Friday, December 5, 2008

5th December.

TO the sister i miss.

Cried so hard the day you left. Because you were the last one to leave. And i know that makes this December, different from other Decembers. Happy 19th Birthday sis. it was just last year i greeted you 18th and we turned legal. Study hard in Sheffield. I know you can do it too. I know i am not there with you this time (and next year too. And for the next 2 years too) but lets just imagine we are there celebrating our days . Moga di panjang kan umur dan murah rezeki. Wish i am there with you today..

=( miss you and the rest. lots.

And one more thing ... everytime i wish you birthday there's just this feeling that i am growing up with you. .....and i love growing up with you. ;D hehe.


ps- have fun in Europe this hols. Kalau ada italian hansem ah promote si Tiqah =p And kawan ku si Billah kirim salam haha. (sbb ko nada online ba)