Wednesday, April 29, 2009

(Live) By myself and Can you hear me.


Okay. I SHOULD really get serious with my exam which is in erm days. So WISH ME MARKS. I hope i pass all my subjects AMIN.

Its live babeh. LAWA berabis. tell me where to download this. aku yg kuno ani inda pandai wa mendownload segala:

By myself- Tiffany (sang on April 2009)

Salam. Wish me marks okay. I really just hope i passed maths this time. seriously wishing that i pass maths. Amin

The italian man who went to malta


The crazy thing i'm doing is tommorow. remind me its for fun. i'm not making a fool out of my self. =s seriously, i am regretting this. tell me not to. OH yeah people. since i always forget to send people regards, (awu bnyak dh dusa ku inda menyampaikan) Someone text from "beribu batu jauhnya" psl my (not so identical) twin and ya kirim salam to "semua yg dalam diam merindui ku".


This video is FUNNY berabis. Made my day. Made me want to start studying:

Do not piss on da table You son of aa beeech.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What are the chances that i can show my abilities?


Its less than a week to exam and i am doig crazy things.

Please remind me that i am noy making a fool out of myself.

JUST doing crazy things.




56 suspected cases of swine flu in NZ

Oh crap.

I am paranoid. Yeah. it feels dissapointing somehow. I should have just went on with the do-not-plan-any-trips rule.

I'm cursed.

Bird flu was bad enough. Pig flu.


It can be infected through sneezing and coughing and any contact with infected materials. Sighs.

I am paranoid about these kinds of things. So paranoid. SO.
So, we'll see how it goes. I hope there won't be any pandemic (nauzubillah). The spanish flu, long time ago, left thousands killed. God save us all. Amin.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I am so pathetic.


Someone said that its obvious i compare myself with people in ________. That is not entirely true. Most of the time i get jealous looking at people's pictures- those at the seasonal countries or countries where language is a barrier. Because i understand, only when you drown someone, he or she will be able start an effort in trying to float. Hmm, now.. some of my friends are in German too? Once upon a time, we were all from one school. Now, they all study in different countries.

I know its a big thing for a short girl like me to do but i can't stop being envious of everyone around the world. Everytime it happens, i ask myself, what have i done or what have i achieved, to be more than them? Because being 'more' is the only thing that will soothe me.

And everytime.... i failed to get any answer from myself.

Then, they start to experience new cultures, meet friends of different colours, see places we only could dream of seeing, learn many new things, represent the country and evolve to become somewhat something the nation can be proud of. We become so distant, i can only hide away my little pathetic face now- the face that has not really achieve anything much that a country or even the university can be proud of. i ask myself, will i have the chance of doing the same?

And everytime, i fail to get an answer.

I guess. Just wish me marks and hope i pass everything this semester with good grades. Amin. And before that, i need to stop being lazy. Amin. (remind me not to spend so much time on internet or the television or mengupi and coffee bean.) I like my core and my supporting course and my course mates are awesome-ly helpful. I guess, that is all that matters, for now.


i've not gone that far and you're already out of sight

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day 2009


Happy Earth Day.

I don't always talk about what i do or speak which none except God cannot see or listen. But, everytime i pray (which is not a lot but hey.. i never said i'm perfect and i'm learning to change that), i wish to live long enough to see the beauty of the world, and for the world to live long enough so i can enjoy its wonders. And yeah, its in the exact same words.

Everything on earth is beautiful for me- even if its man made. I like to fly high and go around and see every corner of this planet. Even the in oceans. I said something in my last geo presentation, it wasn't planned, it just came out: "our population are growing and growing but our land will never grow any bigger (unless you do land reclamation or etc)" That is true isn't it? The earth will not grow larger in size, our land is depleting. Life isn't long. We all are dying but the earth is dying even more.

So can you fullfill this little girls wish and let the earth live long enough for me, and my children, my grandchildren and great grand children and their grand children to see its wonder?

Thank you. Again, happy earth day.

Monday, April 20, 2009



I whined less this sem. I guess its because the feeling gets better each time. But, towards the end, you'll realise, the grades don't. Instead, i feel like its even lower than last time. Urgh. The feeling. And i am guilty of not feeling guilty for hanging out mengupi with the dudes on a school night, again! I should start revising human geography now, i have test tommorow. I should start asking people to teach me math now, since i did flunked two of my test.

I keep on messing things up when i have the chance to do the opposite. =(( hmm. why is it that i can't seem to do better.

but most of all, I don't want to be mediocre.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

To Py.


Better late than never.
I did remember your birthday. I just forgot to greet xp

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Flying high. to the sky (but i need to finish my exam first)


I can't be seperated with my old habit of being a last minute person. And my favourite past time: The television. Haha i finished, kami no shizuku, the japanese drama in three nights. Kamenashi Kazuya is seriously HOT there i think its because he gained a bit of weight. i just borrowed "Painter of the Wind" which i started watching last night while trying to stay awake and start doing my slides for geo presentation today.

I really did feel like crying this morning, two hours before my human geo presentation because i was far from finshing my slides at that time. I did a power research last night- all in one night. I drank black coffee and i wasn't suppose to sleep, but i did, at 3am. I was really mad at myself for spending 3 dollars on an americano that cannot keep me awake the whole morning But all and all, i went through it anyway. So Alhamdulilah.

Not to mention the Logo which we did a lot of last minute touching up on the day of submission but hantar saja tia. And biology report which for the first time, i slept only for an hour. HAHA. But mamam beat me to it- he did not slept at all just to create their (bitch) pretty logo animation. All because we saw this (bitch) amazing animation the day before submission. But nvm. Now all is left is ONE week, two reports, and two tests.

and yeah. Second semester Exam. All in one bloody week.

After that, i'll be back to my skyhigh passion. I might fly a bit and go out a bit. Perhaps, that might be before and/or after Patoi. Yes, i do mean fly. Like suparman. because i did facebook quiz and i got superman for two different quiz (irrelevant)

Hmm maths. I worry maths. Because i've got no idea if its possible to pass this. Someone need to teach me. Malam. Its a friday tommorow. If its confirmed, we have our usual makan luar session but this charcoal. And i want to watch painter of the wind now. I don't know when will be my next post since it really near exam. So

Wish me marks.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Woman killed in hit and run: The hunt for the RED lexus.


I heard the news from mum as i have been too busy even to sleep. Her husband is an RBA pilot. ON DUTY to Jeddah at time of the hit and run. Mum's friend were all busy the day just to meet the victim's husband. IMAGINE. going back from work to find someone precious to you killed in an accident. what's more. The person to blame RAN AWAY and leave her there without even consider bringing her to the hospital. Life is short. It'll end in one way or another but this is too much. Some people saw it was a Red Lexus that hit her and ran away.

thank god it wasn't a green lexus. BUT PASS THIS ON:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A WOMAN was killed in a hit-and-run case yesterday. According to the Royal Brunei Police Force, the accident took place along the Muara/Tutong Expressway near the Nakhoda Ragam Vocational School in Lambak Kanan around 9.15amThe police said the 47-year-old New Zealand national was cycling along the expressway heading towards the direction of Jerudong when the car hit her from behind.The injured woman was immediately rushed to the hospital in critical condition, but she succumbed to her injuries later in the evening.The police are looking for a red or maroon coloured Toyota Lexus which is suspected of hitting the woman.

Anyone who had witnessed the accident has been urged to contact the nearest police station or the Berakas Police Station at 2330410/12/13 ext 20 to give information and assist in the investigation. (SRH1)

The Brunei Times

and its saddeninbg because. I live near there. Everyday i use that road. And it has become a normal sight to see people cycling. Hunt that red lexus down. Give no mercy to those who have no respect for life.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I am nocturnal creature.


I think after another night out on friday (from afternoon), we should take a break. I mean, overdosing on caffeine, sweating over some songs and dancing like there is no test the next day, is really not a good thing to do when you DO have test the next day and you have not been reading. all is fine though. I mean i've never seen hanis so hyper like that. BUT. i have got to say no to Hadri's constant craving for coffee bean.

No more bejaur. Less coffee. (but i never knew black coffee taste heavenly. Or maybe its because mamam added a lot of sugar to his cup) And more sweating. Less eating. I need to be fitter than i am now for Patoi and Biology field course.

We have 2 more weeks and these two more weeks aren't exactly happy time. AND i didn't exactly pass my maths written test . I'll have to work harder just to get a bloody passing mark for maths. Btw the usual update of what tiqah watches when she should be doing bio report. Kamenashi kazuya is (damn) cute in Kami no shizuku. He looks so different from his role in Gokusen. Kami no shizuku is a drama about solving puzzles about wine. (awu ba i like dramas about solving riddles or crime drama)

This is how i'll be tonight. YEAH this is an OWL. Dr Charles' owl. My long lost nocturnal cousin.

Hmm maybe i'l have a cup of coffee tonight. =p i slept after mosning jog till afternoon. Now i am awake and i have to finish my overdue report. I hope someone post the bejaur pics very soon.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It was raining. And we were sweating.


and look at what prince charming did to us.


Awu kami (kami?) teriak. mcm tah nampak muha si Berry dari sini. or muha si AM. tapi kami TERIAK jua. hahaha

(hyper) from left. BICH. BICHI(the football virgin). T. BICHIER. BICHIEST. =p

see hyper berabis kan. from left. J and J. Hafiz mamam. Tiqah(aku bah eh) BJ. SZ. Sharon. barak (serious si barak namanya)

Oh and BJ won himself a toaster. CAYA. sibuk2 orang mengoal kan kami sibuk meliat board kalau manang lucky draw. si BJ jua yg manang. bek jua ukan a date with ________ hadiah nya =p

(i am procrastinating) sighs. baru i bangun. somethings frustrate me now but i'm sure to you everything frustrate me because i kept on whining and whining and whining. I have sent my 2700+ words human geography essay on globalisation. Honestly, i am not satisfied with it so i just hope it'll be enough to get me a credit. I mean since i we sort of wen to to that charity match instead of doing essay =p (and mencari 'sesuatu' di Bandar at 12 tangah malam) REHAT bah. inda kan blajar saja kan. =p Today is the PMUBD anual general meeting SOO. we'll be a lot busy today rearranging stuffs. i will be doing my presentation tommorow. wish me marks love. and next week as well. I've got my marks for the kertas kerja MIB that we stayed up late for 4 nights. It was a minus sign but considering its on politics and we've left karangan quite a long time ago, i think its worth it ;) alhamdullilah.


and a reply to taggy board- OFCOURSE. i misss you zirah.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009



Its 2 am and i am up doing my geography essay on globalisation. Last year it was only a minimum of 1200 words. But now its 2500 words. A lot has happened but i don't have the time and wireless connection to update.

Lets just say, watching AM gunners charity football match with Muara vella was the most refreshing night outing with the boys of this semester. All thanks to carabao, the energy drink. And the bitchiness of the guys. And ofcourse the football match itself ;p (and the football players. Definitely) Hmm ofcourse there were pictures. I was in the pictures (using someone else's camera)

So. I have decided that THERE will definitely be a next time. Tiqah is the best cheer person a football team can have.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I am not human enough.


I've been asking questions which most might think is silly and i keep on getting human nature and human instincts as an answer even from a lecturer. What i want to find was.... an answer which is not just human nature. But so someone told me that's beyond human capabilities or human limit to understand. Is it? or are we just lazy to push that limit?

I mean have you ever wonder if you should be called human being when the definition of humanity is

The quality of being humane; the kind feelings, dispositions, and sympathies of man; especially, a disposition to relieve persons or animals in distress, and to treat all creatures with kindness and tenderness

Are you human enough?

hmm. on another note. Human geography has nothing much to do with biological science but hmm i am enjoying it so much more than maths. yeah i failed again same as last year. and that'll need more effort. I still which i can change my minor to geography instead. And we are watching that charity match between AM gunners and Muara Ville. Haha honestly, i never watched football in any stadiums before. =p so this is a first. Esok kami practical bio =D haha its funny how we look forward to practicals but go stressed up with write ups. I know i don't want to blog. But i keep on looking forward to my other friends blogpost so i know my friends will feel the same too. =) salam.

Wish me marks for next week and the next week and the next week. (its our last three weeks before exams bah)