Saturday, April 26, 2008

A bunch of cowards watching Congkak.

Sudah ku padahkan arah mu,
hari hari ku sibuk sekali,
nah pantun yang kau tunggu,
aku pun tedapat kali ah darah seni.

Its a rare thing to see Miss T watch a horror movie. The last one was jangan pandang belakang. Haha and we were a bunch of enthusiastic coward watching Congkak yesterday. Seriously, you would laugh looking at our behaviour. B bought the one you used to close your eyes when you sleep (i' don't know what its called). Bz used her long jubah to cover her eyes. Ly was shouting at every possible sound. K sama jua. BETUKUP banar muanya. And i, ofcourse, covered my head and ears. But but don't get me wrong i still saw what happened at every scene. Its just that my vision is narrowed =p and the sound did not affect my eardrums that much =p haha.
adang kau ngucap-ngucap aku,
kau ku liat betukup mua jua,
tapi rugi ko nda mliat billah nu,
betutup kepala macam eskimo saja.

Honestly, i wanted to watch orphanage last time but it always plays at midnight in the cinema. And i can't find the DVD or CD.

Yeps. K and i went kboxing before the movie. He was straining his voice so much i was afraid that his stiches would tear. Bida kali ah ada blood splatter arh kbox hahah. And we went kboxing with the rest after the movie. Seriously, if movie producers were to make a horror movie out of Karaoke-ing, batah nda menyanyi. Regarding to our boys vs girls competition i would say- antara kita tiada pemenang tiada pengalah bah eh. =p

still curious. He didn't continued his lines.