Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Sometimes silence can seem so loud"

When someone does something good, we dun take the time to compliment or praise him. but when that person does one mistake, everyone does their best to condemn him. Hmm and i think WE ate doing that often. so think.. is it wise to just say bad about something when u dunno the whole story?

I too am angry at UBD recent incident. And i am mad at my friends recent emotional battle. I am furious, because i realise that i have been such a bad person in the eyes of some people that they have ignored my existence. Its such a sad world. I know some people talk behind my back for long, or seem to be disgusted at me because i don't exactly fit the devoted muslim frame or that i don't meet their lifestyle. I guess the impression i made in their eyes has been filthy all these while. And i try to smile just like mr happy pills. It hurts to lie to yourself. I appreciate those who never did talk behind my back about me. Thank you. And you are so few. i know. We always talk behind others backs.

Even when we don't know the real story. Why? Because that person is more terrible than you.. so you have a comfort to say, i'm better than that person so its okay. But are you really any better than the person mentioned, when you have no shame to say you are better than him?Something they said in a Lestari activity that i remembered well: "You are not God? Who are you to decide?"

People can judge me in anyway they like. Though at times it does hurt a lot. i know i am a bad person. However, in the end, we still do not know how we are judged during the true judgment. Right? You do things which i don't see. I do things which you don't see. So we still do not know the whole story except God the Almighty. So think... is it wise.. to just say bad about something when you don't know the whole story?

Sometimes.. you just don't realise, people does the most things when they're silent. A prayer is most sincere when its not shown off loudly. We just have to learn how to respect.


Lin Ji said...

Ey T, you know dealing with people who has no other better things to do but just gossip and judge is the least you'd need to care. It's just sad that they'd need to occupy their precious time judging others that they THINK they know about while you my dear, are on your way towards a better path.

youdontneedtocarethosesonofbitches. *grins*