Monday, April 28, 2008

Beauty of darkness.

No electricity from 3.40+ pm on Saturday till late afternoon on sunday! Its was so hot that i slept through the night with my skirt lifted. And no internet. This is what you get when you over use electricity: major blackout in Brunei as a substation in Tungku was blown off causing 3 turbines to trip. And each turbine is equivalent to the power of an aircraft engine! A lesson learnt- save energy while you still can.

Saturday the 26th was my little brother's, Dr Amal's future brother in law =p, 10th bday and he spent in in the dark. Don't be surprised if i show up a little more chubbier than usual okay. Since the blackout trapped me in boredom, i did nothing but eat. Orang africa inda makan tani kan menulak rezeki =p hahaha. No seriously, my stomach walls suddenly stretched to such extent that i could stuff some Soto tinis, Pizza, Spaghetti, Honey chicken and fun donut during the pitch black hours. There goes my 3 months worth of gym sessions. Of course, i am currently suffering of the exhaustion of having to go to the toilet several times. ahh life. What goes around comes around what goes up must come down.

I have to say though, if not for the black out, people will not notice the beauty that god created. (referring to K's post) haha There was even NO streetlights, the only light that night was from the moon and glittering stars. lawa lah.