Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I can taste the love

Alangkah bahagianya jika esok pagi...

If i wake up to his creme brulee. =p

Or anybody else can do. Aku single ah.. to lelaki yg pandai masak HAHAHA (promosi.) when someone bakes creme brulee, he definitely gained points from me, but when he takes cooking as a choice for career.. wowowowww. Bukan lagi points dia dapat, kalau dia mau i terus pun boleeeh. =p

Wishful thinking. But people. I had my first creme brulee at UBD today and it will certainly last in my mouth forever (esmosi). Next time there is a come2gether bakesale again, try it- its definitely worth the money. Tarus angau lagi makan creme brulee. Why? Because according to sahlan, anyone can bake. Tapi baking with love tah yang payah tu. But i assure you, i can taste the love in the cakes.

And thanks to org yg macm slalukan tani besayang arh msn atu (aka bisnis partner ku) =p org ganya inda tau ah. ahhahaha. On another note, hadri is leaving for Korea tomorrow and i sedih hahaha. kerinduan ku sudah. Awu sedih ku org tmpat ku mengusut (oprah ku) kan blayar ah. Aigoo. Hadri shi... bwa ku lelaki korea ah. Hansem ah. hahaha.

I want creme bruleee.