Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Aku menses. Kau menses. Lelaki besigup di ictc menses. orang drive di delima menses. SUMA ORANG menses. Abis tia kotex ani krg. I find that ramai org di sekeliling ku pms labih2 dari bini2 menses.

I am being random in this post. Merojak.

Lalala. i'll stop talking about my studies. Because. kusut otak ku seriously. hahaha. Like i said. i don't feel like i'm gaining anything. aha. I don't know. maybe its just me like people always say - kau selalu. Maybe its a lot of things in my mind. And FYI i couldn't continue my language until next year due to my units. The units were 21 with my language and the limit is 20. so i will still be speaking 2language ONLY. HAHAHA. (see i'm steps behind you people) and my minor will be mathematics because apparently 'they haven't got the right agreement to make geography a minor for my bio science' honestly i prefer geography eventhough geography test makes me feel like sushi-ing everytime. I'm still better at geo than numbers. kusut ku berabis. Vectors g alum ku study. then, there is oral.

And then, there is peer pressure. (apakan. cross this. i am just being emotional) and then there are things. hahaha and fyi. smoking turns me OFF. so instantly, when that guy smokes, he is off my gorgeous gay list =p.

Owh. what nina said to me last time is working. Once i while it just cross my mind. Maybe there are a lot who are respectful. the longer it was locked. The more i learnt not to care. I guess it wasn't real.

i need to talk to someome about the things i've been pretending not to care. or just drive away and not feel guilty about the time i waste.

and i have been spending my mendung days makan. and tonight i've not done anything. I was about to do something but when i realise it, its already 1 am. aha. and this again makes me feel like hell. i shouldn't have wasted time.

Can you sense that i am kusut right now? URGH. i don't even know if i'll pass this language test and now i not allowed to take it for next sem. and mathematics is my minor! and i am struggling with my minor!