Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kenangan manis.

Long post. As someone said in bio lab. Angin bertiup.

I can now say, i have officially dissapointed myself in Biology. I talk about my love for biology and yet i have not done well.. and i have dissappointed myself once again. yes, today's practical was one of the most interesting yet, pulling out the heads of crickets and seperating its tiny mouth parts. They look so crunchy and yummy to be honest. =p It reminds me of the fried crickets the Thais use to sell in the streets of bangkok. Not to mention bitchy lab key holder just now that makes our day just a little ~!()&#wdehFAK_IT#*&(xsbjxs. But despite that, i handed it in even though its not finished. Another major dissapointment. (after ma1101)

And we've got the draft of this semester finals already and my final ends at 6 dec. =((( What a gift. Due to practical, and the pressure of upcoming final semester.. we went to eat our frustration.

I noticed that the place we eat changes. we now go for nihon no ryori instead of kankoku no ryori. We do still go for korean but not as much as to japanese. do you notice that? I guess while we are trying to lie to ourself, create a facade and adapt our lives without the people we spend most of our waking hours with, our mind unconciously go for something new. Because those old ones..old hanging out place, there are full of memories with you..those who are far from us. Unconciously, we are avoiding that place, because your laughters are still embedded there. Your foot prints. They are still warm. I see shadows of you there. And unconciously, we want it to be warm until the next time we get together. Unconciously, our body is trying to divert away because that things we always do...will never be the same without you.

Its a new thing we do. Escapading after something frustrating. And for escapading, the bunch of you bio peeps will do (and sorang yg ukan bio=p) because you peeps made my night a night! =))). Aku sayangs kamu berabisan. aha walaupun aku malu ada yang ketawa basar ada yg tesiruk, te sadu. ter puk the chong. you still made my day.

Its true what someone said..... kenangan manis ni.

I guess... this is life. and this will be life for the next...4 years? its a lie to say that i have adapt. I'll always miss even when i refuse to say. But i guess its time to settle down. and blend in with the tesiruk laughters.

kepada siti nur petat. u agree kan wat i say tadi. bah carikan ku melayu. lelaki melayu inda beguna wa bini2 mua mcm cina. Bureng i =p aku inda mau lelaki cam si feeling mu =p anak orang buleh la. ah byl aah.=pp skinny jeans...lenggang walk =pp *hyper ku kekanyangan*

and i said to someone once, that story is just like what we've been through.

"It’s our last chance, to share the stage. Before we go our separate ways. High school wasn’t meant to last forever..."

out. I gotta something due this sat and saya belum habis =S