I miss...some things.
a lot.
i really do. ='(
I wanna go shopping too....
Perhaps someday we can find a way... to serenity.
Posted by
Miss T
10:39 PM
Labels: figure it out.
Second day of orientation. For me still nothing much. I'm just pretty excited with the library. And the private room /kirai in the library. I need to use it often bah eh.. so that i won't be distracted from my studies. =p I've never really been a library person but the library's seriously awesome. So peeps...you'll find me mornings reading the current affairs at floor one. And the rest of the time near the 'biology' section. Or in the private room canoodling..oops =p nadabah. They don't allow two person in one room. Not even between the same gender. They do have a room for threesome /kirai. hahahaha. What is wrong with two in one room?? And they allowed three in one?? bah take a form. U'll need one if you want to be in my private room =p=p
On a serious note. I really do plan to use it a lot. Perhaps studies can distract me from the lot of things in my mind. And from missing others.
I am so sorry i have no pictures to offer. Q, R, Z and i were busy trying to look like a serious undergraduate in front of the camera(s). Noo we are not vain. We're just simply trying to give them a good shot for their collection. haha. And yes i am interested in the Kursus kemahiran rumah tangga. kan tambah 'skill' ku. Ikut kursus rumahtangga lu barutah jatuh cinta. hahahahaha.
On a random note. I hope i survive through the sport challenge esok. FZ has done little for my fitness (especially when i have been escaping my natural runner for nearly two weeks. And besides i am there as a moral support for si Kerol Firdaus saja. spaya bdnnya jadi sexy =p). i hate parking at UBD. that is why B is picking us girls up. Sebab kami mahasiswi pemalas parking.
Kepada Nurul Adibah dan seluruh rakyat brunei. Ingat lah...
About the orientation, just read B's or D's or Z's or everyone who went to it. =)
One of the first thing someone told me when i entered the Chancellors hall yesterday- 'ko ganya ni ah. durang gengmu banyak belayar.... inda pa sama jua cam kami tu. ko sama kami ja.' so yeah. It was kind of exciting to start school but it seems that yesterday when someone i know saw me they think and mention about how almost everyone i am close to will be going abroad and are already studying abroad. When i think about it. It is true. Hmm. I hate to say. but there is no them in my new school and that makes first day of school lack on a lot of things. I just want this orientation week over and start lectures. And not to mention ECAs. Either Kembara or that Korean culture ( so that this girl in Brunei will not miss out on a lot when the two plans on a Korean trip). but it'll most prolly be Kembara.
About my minor courses.. sigh. Maths and Chem does not interest me as much as Bio does. And i didn't take physics in my alevel years. So lets just see what its gonna be. I plan to surprise myself. Haha. BAH. when are they gonna give us the module? Biomed student have theirs already. The PMUBD people told us to be active. haha and i can't wait to be active. aku mau languages banarrr.
And one more thing. I have not found any interesting male specimen ubd. Well... there were a thousand plus in the hall so there has got to be a couple of interesting male specimen to stalk. But none so far. So i'm gonna lay low. =p=p unlike Nurul Adibah who has got a Hang Tuah among a thousand plus of students. HAHAHA.
bah i still have a lot of forms i have not fill in. For the sake of allowances (that i will go on a diet to save =p) hahaha saya akan mengisi borang ini. Kurus tah ne hahahahaha but just like si Ros said while waiting for me to finish karipap "mun aku ngan kau tiq nada ku dpt kurus ne" (karipap atu exception ba. one of fav ku kali a.)
Posted by
Miss T
11:22 PM
This is a little long. but...wanna noe the answer? Keep scrolling down and read. =p= HEHEHE. THIS IS SO FUNNY.
Seorang guru, Cikgu Murni (Umur: 22) menghadapi masalah dengan salah seorang muridnya (Abu). Lalu guru ini bertanya kepada murid tersebut : "Apa sebenarnya masalah awak, Abu?"
Lalu Abu menjawab, "Saya terlalu cerdik untuk berada di darjah 4, kakak saya menduduki UPSR dan saya lebih cerdik dari dia, maka saya seharusnya berada di tempat yang sama juga!". Cikgu Murni dah tak tertahan. Dia bawa Abu ke pejabat pengetua. Sementara Abu menunggu di ruang tamu, Cikgu Murni terangkan keadaan tersebut kepada pengetua. Pengetua mengatakan yang dia akan berikan ujian kepada Abu dan jika Abu gagal menjawab, maka Abu harus kekal di darjah 3 dan berkelakuan baik. Abu dibawa masuk ke pejabat Pengetua dan Cikgu Murni terangkan pada Abu dan Abu bersetuju untuk ambil ujian yang akan diberikan. Pengetua: Apa 3 x 3? Abu: 9 Pengetua: Apa 6 x 6? Abu: 36 Pengetua terus bertanyakan soalan2 berdasarkan tahap pencapaian murid2 UPSR dan si Abu mampu menjawab tiap soalan yang diberikan. Lalu pengetua memandang Cikgu Murni dan berkata, "Saya rasa murid ini sepatutnya berada di darjah 6", Lalu Cikgu Murni berkata pada pengetua, "Saya ada soalan saya sendiri, boleh tak saya ajukan pada Abu?". Pengetua dan Abu bersetuju.
Cikgu Murni: Apa yang lembu ada 4 di badan, tapi saya cuma ada dua?
Abu: (berfikir) Kaki
Cikgu Murni: Apa yang ada di dalam seluar kamu tapi tidak pada seluar saya?
Abu: Saku
Cikgu Murni: Apa yang bermula dengan huruf "K" akhir dengan "A", ianya berbulu, berbentuk oval, nyaman dan mengandungi lapisan nipis keputihan?
Abu: Kelapa
Cikgu Murni: Apakah yang masuk keras dan berwarna "pink", bila keluar lembik dan melekit? Mata Pengetua terbuka luas dan sebelum sempat dia menahan, siAbu terus menjawab.
Abu: Gula-gula getah (Bubblegum)
Cikgu Murni: Apa yang mereka lakukan, lelaki secara berdiri, wanita secara duduk dan anjing secara tiga kaki? Mata Pengetua sekali lagi terbuka sangat2 luas dan sebelum dia sempat hendak menahan si Abu terus menjawab.
Abu: Bersalaman
Cikgu Murni: Baik, sekarang saya akan ajukan soalan berbentuk siapakah saya, okay?
Abu: Baik Cikgu
Cikgu Murni: Awak memasukkan batang kedalam saya. Awak ikat saya untuk saya berdiri. Saya kebasahan sebelum awak. Pengetua kelihatan resah dengan soalan yang diajukan oleh Cikgu Murni.
Abu: Khemah
Cikgu Murni: Jari memasuki saya. Awak menggesel-gesel saya bila awak teringatkan saya. Lelaki idaman akan mendapat saya dahulu. Pengetua semakin resah dan tidak selesa. Lantas terus meneguk segelas Nescafe 3in1.
Abu: Cincin perkahwinan
Cikgu Murni: Saya ada bermacam-macam saiz. Bila saya sakit saya akan meleleh. Bila saya keluar, banyak tisu yang akan digunakan. Bila awak hembuskan saya, akan berasa lega. Sekali lagi pengetua rasa amat resah dengan soalan yang di ajukan oleh Cikgu Murni dan ingin membantah, tapi si Abu mendahuluinya.
Abu: Hidung
Cikgu Murni: Saya batang yang keras. Hujungnya tajam. Saya akan datang dan masuk dengan lajunya.
Abu: Anak panah
Cikgu Murni: Sekarang saya akan ajukan soalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris, okay?
Abu: Okay
Cikgu Murni: What word starts with a 'F' and end in 'K' that means lot of heat and excitement?
Abu: Firetruck
Cikgu Murni: What word starts with a 'F' and ends in 'K' & if you dont get it you have to use your hand.
Abu: Fork
Cikgu Murni: What is it that all men have one of. It's longer on some men than on others, the pope does not use his, and a man gives it to his wife after they are married?
Abu: Surname
Cikgu Murni: What part of the man has no bones but has muscles, lots of veins and loves pumping?
Abu: Heart
Pengetua menghembuskan nafas kelegaan bila mendengar jawapan yang diberikan oleh si Abu, lantas berkata "Baik hantar murid ini ke Universiti Malaya; jawapan yang saya fikirkan semuanya salah".
P/s: THE QUESTION NOW IS.... hahahahh miana pikiran kamu time membaca soalan atu? adakah ia a) meriam b) roda c) peluru. =p=p=p Moral of the story: semakin meningkat dewasa, kita menjadi semakin kuning.ngakun tah. HAHAHA.
not in a good mood for some reasons.
One: Bali. Trip. Convincing. Failed. Damn. i am more upset than you think about the red light on Bali.
Two: maybe its just because skool is starting... nothing seems right.
Three: i'm the type that plans what to do and when it doesn't work out... it upsets and it pisses me. Changes in plan or spontaneous change just annoys me. So whatever it is...next time. kamu tah plan okay. aku manasaja. dripada ku upset bek tah aku ikut ja kan. My bali plan pun inda pass dri tahun lapas. Kan ke Kalimantan or Kuching pun nada org interested. Tekarih ku udah men survey hotel di bali. so hehh wat's the use of planning now.
Mind me. On a lighter note:
I want to meet my best buddies tomorrow before school starts tuesday. because i don't think it will be as easy to see each other when school starts. The first two weeks won't be easy for some of us especially when some of you will be leaving in about three weeks. And then the other one. And then the other and a lot more. So can we meet up?
bah slm mlm. meliat tv ku.
Posted by
Miss T
8:17 PM
Posted by
Miss T
7:44 PM
Labels: a day out., friendship.
Its been a while.. Remember where it all started? When you and i and everyone else fell in love. Just that one time makes true love seem real? Just that one song makes everyone else yearn for love? And after that you can't go back... You continue to look for more. Day and night without forgetting it. Becoming more and more obsessed. try to look back and see... this one will always be the best. because this is where it all started.
Classic lagu ani. sob. You can still feel the aura.
kemarin. Poof. Di atas awan. esuknya. Poof. balik semula. I'm getting used to this...magic. It makes life a little fun. First of all, terima kasih khairulanwarfirdaus. Congrats to my new driver billah. And sorry inda da burger king. harga minyak naik. harga burger pun naik =p haha but knowing me of course i got something. better.
Posted by
Miss T
9:51 PM
Labels: Travel and adventure.
I just watched the youtube of the recent terrible accident in limbang that left 5 people dead (3 bruneians).
and all i could say is.... ATAGAFIRULLAHALAZIM!
WHY THE FAK WOULD ANYONE WANT TO VIDEO THE CRASH WITH THE KILLED VICTIMS STILL IN THE CAR while saying "mati ya udah...mati ya udah kan. yatah inda lagi ada tu" over and over again! astagafir.... Walaupun tah inda brapa nampak org dalam atu.. TALUR KALI ORANG VIDEO ATU. have he no sense of sympathy.. Or atleast be POLITE enough to respect the victim and their families. Ada lagi yang menggambar tu. is it fun to take photographic memories of killed victims?? hah??
mental ku ne banar.Kadangnya orang brunei ani lebih talur dari talur. Talur atleast berisi jua putih dan kuning.
mbari marah bah. minta maaf tah ah sapa yang menvideo atu tapi kalau biskita ahli keluarga durang yang terkorban bah... mau biskita orang menggambar2 sama video? yatah ku menyumpah ne biskita awal ani. durang atu bukan plang ahli keluargaku ganya terasa baa apa rasa nya kalau atu tragedi ahli keluarga kamu yang kena video.nauzubillah. menyumpah banar ku ne. Minta maaf tah ah. palui banar perbuatan abiskita atu bah. macam nada perikemanusiaan langsung. inda bisai bah... HORMATI BAH MANGSA ATU. HORMATI DENGAN INDA MEMPOST SAAT SAAT AKHIR MANGSA DI INTERNET. or better yet JANGAN TAH DI VIDEO BAH TU. cuba deeh becek tah kali. berisi masih utak atu?
Anyways Condolences to the family of the victims.
Becareful on the roads. More and more accidents are happening. I saw two in one day! I guess the road is a playground for most drivers now ey. Drive safe. becareful of wet roads. and liat bisai2 orang besignal kemana. Jangan kan melanggar orang. bah kan tido ku pagi udah. i have a flight ticket to grab 2 hours before departure... it seems my life revolves around last minute plans.
Posted by
Miss T
1:19 AM
You know your day will turn to be an interesting one when..you almost got hit by a stupid pajero in the middle of roundabout (seriously if he didn't brake and screech... god knows what it'll look like.nauzibillah). When another perasan pajero driver bullied us on the road by going slow and braking and playing and yelling "siuk kamu main kan aku atu?" at red trafficlight bila tarang2 si K besignal ah macam nada kami tau langsung kenapa ya cematu. K did nothing to provoke a normal person's anger... only jenis orang perasan suma org sekililingnya menganu iya. (That reminds me of someone). When you know that the brilliant and gorgeous astronaut idol of ours-Shiekh Muzaffar is here in Brunei to give a public lecture for four days!
And when you got back home from giant and recieved a phone call at around 5.30pm after working hours from the mum and she said, "mama ada masalah bah. mama kena suruh ke.....ESUK PAGI" So yes I didn't expect it at all. It was never in our minds or in the plan but it came. And I know she's exremely stressed of going on her own to that place and not being given the chance to reject.
yes you got it. I might be going on board the plane tommorow morning just overnight to somewhere. To where? lets just say...its the last place we'd imagin of going and the last working place..she'd want to go (not with the recent bunch of news and political turmoil)
This time round. I'm not joking. salam.malam.
Posted by
Miss T
5:33 PM
Labels: figure it out.
i should be on hiatus. nadaba. banarnya kan aku kan post lagu ani kemarin bah. Tapi since ada kawan ku alum mendangar kan... yatah ne ku post.
Aku memang terlanjur mencintaimu
Dan tak pernah ku sesali itu
Seluruh jiwa rela ku serahkan
Mengenang janji setiaku
Kumohon jangan jadikan semua ini
Alasan kau menyakitiku
Meskipun cintamu tak hanya untukku
Tapi cobalah sejenak mengerti
Bila rasaku ini rasamu
Sanggupkah engkau menahan sakitnya
Terkhianati cinta yang kau jaga
Coba bayangkan kembali
Betapa hancurnya hati ini kasih
Semua telah terjadi
Back to Reff:
Aku memang terlanjur mencintaimu
As promise: announcement ku utk sahabat tersayang.
Haha aku and si B banarnya ada 'sesuatu' wa utk kamu. Yatah sepanjang perjalanan kami atu saja difikiran ba hehehe. Sekali sambil berbincang2 ada tia salah satu dari 'sesuatu' kami atu sama.... =p yatahh untuk kali ini sahaja ya, untuk kamu ne saja... aku bersedia... nyanyi utk kamu...and vid. (practice plang dulu tu...) SEKALI ANI JA. and aku inda pandai nyanyi kann bukan cam s9i bazilah, si kerol and si billah yatah need practice =p SEKALI ANI JA.
masalahnya..yang kami fikirkan... lagu apa? payah g mencari karaoke ane. haizz =p. Lagu apa bisai aa?? mun nada lagu NDA TA JADI TU ku nyanyi tuk kamu kali.. outie. kan sambung buat trial 'project' ku kemarin. haha menguji kehalusan seni tangan ku banar 'project' ku ani. haha (alum plang halus usulnya hahahaha)just wait and see siapa ampit.
Posted by
Miss T
9:37 PM
Labels: figure it out., music
ehh!! adaka patut. Las min kena gto aku ikut blayar ke KL lusa ahh capi jua nee. begagas jua ne....ubd inda g batah start aduii.
hiatus tah ku ne
NADA BA. =p eksen ku. hahahahahaha. inda aku ne kan gto aku kan hiatus... okay lets not call it hiatus la...i'm just simply gonna blog less because of project ku. sapa tau tu diam ja aa. I'm doing a little something especially for some of my buddies who are leaving soon. Mudahan ja ciap la before kamu pegi. semoga mata sitiqah tarang utk menyiapkan. Okeeh. Mun na ciap plan B tah ne. I've been interested in it since a long time ago.. so i figured why not make one for others.
Bah... status: away. this also means i might be onlining less so kalau ada apa2... msg. mlm slm.
Just a little more... perhaps when the time comes.. it'll all fade away. cage it for just a little more. This game belongs to someone else. but.. where do i belong?
Posted by
Miss T
11:38 PM
Korean feast this afternoon was great. Nanti tah g bila ada rezeki okay. sama dolsot nyaman. and and sik hae ku.
Anyways..just now, while going around with the mum looking for materials, she suddenly said, "inda tah mama balikan ika cincin ne kali ani ah." Inda ku faham apa maksudnya wa mula mula. tapinya kan if kamu notice di tangan ku andang slalu ada cincin kan. Its actually like a tradition. I got my first ring when i was 10 after pce. Then i got my second ring, three years after that, after getting my pmb. See... you can actually see the trend. The current ring i'm wearing is the one after Olevels. Its actually rare to see me without it. I bring it to shower (its on my right finger btw!), to sleep and to almost everything. And she always gave me the ring on my birthday. I know this kinda sound not like it at all but except for a ring once in every 3 years.. i didn't exactly recieve gifts from her since a long time ago except dinner. Its only now that we started to slowly practice the habit of giving gifts. On our birthdays, mum would bring us for a family dinner or lunch but i kind of like it though because you can feel the togetherness when you have dinner or lunch together with the people you care about.
Going around without my ring ..feels empty. i know this sounds funny but eversince mum got me a ring after every achievements, i felt that its a symbol for her best hopes for me in my future. back to my story...she continued her line "sebab kali ani kerita ja.. "
HAHAHAHA. macam.. mama ani... buleeh. I'll make do with a car. I'm okayy. ahhaha. its surprising sometimes to know what is in our parents mind especially when we are about to start university life. Not to mention my aunt who is actually the most excited one here. Smpai kan she kinda gave me a lil something something. haha. They kinda just show you that they'll always be there supporting unlike someone...betanya pun nada. SAMA... inda ya mau gto aku bila ya bali! or what car she will get...ya kan surprise usulnya. hahahah i gave her a list of 'jangan' which includes kerita avanza, vios =p (inda!!), sirion, kijang, honda city (sebab macam beidung ba) ada g lah. sekali nya... "ehh ada tah tu.". mamaku ne dpt dibaca bah kadangnya, dri aritu dh ku tau ya kan bali without aku tu. Out of many many cars which aren't in my jangan -list, there is 2 she possible would buy. And i know she really wanted that white suzuki.
Then again... there are times.. she could be unpredictable. So we'll just have to wait and see on what i'll bring you for a ride (kalau kamu sempat jua ) =p
Sayu ku membaca blog ani.
Anyways. regardless of anything. or where i am. i still love my grandfather- the late Hj Yahya Bin Bungsu. Alfatihah.
bah out. esok pagi saya ke Miri. Astro ku padam yatah ne kan nyuruh org ofis astro sana membuka balik astro. almaklum...adiku esp yg bungsu ne macam aku inda dapat idup tanpa tv. salam.
I downloaded some songs from Ungu yesterday. And it was gone. Haha mean i have no idea which folder i saved it in until i found one folder under my music folder which turns out to be my lil brother's.heh i'm not exactly sure what s his taste in music (or if he listens to any because all he does is play that stupid online game...sasak ku wa payah ku kan makai PC) Long story cut short... he listens to some pretty awesome music. Here are two songs i found and loved (and i am gona steal it from him later. hehehehehh now i know where to steal songs. Let him do the downloading ehehehe)
Paramore- Pressure. here is the wiki on them
Bullet for my valentine- no easy way out. here is the wiki on them.
bah. out. IE ku bitching. restart tebalik2.btw ya ada 'my heart will go on-celine dion' ost titanic ku yg ku minati sangat ah in the folder.heheh adiku tah banar.
Jgn di liat mun inda sanggup.
like i said.lately i find myself so cold to the world.Inda ku tau g apa kan dicakapkan.Nada g yang ku terdaya cakapkan.
you might never know.
so i'm trying to run from reality.
But can i?
because it keeps coming back.
I am afraid. of all my tommorows.
the ones without your voice in it.
and the songs willl never be complete.
i will miss everything.
or maybe its just me. bah nites. will post proper blog when i found my grounds. (this post is a test for my readers =p) hehehehehehh.
Posted by
Miss T
12:39 AM
fak fak fak fak.
And suddenly i find myself so cold to the world. don't know why. perhaps, i am not ready to stand in real world.
Until then.. here's a vid from FT island. I know Amal introduced a song to me last year from ft island. I forgot the name of the song but here's one from them. youtube. Well honestly i'm in the mood for rock like miyavi. But i kinda like ft islands vocals. lagu durang ne mcm utk cerita drama2 atu.
Some people who loved ft island hates dbsk/toho. They say ft island's better than tohoshinki. Hmm i'm gonna be a bit biased. So i'm posting this here.. tohoshinki's acappella selalu mencairkan. hahaha. LIAT. forever love acapella from album T.
Lawa kan?
hate staying at home.
Shun bebeh ani ah...slalu inda betantu rambut nya....still saya suka. ahaahhaah This is from his latest CF...ya jadi kindergarten teacher.
Hot eh. Suara nya g mcm mencair kan,. =p
Posted by
Miss T
1:41 PM
Labels: shun oguri
Posted by
Miss T
12:21 PM
Labels: figure it out.
This comment of hers made my day.
"amal Said:
on July 12, 2008 at 10:28 am
"hahahaha… dah I recieved your gifts dah
Tiqs, aku tau presentmu yang mana satu… hahahaha only you who can give me a gift like that :-p …. "
HAHAHAAHHH. Actually. I forgot to tell her which gift is from me. But heck...she knows which one. babu kami tah banar. But i guess T is a transparent person hehehehh and sbb T ani pandai bah milih gifts kan kan (inda ja =p) Thanks for knowing which one is from me =p Really made my day.
Posted by
Miss T
1:46 PM
Labels: friendship., gifts
Even the loudest music can't help what i feel now. I tried not to cry but i don't know how much i have to suck my stomach just so these tears won't fall. I am not confident in myself anymore. I don't know if i can do it...suck my stomach, stop the tears and smile. I'm sad. Why? I'll just tell you one. And the rest... i won't say.
Because saying this to them is impossible now... this is for the people who are very very close to me.you know who you are.
Do you know how sad it makes me when one of you is sad. Or how worried i will be when one of you is worried. It just breaks my heart. I know that this is most probably why you won't say anything to me but then when i ask you what is going on.. or when i say "tell me that story you have not told"...you say there is none when there is clearly something- that saddens me even more.
You all cannot hide from me you know that.
You think you can but this is T you're talking about. I can't say i know everything. Because i cannot read your heart. Hati manusia siapa yang tahu. But your actions...you yourself... you can't hide from me. Then again my instincts might have even hit the bulls eye on what is battling within your little minds and hearts. When one of you say 'orang lain pun ada jua problems' i know that.
Faham ku kalau reason kamu buat cematu spaya org inda susah hati. That won't work for me! sebab aku kenal siapa kamu. Aku tau cemana senyuman kamu kalau kamu paksakan. Aku tau cemana senyuman kamu kalau kamu sedih. Ulah kamu kalau kamu susah ati. and how sincere you're laughs would be when you're truly happy. I kenal sapa kamu. So saying that nothing is wrong or trying to hide anything from me is useless.
I want to lessen your burdens. i want comfort you when you're down. But i can't do that when you don't share. I can only do it my own way.... i have tried to do my own way..i just don't know if you noticed. And soon..... things will change. A few of these people i know...might be leaving.. but that's another story for another time. I just want these people to know... i came to knew you over the days we spent together...
I'm always here if you need me.
can you all see me?.
Even when you're far.... i'll still be here.
Always will be here. I will never go away.
Now will you tell me the story you have not told?
Posted by
Miss T
11:41 PM
Labels: figure it out.
Warning: this video may make you feel so stupid in music.I don't really care if you're ignoring this vid like all the others...you're the one to lose)
I know you're sick of more youtube...(and i did say i'll take a break. okay maybe what i meant was taking a break from posting crap thoughts and dailies and all sorts.) THIS IS DAMN INSANE! Born in 1995, meet Aimi Kobayashi (click here to go to her wikipedia. She even has her own wikipedia!)the pianist who has already a very astonishing career at young age. From winning the the 5th International Chopin Piano Competition in ASIA to performing at Moscow international house of music- this little girl you must watch.
I feel so stupid. Not that i never realise i am a dimwit in music (soo jgn d peduli tu V4T v4t drg a)...i only listen to the ones with beautiful tunes but i never really remembered the titles and etc. kalah ku ehh. This video was taken when she was 3 or 4 years old.
This one was when she performs Chopin Impromptu In A Flat, Op. 29 with Vladimir Spivakov in Moscow at the age of 10.
Owh and if you like this... google Emily Bear (this pianist prodigy even composed her own piece at 6 or 7) and Karin Zhou. . And when i said i'm drowning my self in the best distraction... i really do mean it. Out (for real! not blogging. hiatus. hahah yea right. i need to take a break from Youtube.)
I know i said i'd take a break from blogging but this video made me feel so sentimental that i just had to blog about it. This 5 year old adopted child is blinded from birth and she plays the piano beautifully (forget the wrong notes she hit...i can't even recognise notes at 18). And get this...she only needs to listen to it once. She even sings...at arond 5.00 min she'll sing a song ..something like "you were born to be loved" seriously...beautiful.
After a year from the above vid. Feauturing Brits got talent the very young Connie Talbot. The vids got me crying. Listen to the lyrics. ='(
Feeling really off balance. I just realise i have that bad habit of binging on chillis and sour plums while watching to lots of videos when my sky gets a little cloudy.
Lets talk music. because music makes the best distraction when everything else fails.
Presenting : Miyavi -japanese rock star. He (or she or what ever this person gender preferences is) is, i admit, hot. yea i've gone crazy. Lots of stuffs make one crazy. I'm kidding. I really do find him hot. I am not sure if its the music he plays, or the rocker charisma he exudes... i don't judge a person by his looks. He plays good stuff dude.(and i mean hot as in hot for a rockerceleb. =p not for a man i want to date hahaha)
雅-miyavi- - 素晴らしきかな、この世界 -WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD
The current obsession. Entah napa. I have never been a fan of such genre but this song just sticks to my mind. Or i have gone insane. Either way.. real nice song.
Miyavi- freedom fighter
Miyavi- Selfish love.
The video starts with some superb instrumentals but after a minute or so you'd hear vocals too so dengar.
bah...i might be away from the blogging world probably for a day or two or a week or whatever. not feeling that well so i'm just gonna rest and drown myself in music. because i miss that world without pretences.
Thursday night is almost never boring. Despite having a crazy lifestyle,the student almost always introduces some great songs. Along with a list of Dygta, tangga, Meet uncle hussein and vagetos...here is one song my student introduced:
kau membuat ku berantakan
kau membuat ku tak karuan
Posted by
Miss T
1:51 AM
Labels: music, song for you.
its time for a proper music. (not that 'tell me' isn;t proper =p)Played and replayed several times for the past few days.
Ku cinta mu apa adanya- Once
Sampai kapan- Ari lasso.
all hail youtube for superb song search. *addicted* Ahaha both songs... are just catchy to my ears.
Posted by
Miss T
3:02 AM
Labels: music, song for you.
uits si Nina. jgn check blog time kerja bebeh =p sorry i disturbed you while you have a lot to do kemarin. hehehh
I know what you think i'm trying to do is a silly thing. esp when it won't do good for me. (hehe you did that 'ko cuba utk....?' with a hint of surprise there. jgn ko mcm2 =p) but ntah.. i guess i have changed a lot didn't i since the last time we spent our days together a lot? for better. because i want the people around me to be happy. That made me reckless. it has made us reckless. i know you know what i mean.
If everything else leaves... u stay for a while okay. Carry me through everything just like you always do.
And it has to be you...coz.. only you...i can't hide from. because you... will always tell.
T to Nina.
Posted by
Miss T
2:12 AM
Labels: figure it out.
Tuesday 8th July. Went to belait berlima. Heheh. Thanks to the rest yang mendangani- Buzz, Dibah and K, the real man-my night vision. HAHAH. Went to visit Zir at her apartment in Seria. The trip was quite okay inda jua mbari ngantuk la since the three of them begila d blakang while lina and i were at the front. It was quite stressing looking for directions especially when Zir gave me 3 roads namely jalan dapan, jalan tengah and jalan pantai. kan mental ku mikirkan luan bnyk jalan di baginya ku direction aa sampai menipun auntie ku wa. Auntie ku ne g....suruhnya ke KB utk msuk k jalan pantai. We stopped at OGDC for food because Dibs can't live without eating every one hour =p Guess what! tau tau apartment nya ne tu sebarang OGDC ah. capi. seriously... if i didn't ask buzz to be at front, i wouldn't have seen the sign. tau lah si tiqah and direction ne inda serasi bah.
Raided si Zir's room. I was tired actually and with the body aches i feel like sleeping so i kinda spent a while in her room with her pillow =p NYAMAAN. hhahahaha. pastu kami besayang =p...ceta2 ckit. and etc. catching up la. Oh yes i drove all the way. hehhe T is getting better at this. How long has it been? errr 2 months since being legal. =p *kambang
pokoknya. I missed Zir brabis lah. Coz u'r the only one who knows things even without telling. And and driving along the road to kb was pretty nostalgic. despite everything.... i kinda miss that road. and the people. =/ manatah saja.
Posted by
Miss T
10:54 PM
Labels: friendship.
I'll post about yesterday later. (aku malas blogging bah ne bnr nya) hahaha anyhoos....TERIMA KASIH TEMAN TEMAN and the real man ;p heh. kerana mendangani aku kemarin though my mood was a wee bit off due to damn aching body and psl suma org suka duduk blakang. And sayang si Nina. Kraja jgn kan cek blog org time kraja. =p nnti g jumpa ko Bah aku ne kan sharing video yg buat aku ketawa berabis ba ne.
yang ani. esp towards the end CALI hahahahahhh kiut plang big bang nari ah.
This is seriously the cutest thing ever in the entire TELL ME phenomena.
no offense... mcm pimp usulnya si JYP nari tell me ah HAHAH.
bah outie. krg tah ku blog g ah. dh ku rajin.
Note: nostalgic. I just had one of the best chats since a very long time with them. It started with a message that started like this: hi ladies..... it occured to me.. since when have we grown from just mere girls to ladies? Dr A's right. Men may come and go. Friends may come and go. But sahabat stays forever. I am not exactly sure how to explain but it sounds cool doesnt it?
Posted by
Miss T
2:04 AM
Labels: family, friendship.
Sebab kan mun ku taruh semua ani arh orang atu tagboard, panuh bah ne. That's why this post is a respond to that post. Seriously kamu....as i've said in my previous post kan...drg punya 'promo' ani kan mikin menjadi jadi. Recently, TEAM cuculnya started screaming the 'trademark' di mall. cecapi bnr ya ni a. Pikir tah tido dh. udah ku bek hati atu kan arh nya.. inda ku mau berabis g mempromo ya (since ya bnyk vid ku yatah aku mesti maniss arh nya). Pastu time ku kan curi gambar si Dibah emosi mencari lagu atu...ada tia post attu. CECAPI BANAR EH SI________ANI. padan aher aher atu...'tido lena ahh' . padan taah. grr. malas ku ingau gto kamu link nya.
Kepada rakyat brunei yang di cintai. Drg ani kan membuli aku bah....ckp si tiqah ikut p2f apa. manada si tiqah ikut p2f kamu. banar. jgn kamu salah faham. Drg ne balas dendam kan tapi berabisan bah. Inda jua adil neee. ani naah 5 lawan 1.
Sama aku inda tau mana drg dpt idea aku pandai nyanyi jazz ah. Banarnya nyanyi jazz dpn durang pun jarang...duii once in a pink moon. Macam sekali dua kali (kali). Apa suara jazz. Suara ku inda se sedap drg bah. Apa jua...siapalah aku kan. hahaha jgntah kamu pecaya tu drg aaa. Jgn tah di sokong promosi drg ah.
inda lena tidur ku.
Kepada si KEROL yang selalunya karit btakang.... ya sangat baik pada hari itu sooo TERIMA KASIH bebeh. hahahaha. Watched Hancock. It was, in its own way, damn funny. It was sad towards the end though..bek jua inda tenangis. haha. And and Charlize lawa. I love her. Plus, burgers and coke are an awesome combination. Way better than popcorns //kirai. Kids do not follow this. The story is better than I Am Legend. bnr plang katanya siuk g wanted.
Posted by
Miss T
1:41 AM
Labels: friendship., movie
Ame desu.
it just won't stop.
Nandesuka kono kimochi?
I still don't know. Still mixed. I can't sort out what from what.
Sedih ku ja.
Thanks for calling babe. Coz really... i was off my balance. You know how off i was since the past few days. Luvs u. Dun ever change sis.
Posted by
Miss T
11:07 PM
Labels: figure it out.
He told me its a waste not to give a try. She told me i have nothing to lose so why not push it a little further. I stayed until morning drafting the letter because i decide to give it till the end.
And yet i spent the day lying down in bed. Bathed at around 5pm. Stayed for an hour or so under the shower. Thinking what i really want to do. My feelings are mixed. Well mixed and battered like flour and eggs. Its a battle within a battle within another battle. Its like standing in the middle of a balance. It equal. Which ever side i walk to, some things would be at advantage and some would be at a disadvantage. Some things.... i will probably lose, either side- just like falling while being in the middle of the balance.
I can't even listen to my own heart. Beats by beats i get lost in it. Every waking moment i think- am i ready to enter a new phase? Close my eyes, i am ready to start. Close my mouth, i am not ready to walk through the door. What do i want really? Maybe i'm just afraid of new stuffs. Things will happen. Our life isn't an act where we can rewrite the script. I am just afraid.
Entah ah. I just feel that... either side of the balance...it seems that i'll gain something but something will be lost.
What is this feeling- i don't even know. Its alot of things mixed in a bowl. Is it an instinct? I don't even know. I would like to know. But it scares me to know. I just hope... whichever path i will go, its the best for me. A paths towards better life. God knows better. Amin.
I am trying so hard not to be sensitive. Until i met three person in a room. Two trying their best to defend the system and yet through the speech i saw some flaws. One, being a relative of my dad, trying so hard to convince me to love more.
and i'm very upset about some stuffs right now and one might include you. Trying so hard to ignore somethings but it hurts more when you say to yourself that its okay...when you know that's a lie. It seems i'm the only transparent one here...when everyone is hiding something to themselves. I am so transparent that you can read me and yet never realise that i've always been there.
It just hurts so much when people make assumptions but they don't even know the truth.
Anyone of you who has a honda civic- look at this little middle finger. Everyone who has audi...look at this double middle finger. Sigh. I need a scapegoat i can hit and run. Just upset about some things...that i don't even know what those things are.
Caya kamu.... i went back at around 7 pm plus yesterday. Rehat rehat sandar sandar. Tau tau...i woke up at 4 in the morning. Haha lalah js sudah tu. B, K and i watched the movie K and i have been wanting to watch. B..next time we watched your movie ah- kungfu panda. I've watched it but i don't mind watching again. We bought jolibee burgers and hid it in my bag. Naah bagus kan bag ku basar atu. Man the smell was all over the theatre but wth.