Saturday, October 10, 2009

Baby steps to green university.

UBD's really raising its game. Perhaps this should teach the people who posted bad things about UBD on brudirect a few things. UBD going green.

Plant your own tree. Its $40 per plant, i know its expensive for some but you can buy it in groups of 4. Its long term you know so why not? I read in some book, "One wants to leave this world a little better than when one was born" The tree's yours, with your name on it and you contributed to the world. And 10 years from now, when you are having your own career, bearing your own children, you can visit that place and remenisce about it.

The form is at pmubd.

Last Wednesday, we volunteered for selection of saplings for the replanting. Who knew, UBD has a nursery of our own though its small. This will be done every wednesday i heard. =) So people, sign up for UVC.


UVC first activity, a short one -registration and icebreaking and recycling. I am sure you have stacks of news papers, past year papers =p used papers, magazines, tin cans, plastic bottle at home.. So bring it to the our drop off point the ATM.

OH and next week they'll be Raya celebration at HEP place dapan the PMUBD shop and UBD got talent. If last time magician won, i wonder who will this year. Now peifen is bragging about her talent to speak loudly. HAHA. Becareful fen, you might just ended up doing talentshow thanks to us. AND BJ too. JOIN please.

Loves T.