Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mencuba bertahan sekuat hati.

Even the loudest music can't help what i feel now. I tried not to cry but i don't know how much i have to suck my stomach just so these tears won't fall. I am not confident in myself anymore. I don't know if i can do it...suck my stomach, stop the tears and smile. I'm sad. Why? I'll just tell you one. And the rest... i won't say.

Because saying this to them is impossible now... this is for the people who are very very close to know who you are.

Do you know how sad it makes me when one of you is sad. Or how worried i will be when one of you is worried. It just breaks my heart. I know that this is most probably why you won't say anything to me but then when i ask you what is going on.. or when i say "tell me that story you have not told" say there is none when there is clearly something- that saddens me even more.

You all cannot hide from me you know that.

You think you can but this is T you're talking about. I can't say i know everything. Because i cannot read your heart. Hati manusia siapa yang tahu. But your yourself... you can't hide from me. Then again my instincts might have even hit the bulls eye on what is battling within your little minds and hearts. When one of you say 'orang lain pun ada jua problems' i know that.

Faham ku kalau reason kamu buat cematu spaya org inda susah hati. That won't work for me! sebab aku kenal siapa kamu. Aku tau cemana senyuman kamu kalau kamu paksakan. Aku tau cemana senyuman kamu kalau kamu sedih. Ulah kamu kalau kamu susah ati. and how sincere you're laughs would be when you're truly happy. I kenal sapa kamu. So saying that nothing is wrong or trying to hide anything from me is useless.

I want to lessen your burdens. i want comfort you when you're down. But i can't do that when you don't share. I can only do it my own way.... i have tried to do my own way..i just don't know if you noticed. And soon..... things will change. A few of these people i know...might be leaving.. but that's another story for another time. I just want these people to know... i came to knew you over the days we spent together...

I'm always here if you need me.

can you all see me?.

Even when you're far.... i'll still be here.

Always will be here. I will never go away.

Now will you tell me the story you have not told?