Saturday, January 30, 2010



Mission: become superhuman. Master map info by friday, finish 2 reports in one week, study statistics before saturday test, and many other things. I've been moody lately. I don't know why. Or maybe i do. maybe its because of the things i have to do. haha.

I miss them so much. especially her: Hoai! She's from Viet nam and she's the first person i talked to during the workshop. She taught me a lot about vietnam language. And we share heart to heart stories at night before we sleep in KBFSC Ulu Belalong.

Yeah that is how it looks like in Belalong field studies centre. I somehow told her that life there for 5 days,was like vacation in resort. Listening to the sound of river flow every morning and music from insects every night. A bliss it was!

right is Somony from Cambodia. I miss her so much too. She was sitting beside me during the whole lectures.
And i miss them all. Ulu belalong was definitely a bliss. I miss staying there with them. They were my beautiful memories in Kbfsc.

And Hoai and the person in blue black is Chao Han from China!! I miss saying xin chao to hoai and thiet every morning
And Asuka. They say we look like sisters with the teeth and the glasses (she wore glasses too you know)

And marian! and Fikriyah and asuka! I don't know when i'll be able to meet them again. Everytime i go to chancellor hall, i'll definitely remember them. This was during the closing ceremony at Bridex hall. I remembered we just went back from Temburong that afternoon, went to rehearsal straight away! And Princess Sarah talked to Marian haha iski tarus si Marian.

I'm not saying life now isn't fun, there will always be fun when you're with your friends. I just miss our moments in Asem.

Where there is biology, there will definitely be fun. With Tobi the frog (names after Tobias Menig, the ASEM poarticipant from German who will be in Brunei again to study on Frogs)

And then aku kena naikkan pangkat jadi mummy and daddy with Edi oleh the bioscience. Start of our BEJAUR, hahaha this was in Tutong, a random jalan2 with them after class on FRIDAY! (yes, we have class on friday too unfortunately)

And finally our fieldtrip to Pulau Bedukang yesterday On a friday again! we went to UBD at 4.45 AM. I knoww. But we have to catch the low tide to do our field work. My group was Dr C's group. we studied the vertical distribution of fauna within a 100 x 25 m transect. It was divided into four quadrates and each quadrates has 3 people and my quadrate recorded data of around 104 animals (within that 2 hours) Like i slept straight away after lab work that night.

It was't at all that bad. It was definitely fun.

Especially when you have to walk into the water to get to the boat. Haha

I had fun despite the hectic. Now its reports time =( That's the pain. I just miss seeing the Asem participants.

We all need to whine sometimes, but not all the time.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

For all to think again.


I think some people (and especially me) sometimes forget that you can't make everyone happy. The very least you can do is to respect that people can have different opinions about you. Farting is a human nature (copyright of someone =p). However, pointing fingers at others, too, is a human nature. We try so hard pointing the finger to someone else, that we sometimes forget that we had a fair share of mistakes too.

I think ASEM '10 workshop taught me quite a lot on biodiversity but what i cherish the most is the one mentioned by two distinguished lecturers. What they said simply means that you can't see one thing only from one perspective (when referring to forest cover and climate change). There are others to consider such as our welfare. You can't just talk about stopping carbon emission and hope that you can save the earth, without considering the impact it would give to society. I will apply that thought to other things in life.

Don't narrow your mind to something you think it is. You may not always be right. Look things from different angles. When people have given their full commitment, think of what you have contributed. People don't always agree with each other, i know, but its just childish to hide behind your blames and claims.

I understand what ever things that has happened or happening in my life now, i may have done a terrible mistake. I am only human and i sometimes get side-tracked so i apologise. Maybe somewhat somewhere, i am still waiting for people to forgive me for the mistakes i might have made.

maybe, you too should give time and think about things, from a different view.

Friday, January 15, 2010

ASEM workshop 2010


is officially over. You know 3 days is enough to know a person, but 10 days is enough to form a bond. There were some people i grew very close to during the workshop. We sat at the dining table and talk about life or in our rooms and talk about more private things. Ivana told me i'm a strong girl for not crying. hmmm i guess i may have accepted the fact that people may come and go but as long as you keep in touch, then its okay. I do feel sad looking at them leaving the place, i mean who knows when we would ever meet them again. But i hope when we do meet again, we'll be more successful in what we do and we'll be happy with what ever path we chose. I will definitely go to belalong again for field eco 2 next year but this time it won't be with them. So when i sit down at the dining table, i'll always remember them and the ghost stories we share.

I'd like to thanks the organizers, Dr Kam and student volunteers and everyone who made this a memorable one. Not to mention, the government who paid our stay in rizqun and meals.

Now its back to reality. I need to be mentally ready for semester 4. I need to pay back what has been given to me this 10 days. I know i have not done enough so i will pay back this way. May semester 4 be a pleasent one with better grades. Amin.

Lastly, a little contribution makes a big difference. Help Haiti.

Asem 2010. What they do and who they are inspired me.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I had my fun now its time to commit.


So it starts. The ASEM workshop on Climate Change. I hope these 10 days are fun and not too stressful. I think its natural to be intimidated when your cup aren't as full as theirs, when they are masters student who have gone through the things we are about to go through. Hmm. I'm not great or charming or even intelligent, that's what i am worried about. And what i like to read aren't usually Biology but my very small collection of books i do read, are that of history. I find them precious though because i know not many own the collection i do (even if its small).

As an addition, i brought Tales of old Peking by Derek Sandhaus for 400000++ rupiah (about BND60 plus). The book is a collection of excerpts about old Peking and pictures, and mostly about how the westerners felt old Peking was. Although mostly its quite insulting but hey its still nice to know what one felt about other cultures. I bought Early kingdoms of Indonesia and Malay archipelago too. I think its time i recall what has been learnt as basic in Primary and lower secondary. In the process, you get to learn about Brunei too (just like when we had MIB lessons, it was interesting. But then while walking at Alun-alun store in Grand Indonesia Mall, i found the Srivijaya and Majapahit books with more than half the price in Kinokouniya. Ofcourse, its in Indonesian.

I like learning new things, culture or what ever. I guess... i'll survive these 10 days.And when the results are out (which i expect that it will be damn disappointing), a miracle will happen, everything turns out to be fine and there is no failure.

I'll be staying at Rizqun for the first 5 days and will be going to Kuala Belalong field studies centre for another 5 days (and i am NOT fit huhuh i hope i am after all those loke walk to ratu boko and all ) The delegates from other countries have started arriving last night and more to come today. My supposed roommate (the girl from Latvia) has problems with her passport and hence, she could not make it. Meaning i have the room to my self. NOT. The volunteers will be there, i'm sure of it =p

Here's one of the photos while in Jogja:

Salam. I will be missing 4 days of school too btw. So see you. Loves T.

I sort of miss one place.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Looking back in time.


On new years eve, while in Grand Indonesia Mall, Jakarta, someone asked me about my new year resolution. Honestly, i didn't feel like that night was the turning point of a new year. While the Indonesians were getting ready to celebrate at the circle or at Ancol (where the celebs will be!) with their trumpets, i didn't feel like there is a need to celebrate 2010. Time flies fast and it feels like just a few months ago, i made a new year resolution to start studying earlier at every semester. Yet, that is one of the many resolutions i failed to achieve. I have mixed feelings about 2009.

New ties were formed. Old ties became loose. Dreams were shattered and so was confidence. New hopes were born from unexpected results. Trust was betrayed and it shook my world. But others were there to pick you up. Failed badly or a the brink of failing but your friends were there to accompany you through it. New places were seen and old places were revisited.

There were a lot of turbulence in the air, sometimes its stuffy, sometimes it's comfortable but what matters the most is, the journey had been gone through. That was my 2009. I have made many mistakes and less good deeds. So may that be reversed this year.

That isn't my new year resolution though. Haha i only wish that i will drain my potential to full use and yield the best i can in whatever i do. (what ever i do includes studying) Thank you to everyone, because you accompanied me through 2009 regardless of whether you were a friend or a foe.

Love T.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Home. Happy 2010.


Back and tanned. and tired. In Yogyakarta (or jogja), the sun blazes your skin in the morning, and rains heavily in the afternoon. And yes, we literally slept in the bus for one night, from Jogja to Bandung. And we bathed in a hot spring near the Tangkuban Perahu.

Its more or less like camping.

And oh, i spent new years eve in the airport. Happy 2010 people. Forgive me for my mistakes in 2009 and hope that i shall not do the same again.