Sunday, December 7, 2008

My 6 Dec 2008: Appreciate!

Wajah sitiqah bru 19yrs old yg letih TAPI kan bagi ucapan. =p

I had my Francaise exam (nah expose tia sbb next year i tak ambil lagi) at 2pm. Amazingly i just studied this morning before the exam. I knew i did enough for coursework to pass it so i just don't care anymore. The paper was worth 320 marks- 80 for dictation (comprising for 10 out of 50 percent for final exam) so all aimed for was a 120 marks (for a pass in the writing final exam) and ofcourse it wasn't easy. For those i don't know...i hentam la.

AND THAT MARKS THE LAST OF MY EXAMS! I can onlining now =p

Anyways. Like i said i have been looking forward to makan ketam at Kayu Kandar =p GAHA. Siuk2 ku makan katam wah ada tia durang dgn ....biasa.. nyanyi nya and ..... camera nya! TIME KU BEJABIH MAKAN KATAM. Aha. belipat banarr!! TERIMA KASIH btw.

I have been told that my face book is full of greetings and i just would like to say my facebook is almost dying. I can't open it somehow. Everytime i do, the IE gets stuck and restart.And THANK YOU SO MUCH for the greeting masa ku mikin tua ani. As nur petat says, our butt is still firm =p

This is random:Thanks to

ofcourse the family.
Buzz who texted (aha awal ne aku na tau mana hp ku so aku alum balas)

Uncle Keyol (the other kerol)

Islam and Boyfriend


Babu Amal (hahahahh ur 'GUYS' gift are too good to be true *melayang i)




Norah Jones (i like the card)

Billah-the best bichi in the whole wide world.

Husrin-whose-water-broke yg eksen arah ku ya kan makan2 malam nya so ya inda payah ikut aku blek rini.=p



(mereka yang belipatan yg ambush aku time aku high menyumbat mulut ngan crustacean)

To the FRENCH peeps for nyanyi the birthday song balik2 sebelum masuk hall)
Aziz aka Rahmat =p

Haris (yg pen nya aku ttapau time exam)






Pei fen~

Passerby =p (nadabaa)

The H.

Si pemajal (you-force) Pandi

Kaka Iera

Org org yg greet aku di face book tpi i tak dpt buka la.

Org2 yg jauh tpi aku tau dlm atinya rindu kan aku =p and alum greet sbb aku alum online (sbb mereka adalah org yg inda pernah tinggal wa drpd msg aku time distance close. Ani jauh tia dh kan)

LAST but not least. ahaha saja nyuruh ko ngalih baca smpai ke bawah =p

KEROL pinky (ko ujung sekali psl aku bnyk komen ne)

Lambat kau ah bagi semangat study ah... my last exam is today haha. Tapi kalau ko menari mirotic/love like oxygen awal and video study tarus ku ne =pp. and V4T??! capi Kau tpun pun aku inda ku jawab kalau tpunnya start with 555 something. Kalau tpun kai hp mu sana bru ku jwb (sbb aku avoiding tpun org dri dubai wa tnya sal sum humanitarian bla bla.) and aku inda tcari mana tpun ku awal ne hhahahah and manada ku nangis tu =ppp ahaha. And. bangga la sedikit, ada improvement.tapi kalau ya matching nga baju pink and nari to mirotic or love like oxygen baru aku terwowow.*ku pajal* =p VAIN. Aha. tpi ada T kan ahernya haha buleeeh la. haha THX. Btw aku dpt online dh ne. Jacket mu yg tabal menabal atu buat i wonder wheather. SHHH. And ada kan ku gto psl weekend itu. And hahaha aku baru tau ada 2 (DUA) bantal busuk! (yg mana satu =p)

Btw simpan kad atu. you still have time to give it colours =p

Owh and 2 people from the names i mention above...will be having their birthday too SOON. =)

ps- i am still not over BIO and maths. I will be over it untill i know i pass haha. Until then i will still have nightmares unless someone or anyone can sing and dance love like oxygen to me (OR bawa KEY/MINHO/ONEW/...the whole group ku kemari)

OR BWA LEO KU KEMARI. =) Salam. Malam.