Sunday, July 27, 2008

lets meet up.

not in a good mood for some reasons.

One: Bali. Trip. Convincing. Failed. Damn. i am more upset than you think about the red light on Bali.

Two: maybe its just because skool is starting... nothing seems right.

Three: i'm the type that plans what to do and when it doesn't work out... it upsets and it pisses me. Changes in plan or spontaneous change just annoys me. So whatever it time. kamu tah plan okay. aku manasaja. dripada ku upset bek tah aku ikut ja kan. My bali plan pun inda pass dri tahun lapas. Kan ke Kalimantan or Kuching pun nada org interested. Tekarih ku udah men survey hotel di bali. so hehh wat's the use of planning now.

Mind me. On a lighter note:

I want to meet my best buddies tomorrow before school starts tuesday. because i don't think it will be as easy to see each other when school starts. The first two weeks won't be easy for some of us especially when some of you will be leaving in about three weeks. And then the other one. And then the other and a lot more. So can we meet up?

bah slm mlm. meliat tv ku.