Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What the fuck have you been doing lately?

Caya kamu.... i went back at around 7 pm plus yesterday. Rehat rehat sandar sandar. Tau tau...i woke up at 4 in the morning. Haha lalah js sudah tu. B, K and i watched the movie K and i have been wanting to watch. B..next time we watched your movie ah- kungfu panda. I've watched it but i don't mind watching again. We bought jolibee burgers and hid it in my bag. Naah bagus kan bag ku basar atu. Man the smell was all over the theatre but wth.

There was flipping cars. Bullets through heads. Knives. Hot Mc Avoy. Sexy angie (there i'm gonna say it).

IT WAS FAKIN-TASTIC. Seriously, we were going all oooohh aaah over the violent scenes but K was a different story- he went ooohh aahh over angie. I was trying to slide down everytime he does that ggggrrr-inda-ku-tahan-mliat-angie. And and everytime there was angie, kena sigung ku nyamu olehnya. And everytime K went ooh aah over angie, kena sigung ku lagi leh B sbb ya malu. hahaha you should watch WANTED with us.

SUKA KU BANAR! Cool wa kerita nya ah. Read here for K's craziness over angie. And here for B's ratings.

It was great from the start. And the ending was awesome. It ends with..."what the fuck have you been doing lately?" hahahahahaahhh

ps- gonna reply to all your tags later. Now gotta go to MOE. kan liat apa course ku kena bagi kat UBD.