Friday, July 24, 2009

Alangkah bahagianya jika esok pagi...

I woke up finding myself on a sailing ship. The sun rays hit my face as i went out. The sky was blue and the clouds seemed smiling at me. And at the far end or the ship..there's a guy, with tshirt and short pants on ( i would prefer if there is nothing on..but hey. that's just showing off). With a morning greet and a steamed fish that he cooked himself, i start my day. What happened during the rest of the day? well, it shall b spontaneous.. as we sail into the unknown waters.

Sasat jalan tapi bahagia =p

I like ships and water...if you notice. I really go love ships. Hehe. Someone told me when we were at the royal regalia, looking at ship models: you like freedom. I do. I like the feeling when we look into the waters, not knowing what's on the other side. I like the feeling when the breeze hits my face and the sky seemed to be the only roof i have.

wouldn't it be nice.. to just sail away?