Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama: change has come.

An update to my previous post. =D

Barrack obama won US election!!

Just something from the little country of Brunei. Congratulations Barrack Obama. You'll never read this but.... people were jumping when you won (like i said i am not the only Obama supporter here).

In his first president-elect speech, he said, change has come. So i hope that change includes, more peace. America is a strong country and quite influential. If america starts campaigning for peace in many ways other than spilling more blood or throwing bombs to Arab countries, peace might actually be possible to reach. Not to mention Racism to 'minorities' or anti-islamism which are quite a growing among western world.

If change has come. Then let change happen.
ps- to someone. When i have the chance to be closer. I let go. because that is me. I am naughty but not naughty, No matter how close, i am still me, the one who doesn't know how to flirt. Okay? Awu i will do the pep talk sometimes.