Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Roots.

Sayu ku membaca blog ani.

i saw this particular blog under family section in simpur blogging nation. No bukan arab family atu Ada lagi satu. awu.. i am a descendant of the Bungsu Lakim family. A grandchild of Hj Yahya Bungsu. This side... i am not close with. In the blog there was these pictures and pictures or the descendants of Bungsu Lakim. Youtube videos of family meetings. and etc

No. I'm not sad coz i felt left out. or that i didn't expect my extended family would be this big. I knew. Just like someone, I chose to stay at a distance from that side for a reason my mother and my grandmother and the dad's siblings would understand. lagipun aunts and uncles ku and dad tinggal di belait hahah. and i know i most probably does not exist to the extended version of the bungsu lakim family because i was invisible eversince i stayed with the mum. sayu ja sebab.. when i read eveything.. it just feels like my late grandfather is still there. its okay if i just stay here where i am. Just so long as i know i love my grandparents and i know they loved me too. And i know i am still apart of that family. because blood ties.. you cannot cut. and could never cut away from. So whereever i go, i will always remember my roots.

sekali kan there's this profile section of the bungsu lakim children. And my late grandfather's picture..... Click here. Number 6 atu.. Hj Yahya atu. yatah mulah niniku tu. hansem kan. hehe. yatah dengan kecantikkan niniku bini yang cam cina tu (apakan)...jadilah waris yang bisai bisai ala ala pelakun jepun =p=p=p (hahahahahh sekali sekala perasan. aku tau ada org sasak kalau aku prasan)

And its not like me. to post the link to the blog of the extended family of that side. Its not because i wish to be under the family member's link. (no i didn't say anything to the admin) but in memory of my late grandfather... here is the link.

(click on the logo to enter the blogsite)

Anyways. regardless of anything. or where i am. i still love my grandfather- the late Hj Yahya Bin Bungsu. Alfatihah.

bah out. esok pagi saya ke Miri. Astro ku padam yatah ne kan nyuruh org ofis astro sana membuka balik astro. almaklum...adiku esp yg bungsu ne macam aku inda dapat idup tanpa tv. salam.