Friday, December 5, 2008

you force.


Tag 1) menyiku

1. Write (type) your full name with your elbow.2. No backspacing.3. Tag 10 people to do this.

nur satikqah raduazn

GELA lah. Exotic terus nama i. ;p

Aku tag kau kau kau kau kau kau kau kau kau kau. gila mengalehkan diri menyacak keyboard.

Tag 2) membebel

1) Each blogger must post these rules.2) Each blogger must being with ten facts about them.3) Other bloggers who are tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves. you must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end.4) It is essential that a tag is left at their tagboards, letting them know about the award they've received.

1) aku ingin terbang ke awan. lalalala.
2) I kuat bejaurs.
3) I suka makan.
4) esok i menjadi semakin tua. and i inda berapa iski. =p
5) aku suka shinee
6) sama dongbangshinki
7) tetapi near far whereever you are... i am still Leonardo Dicaprio's fan.
8) I have LF exam esok.
9) I am looking forward to makan ketam esok.
10) I lap u.
11) but most of all...i am addicted to _____________________. ;p

nah belabih. ertinya aku inda payah tag org.

Yg sebuting atu naleh ku. thanks for tagging anyway. =)