with you in the lab...they were not there anymore. And you make new friends.


We hardly see each other. Only through the net sometimes we update uorselves. And oh...Zir loves cats. And Ridha is still with her hehehh pemain bula =p And T is still very much single.


Zir- currently doing her attachments with BSP, doing the petroleum technologist work thingy. I have no idea what it is but its about monitoring oil wells etc. She'll be studying for a year in UBD before going to Sydney, i hope. Ridha- MOE scholar who will be doing Software Engineering in UK. She really loves IT stuffs. Lina- doing foundations in Perth. And philosophy and ethics. wuhuu. Kan gila yo that subject. Mizah will be doing her Beng civil engineering in ITB. and me.... the one who will be doing biological science.

The 5 of us- will be farther away from each other when this long holiday ends. We will be scattered all over. And the chat with sayangku Zir, Ridha and Lina was the best ever we had in a very very long time.

Funnily, i am not sad. Because, we still laugh like we used to even when we don't see each other that often. We still serve cookies of fast food when we visit each other. We still buy each other gifts. So i guess, i am matter where we are, we still have each other. 5 years later i am sure we are going to sit chat just like today or the days before. We'll sit in one matter who you'll be.. petroleum engineer ka, civil engineer ka, software engineer ka, or phsycologist...we still will be the same. That is why. AKU SAYANG KAMU.

ps- gila. ramai jua kamu ne ambil engineering. aku gnya ambil biology kah??? sayang bnr kamu kan mr leong atu. =p Zir.... saya tahu u rindu kan ku =p jgn temimpi2 aku ah d sana KB. mimpi zaim mu ja. krg inda ko tertidur. kiss kiss. (mihir hahahaha =p) Ridh...msg ja ah di mana.