Tuesday, December 16, 2008

more......than you think.

Sigh. Function function makes the body tired. Yeah. There was another tahlil function at lina's yesterday. Tarus celebrate december babies.

Another thing. SORRY berabis Kai luo. Your request cannot be fulfilled because i am travelling sooner than you think. And billah TOO will be gone on his road trip sooner than you think. Not to mention AMAL Di text text rupanya2 kan ke miri! Caya ku banar. Its harder to meet amal that anyone outside brunei can think. =( ya ne banar. It feels like she never went home seriously.

And i just knew some story from someone. Hmm yeah. I got a little emo for a while because it hurts me more than that person would think and yet that person chose to be that way. Its how people are. honestly, its okay if you're abroad or whatsoever. Even if we're all here its really hard to keep up and to keep our friendship together. Or to meet each other. Its actually quite harder than you think.

Honestly, i have been avoiding going online. I don't feel like going online anymore. Sometimes i don't feel like blogging. And all those events and functions and shopping frenzy made it easier. I could have gone online. My mobile phone is with me on every ocassions though it won't be on or full of credits everytime. But i told someone a piece of my heart after that short news- what is the use of going online when nothing could be gained from it. No updates. No news. Like i said, even keeping our friendship intact here is soo difficult and tiring at times. So just.. make it easier for a bit. Malas ku udah. and when i say malas.. i meant i am really frustrated. titik.

Sorry birah. I know you did said a few words intending to soothen this heart and not this post will prove that those words are spoken in vain. entah. Today will be another busy day. Because i need to shop for snacks and travelling pills for travelling on bus and train. so yeah.

Lookie what i found at Rano's... the wedding i have been escaping since last monday and had to come on sunday =p The guy is Lina, my cousin's cousin. The girl is my bestsister ridha wadiah's cousin. Hill and Leny.

pengantin laki kena iring guys with big motors.

Images by tukang gambar.

Haha lapas meliat lalat mengisi bandung. kami meneruskan perjuangan pakai kereta ke pengantin bini sebab aku malas pakai bas. Kalau pakai bas payah kan escape awal =p

Ps- i met dibah and your mum ridha. =) baru balik haji rupanya. Kesian si dibah tu eh. haha selalu your parents naik haji.. you and dibah kan di rumah. ani ya saja sorang and your brothers. =) haha. AND i noticed that leny's siblings are tall. Macam si dibah. Gila. mcm dibah ah. ya bediri kan tinggi berabis. Haha i feel so short next to her. Btw have fun in Rome. Luvs.