Friday, November 14, 2008

13-11-2008. esapade and easy way.

dan.. biasa... After every practical, we always go to the place where we always go to after every practicals =p owh and this is my first escapade and easyway outing with vs, the H and pandi. =DD nanti lagi aa. palat wa kami a bising.

ESCAPADING. =p Shaqqy. vs bebeh. and T. This is what we do to thicken our adipose tissue.

Sushi and green tea weren't enough we just had to go across to easy way. from left. T. the H. the Pandi. VS and shaqqy.

haha actually it was a last minute thing. Sebab lapas the rest blek bru kan ke escapade kan. Maybe we should plan a BI1107 escapading. I am sure a lot of them want to go too. Like si Nora Pets. Mai. Nikki. But they couldn't yesterday. and Ak. B =p sebab ya saving up for a new Toy.
I've been a bad girl lately. Eating out till late. (not really that late). and last mon we went dixy instead of LF. i went to CAM last wed too with my special guest. (the one who made Ak B. and Dibs hysterical) BUT i will stop starting tommorow. (because tonight my mama bawa jalan jua aha =p)

Just a little hint to my babies out there who is not here in brunei to see my toy. I decided to go for a sony. and its not white. but black. and its not exactly new. =p There you go. and these pics is taken by my black.

bah. hehe i am going to the library this afternoon since i got a msg last night saying see you there..=p hahah. Don't worry. if the flasher turns up in front of me with full nudity. I'LL TAKE A PICTURE FOR YOU. =p